Forum Replies Created
You can Netflix Vertical Dance. I think I have it right now.
Try the Changelings, esp Terra Firma
This Ascension esp WishMaybe Bel Canto, esp In Zenith
Thanks guys,
That covers lots that I wouldn’t have even thought of. I will pass the info along to my friend. -
My x-pole hasn’t hurt my hardwoods at all. Another option for you, I have an area rug that I once put under the pole and that worked too. It was large and had a non-slip pad under it.
I learned it half bracket, but now I want to try it full bracket. I also like one handed chair (would that be quarter bracket?-just kidding).
I think I learned this as the pole-up.
As for a boomerang version, I just saw one in a veener’s video:
It’s about 1/4 of the way through. She makes it look easy. -
For floorwork: my cat pounce and reverse cat pounce need professional help
Spins: corkscrew
Holds: Ballerina- pretty ways to get in and out of it.
Welcome! I’m in Los Angeles. Studio Veena is great. Watch, learn and be inspired.
I’m loving the lessons! It’s amazing how a little bit of instruction has improved moves that I could already do. I can hang forever in Gemini now. Thanks!
OK, I bought lessons. It was an issue with paypal having an old uncomfirmed address on file as my "home". After I took care of that, the purchase went smoothly.
Are you going to continually charge me? How do I cancel at the end of 60 days? How do I know how many days I have left?
Thanks! I’m looking forward to trying new things.
chilli_d– this is also a good pretzel exit video.
Because of this thread, I was able to get the pretzel! Thanks guys!
I’m missing lots of the old video features:
Time stamps – I can’t comment on a particular move without a time.
Page links- If I want to go a few days back, I have to go through all the more recent videos using the arrow. Then, if I hit back I am all the way back at start and have to repeat the process again.
Video not starting automatically – I’m spending too much time hitting pause so I don’t have to watch the latest video over and over.I like the new Favorites setup.
I’ve graced the Las Vegas Monorail pole, also after many drinks. Sometimes the LA Metro pole gets a few modest spins from me. One of these days I want to do an entire song on the subway.
Yeah! I was hoping this would be the October challenge! I’m a costume maker so this will be right up my alley. I just have to make sure my dancing lives up to my costume.
I do line it up with the X’s. I guess I’ll give it a little wiggle and see how that works. Thanks!