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  • Ophidia

    August 20, 2011 at 1:26 pm in reply to: What kind of dancer are you?

    So interesting to read everyone's different "types"! I am very much a slow dancer, I love sensual and sexy and even meloncholy songs. I recently performed a routine at an event to a fast dub-step song and it was a challenge! I felt sloppy through out was and exhausted and panting at the end of the 4+ minutes, but I recieved more compliments on that routine than I have for any of my previous performances! I am now trying to challenge myself with fast music more often so that I can feel more comfortable and be a more diverse dancer. It also helps me with my playlist as an instructor- some people need the fast songs for routines to get them going! Thanks for posting this. Ps Veena you seem to be a sensual, graceful, and thoughtful dancer, imo:)

  • Ophidia

    June 29, 2011 at 11:30 pm in reply to: Why I will never buy an X-Pole

    @Jehann you’re welcome! Does it make sense? I haven’t gotten a chance to take a picture yet..

  • Ophidia

    June 29, 2011 at 12:33 am in reply to: Why I will never buy an X-Pole

    We place them around the edges of the dome (not on the inside) so that they effectively box the dome in. We used four small wooden triangles at about 1″x2″ each and screwed them into the ceiling. I’ll take a picture and post it to make it more clear 🙂

  • Ophidia

    June 29, 2011 at 12:05 am in reply to: Why I will never buy an X-Pole

    Wow, I am also a studio owner and I also use X-Poles at 12′ tall. I have gotten so angry at X-Pole for blaming us (“user error”) for slipped xjoints, which has caused many problems. We made small triangular pieces of wood and used them to ancor the top dome, otherwise we may have had the same problem with slippage! I highly recommend creating those small triangles for anyone with a tall pole, that way if the pressure lessons the pole won’t slip.

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