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  • MrsNaughtywed

    December 2, 2010 at 10:05 pm in reply to: Being the new girl, and feeling left out…


  • MrsNaughtywed

    December 2, 2010 at 2:25 am in reply to: Being the new girl, and feeling left out…

    STLPoleDancer27 do you think you may have some social anxiety? I know I do. The last 7 years of my life had been so unstable, always moving around, working more than 2 jobs at a time. I never seemed to have the time to make real friends or keep them and I just never feel like I can connect to people. Then when I move away, I loose contact with them.. I suck at keeping in contact too though. I’m currently working on that. I always feel really shy when meeting new people or hanging out with people I don’t know too well.

  • MrsNaughtywed

    November 28, 2010 at 9:11 pm in reply to: coping with anxiety?!? 🙁

    For a second I thought I wrote this post. Glitterhips, I am the exact same way too!

    I was diagnosed at 16 with having anxiety and depression. I don’t think I’m depressed anymore but I would say my anxiety is still a problem. I haven’t been on meds in several years. I’ve been able to cope well. I have found pole dancing to really help me cope. It distracts me from anxiety.

  • MrsNaughtywed

    November 23, 2010 at 11:54 pm in reply to: Christmas Ontario Pole Jam at Aradia Brampton

    I’m so in! *practices my battle spin now*

  • MrsNaughtywed

    November 20, 2010 at 2:46 pm in reply to: My name 😛

    Hey Cate! Welcome!

  • MrsNaughtywed

    November 15, 2010 at 4:26 pm in reply to: Volleyball shorts for pole?

    I’m always on the hunt for pole shorts. I think Volleyball shorts will work great. I found some good shorts at lululemon but they are really expensive. Amazon has some cheap short shorts and volleyball shorts. I’ve ordered from before and was happy. I also just ordered a pair of shorts from and should arrive soon. Everyone I spoke too that has a pair from there is very satisfied.

  • MrsNaughtywed

    November 14, 2010 at 12:44 pm in reply to: Caterpillar Climb!!!

    CONGRATS!!!!!!! This one actually took me a LONNNGGGGGGGG time to do. And I still need lots of work on my caterpillar climb. I’m just finally starting to do it with an elbow grip now. Before it was this funny looking hand grip I was doing. Just keep at it. Practice lil by lil every day and you will get it.

  • MrsNaughtywed

    November 7, 2010 at 1:39 pm in reply to: best material for an outdoor pole?

    I’ve been thinking about constructing and out door pole too!!! If anyone has ever made one from scratch, please let me know. My other idea was just to get the xstage and put it in my back yard.

  • MrsNaughtywed

    November 7, 2010 at 1:34 pm in reply to: Racheal Ray talks about poling accident

    I’ve been in a couple strip clubs in my time and in the ones I’ve seen, the stripper poles are right beside where the people sit. When I’ve sat by the pole and a dancer came to use it, I would back up because it looked like common sense to move out of the way and not get close??? I don’t understand why the dancer got sued. Should the whole club get sued for not ensuring that there was distance between the dancer and customer???? Health and safefy? The dancer was just doing her job. Weird.

    …. just read the last post.. I’m glad it just wasn’t the stripper that got sued.

    Maybe they should make signs by the pole… "caution.. being too close to pole dancer may result in injury" lol.

  • MrsNaughtywed

    November 6, 2010 at 9:51 pm in reply to: Whooo inversion
  • MrsNaughtywed

    October 31, 2010 at 5:36 pm in reply to: Insulin Resistance and Poling

    Thanks so much! I have celiac also so I am gluten and sugar free I just wondered what do you eat before you pole that ensures you will have the energy to sustain your workout and not have a hypoglycemia episode?

    I try my best to eat every 3 hours and aim for 5 meals a day and I find that when I am eating this way, I don’t ‘crash’ as easily when I am working out or poling.

    For breakfast I drink a protein shake because I am not normally hungry in the morning and in a rush so I force myself to eat something. <– good for the metabolism. Mid morning I eat a bowl of fruit or a couple servings of fruit. I am not concerned about sugars coming from fruit because they are natural. Lunch is a salad with lots mixed beans and nuts over spinach. Dinner is early for me, usually at 5pm. It’s usually fish or lean chicken or some high protein vegan food with some veggies on the side. In the evening I usually snack on fruit or nuts.

    If I find that I feel like I’m crashing or if i don’t have enough energy for a workout, I may have another protein shake or protein bar. I also take lots of vitamins through out the day. I’m a bit of a nutrition freak because I discovered the more nourished I was, the least symptomatic I would get because I used to have a lot of other health problems back in the day.

    I hope that answers your question. I haven’t found insulin resistance to really affect my poling. If go too long without eating, I turn into a bitch and get dizzy. Just eat regularly and healthy every few hours.

  • MrsNaughtywed

    October 31, 2010 at 2:01 pm in reply to: Sexy stripper shoe advice please.

    I used to be a huge klutz wearing them too! Before I got into poling, I used to do some naughty modeling back in my day and wore stripper shoes with my outfits. I used to wear them around my house sometimes just so that I could get used to wearing them. Wearing them for an hour or so around the house will help you get used to them. Funny story, 2 years ago when I got married, I wore stripper shoes with my wedding dress. I wore them then entire day and my feet were so swollen the next day hahahah! Soon after I got into pole dancing and wearing the shoes just became easy for me because I was already used to wearing them. Practice practice!!!! It’s like learning to walk in stilts!

  • MrsNaughtywed

    October 31, 2010 at 1:56 pm in reply to: Insulin Resistance and Poling

    About 7 years ago a Naturalpath doctor told me that I had insulin resistance but I never had any sort of test to tell me that. She diagnosed me based on symptoms because I had a lot of fat around my organs compared to the rest of my body. Some people thought I looked pregnant because the rest of my body looked thin yet I had a gut. When I gained weight, it all goes to my tummy first and apparently that’s bad for your organs. She told me that I should eat a low carb, low starch, low sugar diet because my body couldn’t properly metabolize sugars so it goes straight to my gut. After years of trying to eat better, I did notice a reduction of fat around my belly. I didn’t get those sugar highs and lows like I used to and I don’t crave sugar anymore. I now don’t eat any wheat, gluten foods, and dairy and I think that solved most of my health problems. If you think you are insulin resistant, I would just google insulin resistant diets and try them out and see if it makes a difference. Good luck.

  • MrsNaughtywed

    October 25, 2010 at 10:48 pm in reply to: Nov Ontario Pole Jam At Aradia Milton Studio
  • MrsNaughtywed

    October 17, 2010 at 9:16 pm in reply to: Oct Ontario Pole Jam at Aradia Downtown Studio

    Sorry guys I didn’t make it. I don’t know what was going on in Toronto but there were cops everywhere redirecting traffic and I kept getting redirected in circles and kept getting lost.

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