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  • Novadog

    May 27, 2009 at 8:49 pm in reply to: Flirty Girl Fitness Pole & My Sexy Little Pole??

    I got a ‘My Sexi Little Pole’ before my boyfriend bought me the X-Pole. It’s not bad to use for very beginners (those who want to see if they’ll do more than a few weeks), good for practicing basic spins and such. I used the bit that screwed into the ceiling, and when I took it down (when I got my x-pole) i found it had unscrewed itself a little. So if you do buy one you’ll need to make sure it’s screwed in properly. You can’t use the full length of the pole because there’s a spring at the top which reduces the grip area bout 7-9" depending on how high your ceiling is. I was also weary of doing anything too close to the bottom because I was sure that little rubber bit would move (It didn’t.)


  • Novadog

    May 17, 2009 at 7:21 pm in reply to: Stretching and Flexibility

    I agree that some pole moves don’t look good without the splits. My pole jumps look STUUUPPPIDD. But, I think good form has alot to do with it, pointing the toes and tensing the legs and such.


  • Novadog

    May 16, 2009 at 1:52 pm in reply to: Inverted Crucifix!

    Me thinks the pole may be an inch or too far up my legs. Me also thinks that you perhaps dont have to lean out as far as I do. Will try that



  • Novadog

    May 12, 2009 at 10:01 pm in reply to: ok im venting


    Here’s me feeling like I’ve had a rough day myself, and then someone comes along and makes me count my chickens!

    Hugs and luv!

  • Novadog

    May 12, 2009 at 9:57 pm in reply to: Birthday Pole

    Yey birthday poles! Boooo Waiting. My lovely boyfriend bought mine (6ft 5" dirty blonde guy, read that as you will. hehe). He said he only had to wait 2-3 days, and we live in aberdeen (though it wasn’t from here). He threatened to take it off me after he saw my bruising! All together now ‘Awwwwwww.’ I practiced priouettes and turns on corners before I got my first pole.


  • Novadog

    May 10, 2009 at 10:13 pm in reply to: Mirrors

    We don’t really have a store like target in ol’ blighty. I think the nearest we have is Asda (same as walmart) or poundstretcher. I’ll have a look though. Been researching it on the web and found some mirror film. Thinking if it’s thick enough I could paste it to some big board (conti or mdf or something) and use that. Anyone else heard of it/used it?

  • Novadog

    May 10, 2009 at 12:01 pm in reply to: Mirrors

    Cheers, that is an idea.

    I’ve been checking on line and the cheapest big mirror (silver backed glass) is about £60 ($80-100) and I really don’t fancy spending that. Asides from video taping myself and playing it back and it doesn’t exactly help form as you can’t see what you’re doing at the time. I also look a bit Eastern Block Gymnast from the 60’s.


  • Novadog

    May 9, 2009 at 2:03 pm in reply to: How old are you?!?!?


    I’m 30, 5ft, and about 130lbs (why are we posting our weight? Seems the thing to do, more a getting to know you than ‘what’s your age’.. Cool). I’ve got no kids but I’ve had two bacon butties and am about to eat my second danish (pecan and toffee). I went to a couple of lessons about a year and a half ago, loved it but wanted my own pole (unless you can afford classses 3 times a week, it’s what you really need if you want to progress). So got my boyfriend to buy me one for my birthday. I’ve tried a mixture of sports, rock climbing, jazzercise (oddest experience of my life!) non combat kick boxing, I mostly do yoga and a few of the moves I learned with kick boxing. Would like to get back to running again, I had a really bad bout of clinical depression last year and haven’t gone back to it. I’m a big advocator of exercise for exercise’s sake. It does wonders for how you feel emotionally and physically generally, even when you don’t do it to get fitter or loose weight and I’m always on the look out for something else to try.


  • Novadog

    May 6, 2009 at 8:18 pm in reply to: Help! Stuck Pole and Jiggling?


    I too have bent my release rods so they now look exactly like ‘l’s. The first time I put mine up the pole extentions got stuck together. It took brute force to untwist them again, I had to get my boyfriend to do it. he managed it when I unscrewed all the other parts first (or at least everything I could unscrew.) They’res supposed to be a banging thing you can do but that never worked for me, as I didn’t know if I was doing it right.

    I spoke to my pole dance teacher and she got the quick release rods, and said they were worth the money.


  • Novadog

    May 6, 2009 at 8:07 pm in reply to: New Type of Pole Coming Out In June 2009

    Hi All,

    I have to say I’m with the nay’sayers on this one. I’m not too good on the engineering (so my explination may be a wee bit ropey) but the X-Pole works on the basis that the two points (the ceiling and the floor) at which it’s jammed into give the pole the strength to withstand the force that is your weight plus the force at which you throw yourself around at, PLUS the momentum at which your weight and the force you push your self off at carries you round the pole (don’t we all feel huge now). In order for this thing to work proberly, the base must equal this weight plus some to ensure stability. Which means it must be really heavy to move around. Considering that a whole standard x-pole can be lifted (alittle awkwardly because of it’s size) and carried around by me (133lbs give or take 10lbs) the chances of this being as mobile as it says are slim.

    Crawling (rather heavily) back under my rock.


  • Novadog

    May 5, 2009 at 4:30 pm in reply to: My Biggest Bruises Ever!

    repeat the mantra ‘Bruises are Sexy, Bruises are Sexy, Bruises are Sexy’


    That’s the title of my profile!

    I knew I didn’t think that up meself!


  • Novadog

    April 27, 2009 at 7:27 pm in reply to: My Biggest Bruises Ever!

    For the bruises buy arnica cream and repeat the mantra ‘Bruises are Sexy, Bruises are Sexy, Bruises are Sexy’


  • Novadog

    April 27, 2009 at 7:26 pm in reply to: My Biggest Bruises Ever!

    For the bruises buy arnica cream and repeat the mantra ‘Bruises are Sexy, Bruises are Sexy, Bruises are Sexy’


  • Novadog

    April 5, 2009 at 7:57 pm in reply to: Weight-loss


    Before anyone does anything further. Can I reccommend ‘A Fat Girls Guide to Life’ by Wendy Shanker. I’d make this book part of the School Curriculum. (Goes into Auntie Nx Mode) I’m not against eating well, but I am against dieting out right (which I know will tick people at the start). There is no such a thing as good foods and Bad foods, or the right way to eat or the wrong way to eat. I’m not recommending a diabetic eat sugar or a nut allergy sufferer eat a snickers. I’m recommending that if we (humans) spent as much time on more important things rather than ‘I wish I was a size eight’ or ‘I wish I hadn’t ate that snickers bar’ we would have cured poverty and ignorance by now.

    The books very good. It points out the human trait of conformity in many examples and will go a long way to taking the guilt out of eating what you want. It doesn’t mark or dissuade the health issues of being larger than socially acceptible, but it does go along way to pointing out how it is just a health issue and no-ones business.

    If someone wants to eat well, I’d recommend ditching all processed white stuff, eating more veg (it’s 7 a day you’re supposed to get not 5) and learning to cook. And believe me, I’m saying this as someone who’s 5ft 0′ and nine and a half stone. Apparently, I’m overweight. I say, talk to the fat wrist ‘cos the fat hand is pi$$ed as me and my wobbly fat ass walk away.

  • Novadog

    March 29, 2009 at 2:48 pm in reply to: Holy balls! I almost killed the dog!

    LOL! Poor thing. Smaller dogs usually have better recovery rather than the bigger one’s when they’re punted across the room. My dog’s been kicked once or twice and now stands away from the pole. She also licks my pole!?!?! When I catch her she acts like she’s been caught in the depth of a guilty pleasure. I use baby wipes to clean it and she’s not eating them straight from the packet so I don’t know why. I think I just have an odd dog.

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