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  • Novadog

    March 26, 2009 at 5:27 pm in reply to: near death by pole

    Yeh, I bruise like a prune so it always looks worse than it actually is. Considering the list, it’s kind of surprising I wasn’t diagnosed with dyspraxia untill I was in my 20’s.


  • Novadog

    March 24, 2009 at 9:18 pm in reply to: Sticking! Bruises!

    "I heard of another woman that let her arms drop when inverting and dislocated 5 ribs from her spine."

    I swear when I read that i felt my own ribs pop out in sympathy. I’m dyspraxic so my co-ordinations not brilliant, coupled with an overall carelessness and a severe habit of not thinking I am quite dangerous to me. Having just listed my injuries in the other thread (I’m sorry I can’t remember who started the thread) it’s a wonder my boyfriends not considering taking the pole off me.

    I’ve broken a couple of toes falling down my dungeon stairs, and i’ve fractured my little toe -it’s a wee curly one that doesn’t have all it’s bones. That was interesting, it went a black and I thought I was going to have to have it amputated, but it turned out I’d just mushed one of the veins which fed the blood supply. After you do that the first time you stop going to the docs ‘cos even though here in ol’ blighty, we get it all checked and treated for free, all they can do about it is tape it up, and they won’t give you a sick note off work for that.

    Well, siblings on poles, once more unto the breach…

  • Novadog

    March 24, 2009 at 9:02 pm in reply to: near death by pole

    So far in pole related injuries I’ve:

    Spun myself off onto a wall,
    Landed on my chin,
    my arse,
    my shoulder,
    my hip,
    the top half of my back,
    my ear (I used to to rowing and it’s drummed into me ‘Never let go of your oars,’ which seams to translate into ‘Never let go of your pole’)
    Scraped my back off a table
    Sailed myself over another table (it’s no where near my pole but I was ‘experimenting’ with using all the ‘space’ I have available, and I completely forgot it was there),
    gut punched myself with said table (I was so ‘in the moment’ on that one).
    Scraped my knees,
    and impailed myself on my heels.

    This excludes the line of bruises I’ve had along the inner side of my thighs, trying to master the various sits and cross legged/ankle/knee holds, the blister bruising i’ve had on the left side of my rib cage, and the skin pulled bruises on the inside of my arm.

    So yeh, Pole Dancing.. Completely enjoyable hobby…

  • Novadog

    March 24, 2009 at 6:18 pm in reply to: Knee Hold

    Is the knee hold where you’ve got your top leg hooked round the pole and the bottom leg braced agains the pole? I take it, it is the knee you have braced which is causing you trouble. On your knee, or just directly below it there is a big dip between your knee cap and your shin bone. Below that you should feel the top of your shin bone and then another much smaller dip, with another little hill. Try bracing your leg against this smaller dip (not the dip between your knee cap and your shin bone – i don’t want you shoving your kneecap half way up your thigh) at an angle where you have the most contact with the pole along your shin, this means your knee should be facing down the way, the more your knee faces down the way (with your foot heading towards the ceiling) the more contact you’ll have between the pole and the bit your bracing your knee on. This way, you’ll take the pressure off the bone slightly and transfere it across a larger area. Don’t do it too much or you’ll get no grip on the pole to do the wavey arm thing.


  • Novadog

    March 19, 2009 at 8:06 pm in reply to: Sticking! Bruises!

    Cheers Guys,

    It’s made all the better for your thoughts of kindess. I leave the one leg up and it’s that leg that sticks, I never thought you could slide down with both legs straight out so I might try that. Am going to go get the arnica gel as well.

    Feeling much better

  • Novadog

    March 19, 2009 at 7:55 pm in reply to: UK DVD stockists

    Thanks again. I’m going to try a few a first. I’ll see how I get one with just the one. Probably the one with the woman and the big cape. I’m at beginner, just getting the hang of my inverts type.


  • Novadog

    March 18, 2009 at 9:26 pm in reply to: Static vs Spinning?

    Hello All,

    My haepney’s worth…It’s easier to have more control when it’s on static. I find I have less control when it’s in spinning mode. I’m trying to learn to control the spin, as I find my grip is getting such that I tend to stay there in spinny mode when I want to slide down. It is better for strength, though I find it tougher, and way more dangerous – I’m worried I’m going to send myself through a window. Also in spinny mode you just kind of have to lean into the pole, not actually push yourself round. I’m used to static now, I intend to use spinny when I can suspend myself using my arms.


  • Novadog

    March 18, 2009 at 9:14 pm in reply to: UK DVD stockists

    Cheers Lola! There is quite a few there, do you have any recommends? As I’m not really into humping the floor, are there any which are more technical than bump and grindy?

    Or anyone else for that matter?

  • Novadog

    March 15, 2009 at 10:03 pm in reply to: woohoo!! I got a biggie (for me anyway)


    but yeh. What is the dislocator? Sounds like something the inquisition used.

  • Novadog

    March 12, 2009 at 9:14 pm in reply to: Cross Ankle Release


    I find the cross ankle release easier than a traditional sit (don’t ask me why). I spent ages trying to do the sit before going onto the release, and then I thought sod it, i’ll just try the cross ankle thing. And I managed it first time. It’s not as graceful as I’d like it to be but that’ll come. If the crecent moon is the wrist sit, then I managed that too, but that was by accident. I tried to get back up the pole but my legs became dislodged. Again, not very graceful but hopefully that’ll come.


  • Novadog

    March 12, 2009 at 9:09 pm in reply to: What to with your arms when you arent holding the pole?


    I make my hands/arms follow the expression of my feet/legs . So if my legs are all straight and pointy, I make my arms all straight with my fingers pointy. I usually have their actions echo that of the opposite leg. I find this feels more even and balanced than trying to hard.


  • Novadog

    March 11, 2009 at 1:58 pm in reply to: Guess What I can Do!!!!!

    Cheers Peeps!

    Me blokie was the same with the whole ‘er.. yeh, great’ thing untill I tried to teach him a spin and he couldn’t do it. Now when I do something he goes ‘OOooo! That is impressive!’ ‘Tis good to share!

  • Novadog

    March 10, 2009 at 9:04 pm in reply to: Hiyah!

    Cheers Sasha!

    The bruising has gotten much better, and I actually manages some moves I’d been working on so yey!

    Didn’t know about fridays *whispers conspiritoraly* this is one of the few websites my work doesn’t know about yet so will visit when no-ones looking;7

  • Novadog

    March 7, 2009 at 1:35 pm in reply to: quick release tools


  • Novadog

    March 5, 2009 at 11:14 pm in reply to: quick release tools

    My poles are stuck too. But I suspect I’ve been using my rods wrong. Do you put one Rod in either side of the holes on the same piece of tubing? so they’re like


    against the pole and not

    where they’re on different sections?

    I have l shaped tools now as well. Though I found a screw driver about the same size to fit into the holes.


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