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  • LillyBilly

    May 25, 2012 at 2:08 pm in reply to: Twisted grip injuries!

    I looked at the threads @chemgoddess1 linked to, but I still have questions – I'm not sure which moves the threads covered.

    I use twisted grip for shoulder mounts, butterfly/extended and the move Felix does here at 2:58, but without spin and without going up – just the hold for now so that I get used to the position (what it's called?). I work several minutes every practice trying to hold it as much as I can on each side. I plan on getting my elbow grip ayesha from the pole, then twisted grip ayesha from the pole, then going up from this position into twisted grip ayesha like felix does.

    Are these dangerous things to do with twisted grip?

  • LillyBilly

    May 25, 2012 at 8:57 am in reply to: your nemesis moves…

    It's funny how everyone's body is different… Many girls here said that they can do all these ayeshas/jacknife/cartwheels and handsprings and whatever, but that their superman/twisted grips are not good, while I can't do any move that requires me to balance up side down  with my my legs in the air for the life of me, but every move that starts/ends with a superman (or resembles a superman or whose name sounds remotely like superman or that once saw a sperman from afar) I can do with no problem, and twisted grip is practically the only one I use…

    Unfortunately I stopped doing superman cos it seems like it's giving me strech marks on my hips, so it's kind of a nemesis trick for me as well 😀

  • LillyBilly

    May 25, 2012 at 7:57 am in reply to: Twisted grip injuries!

    @amy, why shouldn't we do twisted grip?

  • LillyBilly

    May 25, 2012 at 3:56 am in reply to: your nemesis moves…

    Fun thread!!!




  • LillyBilly

    May 22, 2012 at 8:20 am in reply to: Dealing with slow down while focusing on something else

    @poleclimber – This is so true! I can think of some moves that I probably can't do anymore because I've lost them!

    @polegirl They are fun 🙂

  • LillyBilly

    May 22, 2012 at 1:55 am in reply to: Craving that Bobbi style

    Thanks, mikkinxx!

    Obviously, there are always things that doesn't suit everyone with every method. It's good to hear the other side of things too, though.

  • LillyBilly

    May 21, 2012 at 10:08 am in reply to: Random Tips Thread!

    @Stevesgirl Yes, sorry, I am from Israel, this is an israeli company. 

    It looks like there are US companies selling similar products as well, though:

  • LillyBilly

    May 21, 2012 at 8:52 am in reply to: Random Tips Thread!

    Cotton panty liners!
    If your doctor told you to get rid of your panty liners and start using cotton underwear, but you are not ready to go without them just yet, you can buy or make cotton panty liners ( They are shaped like a regular panty liner, and are made from 2-3 layers of cotton fabric and have this tic-tac thingie (what's the name) where the glue normally is to hold them in place. 
    They are reusable, so they are nicer for the environment, and they keep your ladyparts dry and aired during the day 😉

  • LillyBilly

    May 18, 2012 at 6:34 pm in reply to: Spinny pole

    Hmmm… Some tips:

    1. Alternate between sides, this helps with the dizziness.

    2. Control your spin – most of the time, spinny pole moves require less momentum. You get that by doing a smaller movement.

    3. Practice on holding positions first. i.e – get into back hook spin ( but instead of sliding down like you would normally do on a static pole, hold your position and let the pole spin you. You can also hold an attitude or just enter a simple pole-up with momentum so that you have spin. Because you have longer time to spin, it is easy to change positions – i.e do front hook to back hook spin.

    4. With inversions from a standing positions, lean your body to the side and bring your leg in a round movement into the pole (like you would do for fireman only upward lol its hard to explain in words), this will give you spin for your tricks. You can also start with a spin (fireman or knee spin), and then climb and do areial invert, if your skill level allows.

    5. Take your time – centrifugal force will throw you away from the pole, so gripping is harder. 

  • LillyBilly

    May 18, 2012 at 6:31 am in reply to: The star

    I have a problem that my feet cramp when they touch the pole, so I put my ankle on the pole instead. See this video, at 00:40:

    Mine is an ugly cupid (star), but this is the position my teacher use as well, so in general it works…

  • LillyBilly

    May 17, 2012 at 3:22 am in reply to: Random Tips Thread!

    🙁 I like my coffee really hot…

  • LillyBilly

    May 17, 2012 at 2:58 am in reply to: Superman dismount – moves list

    Most amazing superman dismount ever!

  • LillyBilly

    May 17, 2012 at 1:48 am in reply to: Best way to try splits?

    Veena has great lessons…

  • LillyBilly

    May 14, 2012 at 9:14 am in reply to: Yoga vs Pilates

    @scarletthoney It sounds amazing 🙂 I really can see how that kind of lesson would help your poling! We have Acrobatics classes too in my studio (not with an ex – Cirque du Soleil performer, though!) I think I will try them as well…

  • LillyBilly

    May 14, 2012 at 4:35 am in reply to: Yoga vs Pilates

    @scarlettoney Can you tell more about what you do in Acrobatics lessons?

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