Forum Replies Created

  • KaKukiko

    October 14, 2011 at 5:10 pm in reply to: Shoulder Injury

    I had an injury in the rhomboid muscle as well and I have stayed off the pole for almost 3 months due to bad rehabilitation (I have had different opinions, sometimes one contradicting the other…) and some attempts that did not let it heal (yoga, volleyball..etc..)……..Now I am seeing a chiropractor and he has told not to do anything at all apart from stretching……..I m afraid that I won't be able to pole dance again, but I guess this is foolish of me….Others who have had the same problem had to stay only one month off ……..I guess it's sooo important not to do anything when you are hurt..I mean nothing that affects the injured area….I hope I have learned this lesson….I m looking forward to beginning again and hope it won't take me a lot of time to be at my previous level………And I 'm planning to  strengthen my body so that I won't be easily injured again….we'll see………..