Forum Replies Created

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  • MrsNaughtywed

    January 16, 2011 at 8:37 am in reply to: What would you have liked to hear in a pole class

    I love dancing to electronic music!!! Trance, House, Electro.. and now I am obssessed with Dubstep!!!!

  • MrsNaughtywed

    January 9, 2011 at 5:15 pm in reply to: Endurance?

    Poleophile, I'm going to look those up. Maybe I need to learn some breathing exercises! Runemist, I know when you are weight training you are supposed to breathe out per rep. I am going to focus on this more and see if it helps. I'm always so out of breath poleling.

    Pole is sooo demanding on the muscles and body a lot more than I thought! Every invert, every lift, you are putting in 120% of you effort.

  • MrsNaughtywed

    January 8, 2011 at 8:36 pm in reply to: How long do you workout for?

    I think I'm on my pole almost every other day for about 30 minutes to an hour. I have my pole in an area of my house that I walk by a lot and this makes me want to do a spin every time I pass it. lol!

  • MrsNaughtywed

    January 2, 2011 at 12:27 pm in reply to: Do You Plan Pole Events

    This is awesome! I am so happy you added this extra section to post pole events. I am always googling pole events just to see if there are any in my area. I'm hoping that the events section becomes a general standard place for everyone to post pole events. Saves me time googling. 🙂

  • MrsNaughtywed

    January 2, 2011 at 8:43 am in reply to: Twisted Grip Handspring!


    Yes that one was a hard one for me too. It took a lot of muscle and strength building. I felt so proud too when I did it. Now I'm still working on just 'lifting' but with no kick into it.

  • MrsNaughtywed

    January 1, 2011 at 8:24 am in reply to: A couple of moves from today…

    I just copied the pictured links and pasted them in my browser. Looks GREAT!!!! I love your leg warmers too.

  • MrsNaughtywed

    January 1, 2011 at 8:18 am in reply to: Significant other

    I spend a lot of time of my pole, a lot of time looking at pole youtube vids, I blog about pole dancing and I spent countless hours doing something related to pole dancing. My hubby is not bothered by it at all. We both have things are are addicted to. He's addicted to World Of Warcraft (so I am just a lil :p) and just playing video games in general. He's also addicted to Snowboarding and playing sports. We spend a lot of time doing our own thing yet still spend lots of time together. For example, one of our fun nights would be him gaming and me 5 feet away playing on my pole. We just live in harmony together and that's the way it should be. What we are both interested in is good for us as long as we can still live in harmony together. What exactly is your SO bothered by? I think it can be intimidating for a man to see his woman working hard at something, getting buff and becoming more self confident. lol.

  • MrsNaughtywed

    December 31, 2010 at 2:35 pm in reply to: New Site For A New Year

    WOW! It looks amazing!!! Great job! 🙂

  • MrsNaughtywed

    December 27, 2010 at 7:35 pm in reply to: Unkind people……

    That’s rude. Wow.

    Some people seem to forget that there is such thing as ‘constructive criticism’ where you can still express your concern or review for a pole studio but not be a bitch about it.

    constructive criticism
    Definition: criticism or advice that is useful and intended to help or improve something, often with an offer of possible solutions

    It’s really too bad that some people just cannot be nice.

  • MrsNaughtywed

    December 26, 2010 at 8:04 pm in reply to: Are you a 1-sided or 2 TGer?

    I think it’s extremely important to learn moves on both sides so that you are not stuck being one sided. I myself is 1 sided on most inverted moves and I regret this. I think I’m going to start to relearn things on the other side. As for TG, I can only do it on 1 side right now.

  • MrsNaughtywed

    December 26, 2010 at 3:12 pm in reply to: Static vs Spinning?

    I often ask this question too. Static or Spinning? Firstly, I don’t believe spinning is cheating. It’s like a different kind of pole dancing to me.

    I prefer static when doing regular spins. I don’t like doing spins on a spinning pole. But, I rather do aerial inverted tricks on a spinning pole. I think it looks prettier and more like ballet. Plus I love the euphoric feeling when I’m spinning fast hanging upside down on a spinning pole. :O I need to get 2 poles lol.

    I think it’s personal choice. It think it’s good to learn and try both poles to see what you like best.

  • MrsNaughtywed

    December 22, 2010 at 4:26 pm in reply to: Any tips on practicing pole dance during pregnancy?

    Thanks for posting this info. Children might be in the near future for me and I always wondered what I could and not do while poleling.

  • MrsNaughtywed

    December 21, 2010 at 8:08 pm in reply to: The Great Midwest Pole Competition and Convention 2011

    Chicago is 8 hours from me… Hmmm.. if I get a new car this summer… ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • MrsNaughtywed

    December 11, 2010 at 12:14 am in reply to: Greetings from Canada

    Hey welcome fellow Cannuck! Where about are you? I’m in Stoney Creek, Ontario.

  • MrsNaughtywed

    December 2, 2010 at 10:56 pm in reply to: Jungle Cat’s American Pole Fitness Championships Performance

    That was amazing. I loved the energy you had in your performance. You move so quick between tricks and you had so many combos.. wow. Amazing!!!

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