Forum Replies Created

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  • NerdasaurusJess

    July 29, 2010 at 3:42 am in reply to: stretches for splits

    thanks for the replies actually made it one of my new years resolutions ( yes i am one of those people who make a big list of goals for the new year and actually usually do most of what set out to do ) to stretch every day i found a great video for my boyfriends xbox that offers cardio/strength/flexibility workouts in 15/30/45/60 min sessions that you choose thought i can atleast do the 15min of flexibility even on the craziest day thanks again for the suggestions i know would do so much better if took the time to stretch first
    happy holidays!

    I am a little late on this, but what is the title of the video.

  • NerdasaurusJess

    July 28, 2010 at 7:10 pm in reply to: Am I ready for an inversion?

    umm not to ask a stupid question but how exactly can you hurt yourself inverting before your ready, or kicking up into inverts because at the studio I go to because that’s all we do, you invert on your first night and go from there,(i first got suspicious when we were told we can’t fall like that) but I tend to research more than most people i have class with so I don’t want to do something that will do more damage than shin splints in my arms(if anyone knows anything about that I would love to know) because being that far out of commission would not be cool.
    I find this absolutely terrifying! I have students beg and pled me to teach them inverts in their first day/week of classes. I always try to explain this to them, maybe I should refer them to this thread. Most understand, some go to different studios. Luckily most of the studios around here have specific requirements before you invert, not just time frames.

  • NerdasaurusJess

    July 28, 2010 at 1:51 pm in reply to: Stretching for the splits

    I am in the same boat. I am really hindered in my pole dancing right now because of my flexibility, or lack there of. In highschool I could not do a foward fold and touch past my knees. I can now stand on the palm of my hands with my knees straight. I am still not to a split yet though I have been attending yoga when I can and according to my instructor flexibility is the one thing everyone can gain no matter their age and can keep through age. I believe that statement, because of my previous one. Hell look at the people in india. Good luck on your split quest

  • NerdasaurusJess

    July 28, 2010 at 2:11 am in reply to: itac2

    ***is off to beg for itac samples***

    beat you to it

    God knows I just did. Super nice guy

  • NerdasaurusJess

    July 27, 2010 at 10:20 pm in reply to: Announcing the 1st pole dance classes in central Illinois!

    Good Luck! It is a great feeling to offer the first public classes in an area. My studio was the first to offer pole dancing in Akron and that was over a year ago. Now I am developing another pole program in a different city and starting to teach at another established pole studio. Enjoy

  • NerdasaurusJess

    July 1, 2010 at 4:20 am in reply to: Who wants to be my bendy buddy?

    This would be fabulous. I am trying to work into splits

  • NerdasaurusJess

    June 8, 2010 at 12:37 pm in reply to: how do you politely say no

    I know its a genius idea, I thought it was a little insane at first but people are lawsuit crazy. I have never had people use my pole at my house. Mainly because it is never up, I really need to clean my apartment. However, I do have pole waivers at the studio and in my car.

  • NerdasaurusJess

    June 8, 2010 at 12:59 am in reply to: 2010 Graduate

    Congrats on graduating. I will be receiving my bachelors in December and I am already excited. From my experience the best places to buy poles are,, and You can also look in the pole discussion forum. DO NOT BUY ONE WITH PLASTIC PARTS (electra pole, peek-a-pole). Just youtube them and see what happens. Hope this helps.

  • NerdasaurusJess

    June 8, 2010 at 12:56 am in reply to: Mum,My sister and I on the pole!

    I saw your day one compared to now, you have really improved. You still have room for improvement but I am sure you will be fine Good job & good luck.

  • NerdasaurusJess

    June 8, 2010 at 12:49 am in reply to: how do you politely say no

    I feel you. My one friend makes people sign waivers when they come over her house! I would suggest to her that both of you take a pole class together and your lack of knowledge of the subject. That way you can bond and she can see pole really isnt as easy as it looks, plus you can learn proper form.

  • NerdasaurusJess

    June 7, 2010 at 2:33 pm in reply to: Name one thing…and NO apologies!!

    I love my ass
    My legs
    My eyes
    My cheekbones
    My boobs
    my hands
    My hair
    My lips.
    My shoulders
    My back
    If you would have asked me a year ago I would have said everything. I was a bit to egotistical but I had a humbling experience of weight gain

  • NerdasaurusJess

    June 7, 2010 at 2:23 pm in reply to: needing slow and sultry….

    I have a list somwhere but here are a few of my favorites:
    Christina Agu-Nasty Naughty Boy
    Jem-Closer & falling for you
    Rhianna-Question Existing
    Bitter:Sweet-Mating Game & drink you sober
    Moby: Wait for me
    Blue Foundation-Eyes on Fire
    Duffy-Stepping Stone
    The Engine Room-A perfect Lie
    Esthro & Shakari Nyte- If tha Mood
    Frou Frou- Let Go, Breathe in, Psychobabble,holding out for a hero
    Mars Volta-The Widow
    Massive Attack-Teardrop,Black Milk, I against I
    Almost anything NIN
    Poe-Angry Johnny
    Poloriod- SO damn beautiful
    Sia-Breathe Me, Destiny
    The XX-crystalized,stars
    zero 7- 6 underground

  • NerdasaurusJess

    June 6, 2010 at 4:04 am in reply to: Pole Pals Map
  • NerdasaurusJess

    June 6, 2010 at 4:03 am in reply to: Pittsburgh Area

    Im originally from the Pitt area. Im only about 90 min away. I would deff. come out!

  • NerdasaurusJess

    June 6, 2010 at 3:47 am in reply to: Hi all 🙂 From Cleveland, Ohio US

    I’m from Akron also. Nice to meet you all!

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