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  • Hazelnut

    August 24, 2013 at 8:04 am in reply to: 2013 XMAS TREE SPLITS!!

    I need some sort of motivation like this! Aiming for left leg forward splits 😀

  • Hazelnut

    August 9, 2013 at 9:50 am in reply to: Northern UK pole jam

    I'm in!!! Will try to bring some mates along too 🙂 how many poles does this studio have?

  • Hazelnut

    July 27, 2013 at 12:03 pm in reply to: Northern UK pole jam

    Good idea Raven!

    The last thread had agreed it had to be Manchester, as usual, and I think (maybe I am wrong but I vaguely remember) we were leaning towards your awesome studio again, on a Sunday. I can do 11th or 25th August (but I might be hungover both days!), or 8th or 15th September (which are better for me, personally).

  • Hazelnut

    July 12, 2013 at 9:39 am in reply to: New Pole = Factory Grease?

    when I got my brass 45 Xpert it had something on it… not a whole proper greasy coating, just more a slight slidey feel that also made it shinier (which was nice!). Not a big deal at all though and it wasn't truly greasy. I just used 100% alcohol (I work in a lab so stole some ethanol from there) and gave it a good rub down and it was perfect.

  • Hazelnut

    July 3, 2013 at 7:33 am in reply to: How much to pay instructors

    I have just started teaching beginners classes at my studio…. I only get paid £15/hour, and I know alot of people get paid alot more. But I am happy with this – mainly because I only teach alongside the other, much more experienced instructors, so I am learning "how to teach" at the same time, and this was a big reason I wanted to do it. Also my first aid needs renewing and I haven't yet got my official PDC qualification so I don't feel that I necessarily deserve a higher pay rate as there are alot of other more highly qualified people out there! Also, although I think I'm pretty ok at alot of advanced moves, I wouldn't feel comfortable teaching other advanced students right now, not until I'm a better teacher at least, so the owner is kinda limited in what she can do with me, if that makes sense. I don't give her as much flexibility as other instructors she could hire would, you know?

    That said, i do get paid more for classes where I choreograph whole routines, because the owner realises that obviously takes alot of my time. I think you should ask your friend what he got paid at his last few jobs and have a realistic talk to him about what he's expecting and most importantly, what you can afford – at the beginning you mightn't have a consistent cash flow while you get set up.

  • Hazelnut

    July 2, 2013 at 1:28 pm in reply to: UK Pole Jam for the New Year?

    Well I spoke to Laura (Pole Diamonds) last night; she hadn't read the email yet so it took awhile for me to explain what we wanted! She isn't on SV, obviously. The problem is she is a bit hesitant about us using her poles as they aren't Xpoles (the studio isn't set up for those) and you need a special spanner, etc…. it's a major hassle. I can do it but she'd want to be there to check it was all ok in the beginning and I don't get the impression she is that keen for it, to be honest.

    I think we're better off sticking to Manchester, really. The two studios I've been to there were both great (Blush and Raven's) and if we can get one of them to commit to a date it should be easy to sort again…. I don't mind coming to Manchester for awesome pole time!

  • Hazelnut

    July 1, 2013 at 1:21 pm in reply to: UK Pole Jam for the New Year?

    yippee! Lizzie I teach the beginner classes at pole diamonds, I've been going there for a year and only starting teaching the beginners the last month. I am going to see Laura, the owner, tonight and will ask her about it! There's 4 or 5 poles (depending if we get the last fitting fixed, it's been broken for awhile) but they're all static 50s (all stainless steel too). Will let you know what Laura says!

  • Hazelnut

    June 28, 2013 at 11:01 am in reply to: UK Pole Jam for the New Year?

    I'm so sorry guys I can't make it! I have to work. Last minute samples are arriving this weekend (I'm a scientist) and the other girl has a wedding away this weekend so I got the crap job of coming in and processing them. I am so disappointed – the time in lieu is really not worth missing this after all of our planning. Please please please take lots of videos and pics and I will DEFINITELY come next time, come hell or high water 🙁

  • Hazelnut

    June 24, 2013 at 5:57 am in reply to: UK Pole Jam for the New Year?

    Cool Lizzie, I got train tickets to Stockport…. my mobile is 078 267 458 01, I don't get the net on my phone so text me your number and I'll let you know when I'm there! Should be about 145ish. A lift would be great thanks so much!

    And I am keen for food afterwards 🙂

  • Hazelnut

    June 20, 2013 at 9:10 am in reply to: UK Pole Jam for the New Year?

    Booked my train tickets!!!!!!!!!

  • Hazelnut

    June 13, 2013 at 8:51 am in reply to: Round the world shoulder mount

    maybe just lots and lots of straight leg shoulder mounts?!?!

  • Hazelnut

    June 13, 2013 at 6:13 am in reply to: The NSA Whistleblower’s Girlfriend is a Pole Dancer

    She is a great dancer! Did she post that video? Maybe we could comment on it saying we're all supporting her from SV. That's the only way I can think of.

  • Hazelnut

    June 13, 2013 at 6:12 am in reply to: UK Pole Jam for the New Year?

    I am cool with that 🙂 230 or 3, until 5, for £8 is still pretty good 🙂 Thanks so much Lizzie! I'm excited!!!!!

  • Hazelnut

    June 10, 2013 at 1:03 pm in reply to: Would you be offended if…..

    I agree with the others – if he hasn't done it, or been exposed to it for long, he won't realise how hard it is so I wouldn't judge him too harshly on that comment. It does look easier than it is! Show him a few tricks, if you can, and then he'll change his mind! You just gotta educate ignorant people rather than getting upset 🙂

  • Hazelnut

    June 8, 2013 at 10:06 am in reply to: PDC Grading

    I haven't done it but I'm also planning on doing it soon – I need some motivation to get myself training so i have set myself to the end of september to get Level 5. Pretty ambitious I think I may end up sticking to level 4 but I really want to try! I ordered the syllabus and joined two days ago and the DVD and starter pack arrived today, so they seem pretty efficient so far! In my old studio in another city alot of the instructors had done level 4 or 5 and they seemed really happy with how PDC was ran.

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