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  • MD5677

    July 9, 2015 at 10:10 am in reply to: The other side of “midlife”

    Thank you Ladies. I knew I came to the right place. As far as the diagnosis, well I went in with just some pain but nothing that was unbearable or unmanageable – it was more of a weight bearing issue than a pain issue so I really wasn’t prepared to hear anything like knee replacement. Once he said it I went into complete denial so I don’t know if he said a specific diagnosis. He definitely said it is bone on bone and patella in wrong spot. I actually liked this doctor – I just wasn’t emotionally ready to deal with it. He did not recommend PT because he said i was already doing the type of exercises to strengthen around the knee and he even said the pole was good for my core. He gave the option of some kind of shot (not cortisone) but I refused it. He did not say I have to get the surgery now but that my knee would continue to get worse and I should prepare for it in the next year. I love high energy anything- in the past, I would have never considered yoga or stretching. In fact, the one yoga class I took, I was chastised for talking to my neighbor and the robotic voice of the instructor was nerve racking. HOWEVER I am going to give it another shot and take it as a challenge to change my attitude and believe in the benefits of slow pace exercise. I am desperate regarding the hot flashes and willing to try anything. Thanks for the turmeric suggestion – I am going to get some today. Thanks again for your advice and I am trying to gain some perspective on what is to be my “new normal”.

  • MD5677

    June 11, 2015 at 8:19 pm in reply to: Sucky Day!!

    Sorry I should say “young women”.

  • MD5677

    June 11, 2015 at 8:18 pm in reply to: Sucky Day!!

    Yep – enjoy your wine and get back on the pole tomorrow. I have hot flashes and tonight I was sweating so bad it scared all the little young girls in my class. They literally stopped and brought over all the fans to my pole. Talk about feeling like an old lady!!!!

  • MD5677

    April 13, 2015 at 8:29 am in reply to: Call me old fashioned, but…

    It’s gonna take some time. I am amazed that something that was taboo in my day has come sooo far as to be talked about as a potential sport. If we keep talking openly, honestly, and calmly progress will continue. Also, there will always be those who choose to hate – mostly out of fear. Those you gotta just ignore and hope they either jump on or get run over by the bandwagon!

  • MD5677

    April 10, 2015 at 8:59 pm in reply to: i dont like the way some instructors teach

    I take an aqua pole class. The instructor is very qualified and the class has a certain “culture” to it – like most studios. For the second session one of the new students had taken a swim clinic with my instructor. So because she was a certified swim aerobics instructor she decided to “help” my instructor out and co-teach the class. Her self initiated assistance definitely disrupted the flow of the class and his teaching style. I personally thought it was very disrespectful. The other new people in the class were confused as to what to do and us more “seasoned” women were like who the F are you, go find your own darn class to teach. So I guess I am saying, let the teacher be the teacher and the student should be encouraging but still be the student. By the way, she no longer attends the class so I guess the instructor discreetly “handled his business”.

  • MD5677

    March 11, 2015 at 6:23 pm in reply to: Feeling a little mismatched

    I really agree that poling is the great equalizer. When in pole class, I absolutely don’t notice age and there are women in my classes that are my age and all is good. However most of my interaction with young adults is as “my daughter’s mother”. So interacting with these women outside of class is an interesting and unexpected consequence of poling. Not complaining – just strikes me as odd every once in a while.

  • MD5677

    March 9, 2015 at 11:26 am in reply to: 2015 PCS Pole Fitness Championship Live Stream Link

    I loved watching it too. Thanks for sharing. I don’t feel qualified to comment on the performances, although I really liked Ashley Fox. Hopefully I can get to her studio. That being said, my biggest gripe was with the male emcee. And yes I am judging. To me I thought he was rude, not funny, and at times a bit sexist. Also, the show started with him talking to the winner of the fitness comp. she was wearing a thong bikini. Why in the world would they then have the dialogue about sports bra and shorts and he made that snide comment about how little clothing polers wear. Seriously, our outfits looked like tents in comparison to weight lifting and fitness clothing! He was the most offensive aspect of the whole show.

  • MD5677

    February 16, 2015 at 7:59 pm in reply to: Bringing Sexy back…

    Must admit, having just mastered the teddy, I never thought about it in this light. I prefer not to attach anything but skill to these moves.

  • MD5677

    February 16, 2015 at 7:56 pm in reply to: Bringing Sexy back…

    As a person who has taken nude yoga classes I guess I don’t have issues with seeing the vagina or any other part of the human body. So much so that I probably would have gotten bored of this situation fairly quickly. However I am totally with Phoenix, don’t see how this could happen in a ” regular club”. Sounds “inappropriate” for unsuspecting patrons and unsanitary/unsafe for the polers.

  • MD5677

    February 16, 2015 at 7:46 pm in reply to: Dumb strip club question…

    Thanks for your question. Having never been to a strip club, I wondered if and how the poles were cleaned. As for the guy – he is not worth any of our mental energy.

  • MD5677

    February 6, 2015 at 6:02 pm in reply to: bummed

    I spent the first 50 years of my life – striving. Striving to be a better daughter, mom, wife, employee, friend, athlete, person, etc. A few years into my fifties I finally decided to ease up a little and just live. Take care of yourself and give yourself the opportunity and gift of just enjoying the journey. Especially with poling where it seems skills come and go on a weekly basis!

  • MD5677

    January 28, 2015 at 2:29 pm in reply to: Pole Studios in Washington, DC?

    If you venture to the Maryland side, I would suggest the Xpose studios. There is one right next to arundel mills, one of our largest outlet malls. Or there is one near Baltimore. Pole Pressures are pretty good but the xpose studios have morning and afternoon classes which may give you more flexibility time-wise.

  • MD5677

    January 25, 2015 at 6:40 pm in reply to: i was invited by michelle mynx to perform!😍😃😃


  • MD5677

    January 10, 2015 at 6:19 pm in reply to: Pole dancing mom creates a big buzz!…

    I loved all three videos in this thread. With all of the troubles in this world who could criticize these beautiful mother child videos. As far as the music goes, I thinks people are reading way too much into the song. I was paying so much attention to the beautiful little girl I certainly did not try to dissect the lines in the song! Last year my husband volunteered to tape my sons rowing competition for the team. When he showed it to us he used Kelly Roland’s Motivation song.for those of you who are not familiar with the song, it is about a woman motivating her man to give her a great orgasm. Not the best choice for a high school team tape. 😊. When we pointed it out he was completely unaware of the lines and immediately changed the song. Some folks just aren’t content aware. I have bigger issues with adults who sit their kids in
    front of a tv all day! As far as Veena’s video, thanks so much for keeping it real! It keeps me grounded in my pole journey. Especially on the days when I am struggling.

  • MD5677

    November 24, 2014 at 4:58 pm in reply to: Pole dancing in Northern Virginia!

    Hello! I am a Marylander but I pole in NVA.

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