Forum Replies Created
I don’t think rap is vulgar Mrs boheme we can’t defend our love and on the same breath trash someone else’s…
No, Sorry Pole bunny, I think you misinterpreted what I was saying, I was referring to the origins of ACTING in that “aside” about vulgarness:
“…. or even where actings roots come from (all might I add for the love of vulgar entertainment… particularly where acting originated from)…, “….Acting was considered "vulgar" entertainment in its time. It was all sexual innuendo and rude jokes, it was purely escapism.
I was referring to all forms of performance originating from societies desire to forget their daily troubles, and often to make political comments about the higher society and community issues of their times, the higher society that called it "vulgar"… of course, because often performance has been used to make comments about this Higher society, or political standings.
I was making a connection between the attitude of others towards pole dancing (and all other styles of dancing and performance when they first emerged, such as hip hop) being no different than the attitude of these "high society" or political ideals that EVERY performance style has received upon its entry into the common populous at first.
I personally wasn’t calling it vulgar. I should have put vulgar in quotations points to be clearer ("vulgar"), I will be more thorough in my rambilings next time! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_redface.gif -
Yes! Thats exactly what I mean! and you did it with much less words! LOL! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_redface.gif
And that spinning pole and static give different sensations also so what to expect.
And like also pain in certain areas when you do moves. Like right now my lower left arm, probably around the forearm flexors has been quite sore and feeling strained. Im having difficulty picking up things like saucepans of the stove (i use this as an example to show the direction of the movement that is hurting and feels strained) and Im sure its a building up of strength from things like reverse bracket hold and the like… but it would be good to know whats too far with the muscles and what is just development.
Yes, I eventually do work it out…and assume it to be the case… and that pain is my friend…lol!
I was more suggesting it could be a good thing to be mentioned in the lesson videos or in the lesson video discriptions.Thanks Sissy Buns! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif
To all you wonderful ladies!
I would just like to inform you that thanks to your help I have FINALLY done it!
Sure, it still looks like poo but thats not to discount the fact that the move basics have now be achieved and I couldn’t be happier, so nice when you get that moving on feeling, expecially after being sans pole over christmas and putting back on the 3 kg i lost before it! sigh… never mind…So anyway, see my mong pic here:
http://www.studioveena.com/MrsBohemeand thanks so much again!
happy poling
Boheme https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_sunny.gif
For those of you who have the lessons, the new Gemini lesson is up http://ver3.studioveena.com/lessons/view/2305" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Veena! This lesson is AWESOME!! I actually think i might get this move now…. Once i can find some landing mats that i trust rather than the dodgy matress i have now, cause im up there going… yeah… i like my neck unbrocken so i dont think ill let go just yet! LOL… but no seriously, this has really REALLY helped, seeing the knee angle and everything you explained… I think i need to still work on some strength but otherwise i will post as soon as i get it!!
Thank you!! And thank you to everyone here that contributed, ALL your suggestions have been helpful!
happy hols everyone!
Boheme https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif
i need help with this move O_O maybe I’m not strong enough? I do my invert, and it seems like my leg wont bend over the pole. Also I’m holding onto the pole for dear life with my hands! Very rarely it feels like my legs gripping at all. I look at the picture in my profile and I’m trying to figure out what to do
YUP! This is exactly what happens to me! just sort of hang there wondering if I will ever be able to take my hands off..thus… crash mat pondering. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif
I think I need a crash mat…. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cry.gif
sigh… for some strange reason, though I learnt to invert on my left I cant even get close to gemini on this side, but my right (on which subsequently am now learning on) i have a better leg position… odd.
Still cant let go of hands in any way shape or form but… plug, plug, pluggin on….
You Ladies ROCK! You absolutely do!!
Will be trying all of these suggestions today, will let you know how I go!
MemberNovember 17, 2009 at 12:12 am in reply to: You shouldn’t go to strip clubs and heckle the strippers(*Charley*… I was SO writing my reply while you were writing almost the same thing! HA! LOL!!..Oh well posting in agreement, see below:)
Bare in mind also how much energy is required in the pole dancing that we do, now equate that to an 8-10 hour shift in a strip club with about 6-8 20min stage shows PLUS however many lapdances, PLUS simply staying on their feet in heels all night…
Do we really wonder that they dont use all their energy up doing fantastic pole moves every stage show when the likely hood is that it wont bring them in any more money, that the hussle and sales pitch is what brings them money mostly, as they dont get paid to dance on stage. We can at least be a little respectful though that pole dancing did come from stripping, it was created from these clubs… and those girls that DID do it in the club were doing it because they loved it, the dancing side of it at least, the pole dancing part, they clearly enjoyed this part as they continued to learn more and create more tricks…. So we have more in common with them than we realise.
We should not be annoyed with them that they dont get paid to dance, that they get paid to strip… who’s fault is that?… not the girls choice im sure but rather the customers choice…and clearly… they would perfer to dance if they could or this beautiful style would never have exsisted (no the chinese pole dancing nor silks count as it is while simillar in athletics it is very different in style and execution and would not have become the pole dancing we know today)… So while not all of them may learn or perform tricks, whether they can but dont wish to waste energy every stage show, or they cant BECAUSE they dont wish to waste energy to learn and execute so that they can get through an 8 hour physical shift, we can be grateful that they did it at all so that we may enjoy what it has become for us. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif
Respectfully and hopefully not too soapboxish…
Boheme https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_flower.gif
Well, At least we can consider this a "right of passage" in the dancing world, every new dance style when it was introduced to the performance world was NOT embraced with open arms! IE post modern dancers where booed off stage and banned from performing in theatresetc… so they started performing…ANYWHERE… which was consistant with the post modernstyle… and so a new style was born they eventually went on to breed contemporary dance…
The cool thing about all this? Dont know if you wonderful ladies are aware…. but you are a part of a "new birth"… you are the front line of mainstreeming this art… In 50 years time when we are watching pole dancing on Convent Gardens stage, you will be able to say to your kids, or just to yourself…"I helped make that happen"….
By standing up for our convictions, and continuing to bare the brunt of the back lash (thats a lot of B’s) we are creating a revolution… AND THAT is something to be proud of yourselves for! I dont know about you.. but this fact really excites me to be a part of … Ive studied dance (like historically, and at uni…not THAT exciting) my whole life and this… THIS is the kind of stuff I read about at the turning of new eras…. and to think that I could be a part of that…. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_bounce.gif https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif …. I get a little over enthusiastic!!
Ok.. Im done now.. sorry to rant… Ill get back to studying now https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_study.gif
Boheme https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_flower.gif
At least most of the replys were in favour and defending the sport and that some of those actually weren’t that familliar with it… but still made the conclusion that it was awesome. Thats a BIG jump from where it used to be only a few years ago where it was all "mothers" comments about stripping and womens self esteem, demoralisation of society….blaa blaa blaa…
I like how women can NOT win…On one hand we are told to love ourselves, respect ourselves, be proud of who we are and what we are (ie…A WOMAN… which hate to state the obvious does include our sextuality and feminitiy as much as males masculinity is a natural -encouraged- componant of them…)
And on the OTHER hand when we DO love ourselves and are proud of ourselves and sometimes we reflect this by feeling confident in a mini skirt, sometimes its by joining a debating team… we are told by society (and mostly by other women unfortunately) that we are "Full of ourselves" or "In love withourselves" or "arrogent" or a "bitch" or the ever popluar… "Slut"… because loving oneself always equates with promiscurity… https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_question.gif or that promiscurity is even a BAD thing if done with total consent, enjoyment and not just for a desire to be wanted…
Goodlord… Im so sick of the debate and the ignorance… and whats worse.. the ignorance is in other women more than anything… https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_rolleyes.gif
I think more than anything… what im MOST sick of… is that there is a debate AT ALL!! No one is sitting around discussing the merits, history and meaning behind hip hop… or jazz… or even where actings roots come from (all might I add for the love of vaulgar entertainment… particulary where acting orrignated from)…
Its time for all those people to just move on and begin to see it as a dance style like anyother … oh I mean its ok for in contemporary and post modern dance costumes to actually emphasise the naked body for the sake of "art"…but add a pair of high heels to that equasion and its one step off prostitution… GIANT SIGH>>>Tell you what…Im just getting more and more proud of us pole dancers ever day!
God bless us… every one! LOL https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_santa.gif -
Hey Cool!
Hey if you are in Brissy you should check out this womans shop on the north side:
http://www.shoes-of-hollywood.com.au/g/40996/our-retail-shop.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Shes just so great to deal with that she deserves a plug im afraid! Shes from the UK too actually.
Great to meet you anyway! will see you round the pole, lol.
Boheme https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_sunny.gif
Im currently in a rural town about 3 hours west of brisbane/goldcoast? Its just outside of Toowoomba…. So Toowoomba really! LOLWe are just here for the next few years for my uni degree, was in sydney before that, and Townsville before that, and then Melbourne and Brisbane before that… https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_lol.gif … we’ve moved a lot!.
Im pretty much and original queenslander though. Where are you?
OH MY GOD! Thats what I have been doing. I come from a dancer back ground as well as massage therapy and more recently yoga teacher training… and so injury has been like FIRST on my list when learning ANYTHING…so im on the net like… oh.. every day!!
So good to know im not a nutter!Thank you for your support… and all your videos..I am learning so much because of you guys already, God bless Veena for having the guts to start this Buisness!! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif
Thank you!!
Boheme https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_bounce.gif