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I bet they do silhouette penis shaped candies for bachelorette parties all the time! I couldnt believe they said that after watching the green m&m do a strip tease!
get some with glitter in the shoe like mine!.
a bit big https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_lol.gif but pleaser make some smaller one with different glitter ones xx
OMG I LOVE those! Are they Ellie’s? I do NOT need more pole shoes…but I need these….do you have the model# or anything? Must buy!
Yea I want to know the brand and model # too! -
Ok the other night I went to a pole jam with some friends who also have gotten samples of itac2, I get there and the pole is already warmed up, i grab it and its really grippy, she has a chrome 50mm x-sport. I asked how the pole was so grippy and she said she put the itac2 on the pole. It allowed us all to take turns on it without having to wipe it down first. at least for 30 minutes, then it kinda wore off. im not sure how long they were on it before I got there. when I tried to put more (#2) directly on my hands after it wore off on the pole I ran into the same problem I did when I tried it the first time.
Just take your measurements. your clothes arent getting tighter so you obviously arent getting any bigger. I used to have an awesome comparison chart for fat and muscle. im gonna have to look for it and post it later
I know of someone who met a guy who didnt think any woman over 80lbs was attractive, no matter how tall/short they were. Another one for the loony bin!
Then is there also a problem with Leigh Ann dancing to Nickelback – Shakin Hands, which is a song about an escort? That certainly cant be good for pole dancing’s image!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRhNvV8_ZmgIn my opinion, they are just songs. When people see people perform to songs they aren’t familiar with most people aren’t even paying attention to the lyrics. I saw a performance to Nickelback – The Next Contestant once, I was like, OMG that chicks so hot *drool* the whole time, i watched the performance again online and realized the song was about a hot chick everyone in the bar is trying to get with, took me a couple listens to even realize what the song was about! I dont know if thats just ME and im slow with lyrics, but yea. its just my take
it looks like shes reaching under her leg with her left arm and holding on to the pole as well as squeezing the pole between her leg and thigh, I dont know the name of it https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_sad.gif
omg cool! haha, what was her reaction??
Maybe you should shower before you go to bed and put lotion on then, that way you have all night to absorb the lotion before you play on the pole the next day. Lotion is a good thing, it helps your skin look better, keeps it hydrated to look younger longer, and dehydrated skin doesnt stick as well to a pole. The only time ive run into a problem is when I put on coconut oil the night before playing on the pole, if I want to super hydrate my skin with coconut oil, I need to put it on the night before the night before playing on the pole, so if I wanted to play on the pole wednesday, id have to put it on monday night. Any other lotions I havnt run into problems as long as I put them on the night before and not that morning.
Luckily the only problems my bf has with pole is that he thinks im gonna lose my boobs from all the upper body work, and he doesnt like me posting videos online. Hes just not into that whole ‘post your whole life online’ fad with facebook and all. I compromised with only posting vids when I perform, and when I get a new move, and the monthly challenges. He also comes and looks at my clips of new moves https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif he doesnt watch the vids though https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_sad.gif
How to not piss off your wow raiding boyfriend/husband:
If you arent interested in playing the game, take the time to sit with him and watch him raid. Learn the difference between ‘trash’ and ‘bosses’ you can talk to him all you want during trash kills, because its just mindless button clicking. A good way to start is saying ‘can i talk’ during periods of silence over vent or when the mobs on the screen look particularly easy. its better than trying to talk and him going ‘IM TRYING TO CONCENTRATE’ if he happens to be at a boss at the moment. Thats what I do anyway, but I already played eq1 and 2 and a little wow so it was easy for me to distinguish, although sometimes I ask if I can talk anyway cuz people on vent are talking and im not sure if he cares to pay attention. like when a fight is being explained and he already knows how to do it, or when people are just joking around ect ect. yea. bit of an effort if you dont know anything about mmorpgs but at least they cant complain you arent trying to spend more time with them lol. -
I bet we all did Mallakhamb in past lives lol
Ok I got mine today, heres my review. my hand grip problem is usually sweat, its not alot, but enough to make a performance really tough and my confidence down if I havnt just wiped the pole, I try to do my big tricks first.
The customer service is amazingly awesome! Love love love! When I opened it, I smelled it and it smells like tree sap, this doesnt bother me, so it depends on what your stance on tree sap is if thats a good or bad thing haha. I have read that it seems like everyone uses too much, so I rubbed it just enough so that it melted and I could get a tiny bit out, it was literally like, the size of…the tip of a pen i guess. I tried the number 2 first, I rubbed it on really well and then waited 1 minute, I grabbed the pole and it seemed like what was on my hand came off on the pole. it was eh grippy, I think my own grip is stronger than the 2. for spins it was kinda slippery. I personally wouldnt trust it enough to use in a performance, but that could also be biased since its also my first grip product ive tried and anything other than just my own grip I wouldnt trust at first. So I washed it off my hands and pole and put the 4 on my hands. tiny amount, rubbed it in really well, waited like 2 minutes. This time it seemed to be really grippy. at first. I did a couple pole ups and was like yay. so Itried a spin on static, not possible to do smooth spins with 4, at least for me. I was like hydrolicking down the pole and there were terrible noises lol. so i tried spin mode, I was able to hold on longer than ever before. i tried inverting on static mode, didnt trust it enough to do a butterfly. i was actually slipping even with itac 4 grip, and it made that horrible noise. its like my sweat sweated through the coating of itac2 grip. so yea, that was my experience. I will probably keep trying it and use less or more and at different times of practices, just at the start when me/pole are cold. end when im really sweaty, see how it holds up. ill try it again next week, today was the 2nd day in a row of alot of poling and my body is like noo what are you dooing to me lol
It took me a spotter before I had to confidence to do an elbow stand onto the pole from the floor, I was afraid id miss the pole and flop over and hurt my back!