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  • Jenn

    September 18, 2012 at 2:10 pm in reply to: Old School Xpole 50mm Chrome for sale

    Hey goodgyrrl, the pole was sold. Thank you for replying tho, I hope you find one soon!

  • Jenn

    September 16, 2012 at 4:09 pm in reply to: Old School Xpole 50mm Chrome for sale

    Hey girls! Yes she still has it. She's leaving tomorrow for NY so I am trying to get ahold of her now. 

  • Jenn

    November 28, 2011 at 2:09 am in reply to: platinum stages on ebay?

    I bought my PS pole from Ebay, and it was Platinum Stages that sold it to me. 🙂

  • Jenn

    October 7, 2011 at 5:43 am in reply to: Keeping in touch on FACEBOOK?

    added you 🙂

  • Jenn

    October 4, 2011 at 1:00 am in reply to: CLA/Tonalin weight loss supplement?

    Hey Glitter, I have used CLA off and on in the past.  I never noticed any result one way or the other, but I wasn't very diligent about taking it either. I didn'y have any side affects. I beleive all CLA is a derivative of safflower oil which helps the body convert energy into muscle rather than fat.

  • Jenn

    September 29, 2011 at 4:30 am in reply to: Getting Own Pole, Please Help

    I have actually seen the PS SSA Stage tip over when a taller dancer was doing a spin.  And I believe the new PS SSA only goes up to 7.5ft unless you want to purchase extra extentions, giving the dancer less height to work with then a removeable pole.

  • Jenn

    September 27, 2011 at 12:04 am in reply to: Argh… Looking for new pole! Help!

    I follow Webstwe and Luckygirl on Youtube! Don't know of poisoned ballerina, isshe on youtube too?

  • Jenn

    September 26, 2011 at 10:35 pm in reply to: Argh… Looking for new pole! Help!

    Okay, I did a little bit of searching and found the member on here that I had spoken to about the new PS poles being reversable.  i don't think she is an active member anymore, but here is a link to one of her vids, and you can see it the new style and there is no adjuster cover, so i am thinking the screw is at the top, even though you can't see the top of the pole. So even if they don't supply the old styles anymore, I am sure you can make it work with the new version…


    Yes, I am jnybeth on Youtube! I also rememver your vids from back in the day when you were at Brassy.  I have friends in Portland that you probably know, (Aimee, Ozzy) and go there to visit every so often.  It's too bad you moved away, i wouldhave liked to jam with ya! 🙂

  • Jenn

    September 26, 2011 at 9:59 pm in reply to: Argh… Looking for new pole! Help!

    No, you didn't miss anything.  The site doesn't list the old style anywhere.  That's why I would just call the m directly. When I ordered mine, I bought if off one of their Ebay listings.  The picture was of the old style so that is what I thought I was getting.  When they emailed me the invoice it was for the new top loading version.  So I called them and told them that was not what I wanted.  They tried to convince me into getting the new style and the sales rep did say that the new style could be top or bottom loading.  I wasn't convinced though, and insisted on buying the old style, and they were able to accomodate me. Someone on thisforum mentioned that you could order the top loading version by listing top loading in the comment section when you order, but I would be wary of that. 

  • Jenn

    September 26, 2011 at 9:30 pm in reply to: Argh… Looking for new pole! Help!

    My pole doesn't have any kind of cover over the threads… the design is the same asthe old school version.  However, I bought that pole about a year ago. The sales rep did say that theywere going to keep making the parts for those poles because so many people still have them and need parts.  So I would suggest calling them dirctly and asking them if they still keep the pieces in stock.

  • Jenn

    September 26, 2011 at 9:24 pm in reply to: Argh… Looking for new pole! Help!

    Sadly, I think you are right, there is no perfect pole.  And it seems the more they try to tweak the designs the more complicated and annoying the poles are.  If its possible, if I were you, I would try to find an older version of the PS multipiece or Xpole.  If nothing else, maybe you can find the parts to make your olspole usable again.  Lots of people sell their poles on here and I have seen a lot of ads for poles on Craigslist too,

  • Jenn

    September 26, 2011 at 8:30 pm in reply to: Argh… Looking for new pole! Help!

    I have the one piece PS pole(top loading), and when I first ordered it, they tried to send me a bottom loading.  I told them I only wanted the top loading version because of all the problems I had heard about.  I remember mentioning it on here and I can't remember who I spoke to, but someone said that the new poles can either be top or bottom loading. But if you have already had the bottom loading version you have probably figured it out if it can be done. I agree with pretty much all of what amy has mentioned.  As far as simplicity and ease of setup, the PS poles are probably better design. They are so much easier to put up and the simple switch between spin mode and static is a great feature.

    I also have a 45mm Xpert.   I haven't had any problems with my Xpert joints rotating, but I check and tighten them often, and tbh, I rarely use static mode anymore. Setting it up is definitely more time consuming then setting up a PS pole, but it feels very sturdy to me once it's up. A problem I had with the old version of the Xpole was that the poles would unwindall the time on me,because I am lefthanded and do a lot lefty spins.  I don't have this problem at all with the new Xpert.  I have had the adjuster cover unscrew on me in cartwheel mount a couple times though, and that was annoying.  I have just learned to adjust my grip higher.

  • Jenn

    September 26, 2011 at 7:22 pm in reply to: Getting Own Pole, Please Help

    I used to live in a space that was very limited for pole.  If I stood at my pole and extended my leg in any direction, I could touch something with my toe.  I had to move my TV and my living room table in order to practice.  If I did a RG spin, I would have to angle myself that I kick off over the couch and bring my legs in before I came around and hit the wall. Now I live in a house where I have plenty of room around the pole but my ceiling height is only 8'. I am 5'4.''  Doing inversions are fine for the most part. But If I am doing a repel move with legs extended, I have to let myself slide down the pole before I catapillar up again.  There are numerous foot prints and shoe marks all over my ceiling.  It is inconvenient at times, but its the only choice I have.  I think that if you really want to pole, you can work with what you have…  I think most of us have to work in less than ideal spaces. I have seen vid of a girl poling in the kitchen, doing extended butterflys over her stovetop!

  • Jenn

    September 26, 2011 at 12:01 am in reply to: Sharing vids on FACEBOOK

    For the most part my friends/family have been supportive or indifferent to my pole dancing.  If they have a problem with it they have never voiced it to me.  I have one FB account but I have different levels of privacy for different groups of people.  Even though I am very proud of what I can do on a pole I still feel the need to censor access to my videos. Pole dancing to me is a very personal and sometimes sensual experience.  I don't necessarily feel like everyone has the right to see that part of myself.  I share my pole dance videos with my pole friends and close personal friends only, but I don't mind sharing pictures of me in various pole holds/poses with certain members of my family.  There are some people that can't see any of my pole related stuff other than my profile pic, and those are more aquantainces, co-workers, friends of friends, etc. I have thought about opening a separate account for pole related friends only, but I think that would just get complicated and annoying over time. It sounds to me that you have opened this account with the intent of sharing pole related information with friends that understand or accept it.  If your friend has a problem withit, then she could unfriend you on Fb or choose to ignore it.  You canalso likewiseunfriend her on Fb, since she obviously doesn't understand nor agree with what youare doing.  If you choose to open a personal Fb account at a later time, she can be added to that account.

  • Jenn

    September 24, 2011 at 12:51 am in reply to: Facebook… 🙁

    I am definitely not loving the new Fb either,and have been considering deactivating my account. I feel like I have wasted so many hours of my life on that website, The only thing is that there are so many contacts I would lose touch with because FB is our main way of communication. Also, I would probably be out of the loop with many events in my area.  Aaaah, I hate feeling so dependent on it!

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