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  • MrsNaughtywed

    March 4, 2013 at 12:28 pm in reply to: Has Anyone Seen This Pole Trick Before?

    It’s a little different from the pixie or dangerous Brian. And yes this is dangerous because I almost fell on my head. I’m not using thighs to support myself. It’s a little in the foot and mainly in the top hand holding on.

  • MrsNaughtywed

    February 10, 2013 at 5:18 pm in reply to: opinions ladies and gents on mighty grip?

    I love MightyGrip! My secret formula is Tite Grip first then MightyGrip on top. I find that combination lasts longer than DryHands.

  • MrsNaughtywed

    February 10, 2013 at 5:16 pm in reply to: What cardio do you do?

    Yes I was a long distance runner before pole. I can’t wait til the snow is gone so I can start running again. I think I let some of my cardio slip. But you gotta remember pole is like cardio too. Especially if you are just dancing around to a bunch of tunes. You can make pole very cardio too if you want to. If you are poling a lot and free styling for a few songs I would say that’s probably better than cardio??

  • MrsNaughtywed

    November 26, 2012 at 3:36 pm in reply to: Being called fat…by other “pole dancers”?!?!

    Wow what a B! I don't normally run into too many fat-shaming pole dancers and that makes me wonder if this person was a fake or logged on to someone else's facebook account just to start things. Regardless, yeah I'd delete this person and report them. 

    However fat-shaming in the pole community is not unheard of. I recently heard it happening and I hope I never hear of it happening again.

    Your bodyfat/body shape does not determine your worth, pole skill level and strength. I know lots of women with a little more body fat than me and they are a hell of a lot stronger and better than me in pole dancing!


    Not to go off topic or anything but… DID YOU KNOW… that being heavier or overweight when you first start pole dancing gives you an advantage over all the thin people? Um yeah I wish I was over weight when I started pole.

    When you are over weight and beginning to learn pole, your muscles learn to lift you at the weight that you are. As you continue with pole you will eventually loose some weight (given you are eating properly because pole burns the best amount of calories). Your muscles will always remember lifting your heavy weight even after loosing weight therefor making you a stronger pole dancer for your new leaner size. Lighter weight girls have to work harder to build the musucle to be able to life heavier than they are. Get it? 🙂

  • MrsNaughtywed

    November 7, 2012 at 3:59 pm in reply to: Suvery of exotic dancers and education

    I wasn't technically a stripper, but I did work as an adult performer/model for 6 years and a lot of things I did were comparable to stripping.



    -What is your profession?

    Special Educational Support Worker, and part time Pole Fitness Instructor.


    -What is your level of education? (Are you still in school?)

    I have a diploma in Social Work and Holistic Nutrition


    -Why have you chosen to work as an exotic dancer?

    I got into this line of work after College and after I had already landed my career. I was struggling financially (drowning in student and medical debt) and this was the only solution I could think of. I worked in this industry for 6 years. I'm glad I did it because I loved what I did and those were some of the best times of my life. I think a lot of why I chose that line of work was because I was rebelling against misogyny. I lived an oppressive life because I was female and I just wanted to come out of my shell and have fun and I did. Life's too short.

    I have zero regrets. I never did anything I was uncomfortable with. I worked with some very professional and highly respected people. It doesn't bother me what people think of me if they find out. People are just so judgemental and cruel I don't bother to waste my time with them. 



  • MrsNaughtywed

    November 1, 2012 at 12:46 pm in reply to: Put Down the Pink, and Pick Up Your Pen!

    When I started talking about this stuff a decade ago, everyone thought I was crazy. Nice to know I'm not alone now. 🙂

  • MrsNaughtywed

    October 3, 2012 at 6:42 am in reply to: Ontario Pole Fitness Competition

    I'm embarrased to put my video up. 😛 It was probably my worst performance ever. lol! Had major sliding issues and couldn't grip the pole. Had very poor form, bad unpointed toes, missed important tricks. Oh well. lol. 

  • MrsNaughtywed

    September 24, 2012 at 6:47 am in reply to: What does your MOTHER think about poledancing?

    My mom thinks I'm a dirty slut trying to purposely disrespect my husband. lol. I'm glad I moved 1500 kilometers away from my parents. 🙂

  • MrsNaughtywed

    September 17, 2012 at 8:51 pm in reply to: Marihuana: for, against or neutral?

    It can make you a better pole dancer. :p

  • MrsNaughtywed

    August 30, 2012 at 8:56 pm in reply to: Mighty Grip Powder? has anyone tried it?

    I love mightygrip for my body. Like, between my thighs, knee pits, legs, basically anywhere my skin grips on the pole during different moves. It really helps if you find you slide too easily. 🙂

  • MrsNaughtywed

    August 15, 2012 at 9:13 am in reply to: Lost: 1 set of Boobs

    I've lost my bewbs too. And I cry about it every time I think about. it. I went from a full C cup to an A in a month when I quit the birth control pill for medical reasons. Being fit and a pole athlete doesn't help either. 

    I found out recently that I cannot get a boob job because of a heart problem I have. Looks like I am stuck for the rest of my life with small boobs. 🙁

    I cannot buy bras anymore. It's so sad. The smallest size they sell around here is 32A but that is too big! My true size would be a 28A but no one sells that. FML! I even buy kids clothes a lot because womens clothing is too big in the chest because I don't have boobs to fill a shirt. 

    I've always had bad body image issues. I always feel inadequate as a women. I'm embarrassed to wear a bikini sometimes. Sometimes I'm embarrassed to be topless in front of my own husband. Because  when we met I had huge porn star looking tits and now I look like a child. I feel like a women stuck in a 7 year old girls body. 🙁  I'm going to be 30 in 6 months and I'm often mistaken for being in high school! 🙁

    The only place I'm comfortable about my small boobs is my pole studio. There we preach self acceptance and love your body the way it is. Thanks to SASS studio I'm comfortable strutting around in a sports bra. 🙂 Thank god!

    Recently I've been working super hard on a self attitude adjustment. I've stopped buying Oxygen magazine and other fitness magazines because all the women in the magazines are all super lean with huge muscles.. and breast implants… This isn't an example of a healthy woman..

    A healthy woman loses breast fat when she works out and gets in shape. It's a natural consequence of getting into shape and I wish society would view that as okay, and not okay to lose your boobs. So lately I've been taking a stand and not giving into societies pressure to look like the perfect women that doesn't exist unless you have 10 grand for plastic surgery. I think we should just all love ourselves the way we are. And accept the fact that breasts change a lot during your life time. (Weight, medications, pregnancy, hormones, fitness, etc) 🙂

    Love ourselves ladies!!!!! <3 <3 <3 


  • MrsNaughtywed

    August 14, 2012 at 3:56 pm in reply to: pole fitness affecting jobs?

    Yes, pole fitness can affect your job! It's sad and it can.. Being someone who also works with children, be careful! Make sure that both lives are separate. I've done my do diligence and from personal experience, you have the right to a private life if you have shown you have tried on your part to keep both lives separate. With that said, if anything should occur, you have the right to sue their ass as a violation of your human rights and it's major discrimination. I would look up your rights in your country because most countries have literature stating you have the freedom of association, especially in Canada. I've made it very clear about my past in my workplace and I also made it very clear I know my rights. I doubt anyone would want to try shit with me. I'll sue their asses off. :p 

  • MrsNaughtywed

    August 13, 2012 at 1:00 pm in reply to: Can I really do this at my age?

    Welcome to the pole life!!! 

    My mother in law is 51 and she's almost surpassing me in pole. 

    Anyone can do this. 🙂

  • MrsNaughtywed

    August 2, 2012 at 11:07 am in reply to: Pole Fitness Nutrition

    I am hoping they come out with a vegan, gluten free product before I try it. 🙂

  • MrsNaughtywed

    June 30, 2012 at 9:11 am in reply to: weFly

    What a great idea!!!!! I’m ready to seek constructive feedback for my pole dancing! 🙂

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