Hollydee replied to the discussion May Challenge in the forum Discussions 15 years ago
GAH I have to buy a cord to upload my video… but I made one. I didn’t do one continuously, I haven’t been myself lately and haven’t felt sexy or anything of that sort so I just faked. LOL. Anyway, I’m pretty excited. Hope to have it up in a couple of days if not tomorrow!! http://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_thumright.gif
Hollydee replied to the discussion Amateur Night… in the forum Discussions 15 years ago
Just watch the other girls and immitate. Floor is hard when you don’t know what you are doing, but I do know poleing can get you more money. Start doing push-ups, build the arm muscles it takes to do anything on floor. LOL. You are pushing yourself up a lot, so being able to support your own weight is important. Plus, you pole so your arm…
Hollydee replied to the discussion Losing my grip! in the forum Discussions 15 years ago
I’m losing my grip more then usual… SO I know there are gloves out their that help you cheat until your strength is up to par… I was wondering ANYONE know a brand, a name of what they are called. I would really appreciate it, I’m just hoping that someone actually reads this…
Anything would be great!!!…
Hollydee replied to the discussion Name Your Pole in the forum Discussions 15 years ago
I got my little lady yesterday… yes she is female.
(yes, like the liquor, she is the white kind, i’m also calling her sammi for short LOL)once I get my strenght back I will be posting fun things.
also, I got my girl friend to order a pole! yay!!! she is super excited!
Hollydee replied to the discussion singing and poling?? in the forum Discussions 15 years ago
you can be Doris Day and I will be Dinah Shore. LOL. It will be a good day, infact I will dye my hair blonde again. LOL.
Hollydee replied to the discussion Name Your Pole in the forum Discussions 15 years ago
Hollydee replied to the discussion Stage Name for Me!?!?! in the forum Discussions 15 years ago
I will just be happy when you name yourself LOL. It is always fun to see people’s inner poleness come out of them!! LOL.
p.s. I won’t be offended in anyway if you don’t pick mine, I mean I did name your pole!!!! I was just trying to help you along. Foxy Rei is super fitting, foxy mama! LOL
Hollydee replied to the discussion Related to Dariens post..Im thinking about working at a club in the forum Discussions 15 years ago
Related to Dariens post..Im thinking about working at a club
A few things I can think of when I worked…
*Yes, I would go back even knowing what I know now. I really had a great time dancing.
*Be careful of the girls, a lot of them can be completely catty http://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cat.gif and mean, seriously! They will try to break you down, because they want your revenue. And… -
Hollydee replied to the discussion Stage Name for Me!?!?! in the forum Discussions 15 years ago
And it starts with a M…. honestly I love that name! good pick! Good luck!!! hooray for fun threads!
Hollydee replied to the discussion Pole Dancing as an Artform in the forum Discussions 15 years ago
ahhh i didn’t realize the difference in college vs. high school in the UK and America. Should have known.
I still stand by what I said as far as (American college) but other then that I mostly agree with you Fleur. Crazy boys and their hormones, and girls that just want to be accepted by everyone. good points!
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