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  • OzarkSiren

    November 14, 2012 at 9:39 pm in reply to: engaged but really becoming unsure….

    I would have really opened my mouth had I not read Veena's post. She seems to know the situation.

    How many men have I told to F**k off in my lifetime? : ) I remember throwing a gallon of milk at my 1st hubby's head. I was hot headed when I was younger.

     Get out of your parent's house and get out on your own. That is the best way to get to really know one another.  But I have to say do not waste time on someone you are not happy with. Do not get married unless you are sure. Give it time.

    Good Luck.



  • OzarkSiren

    October 30, 2012 at 11:36 pm in reply to: Pole: Seeking advice from girls with thick curly/frizzy hair

    Aveda Damage Remedy, not the leave in one the one you put on after shampoo and rinse out.  It is awesome. My poor hair got fried with a bad color job and trying to get it corrected. The Damage remedy really helped. Good luck.


  • OzarkSiren

    October 28, 2012 at 9:51 am in reply to: Silks At Home

    Go to, she sells the Silks outside Apparatus. It is for outside and can do a hammock and or complete Silks.  I am saving for this one.  Hope McCurdy is very helpful who owns the site. She is a Veener also.

    I have a single point hammock. I use the school playground, the park and also have a large Eyehook in my ceiling. You must have knowledge of weight limits and common sense to do this. I would have had to fly a professional rigger into my area to help with set up. The guy I date is an Engineer and he had some ideas but frankly not much more than the hardware store.

    Simple Cirus and other sites have some info. If you live where you have a Professional Rigger available that is great !!  Let us know what you decide.

  • OzarkSiren

    October 28, 2012 at 9:34 am in reply to: Deep pain in hip/butt….

    I got that hip joint pain in my rt hip last week when the weather turned cold here. Went from 78 to 30 overnight. Woke up with it : ( Walking and stretching seemed to help. I do think mine is weather related. It is better today. Going to go see the Chiro for an adjustment just in case.

  • OzarkSiren

    October 24, 2012 at 9:05 pm in reply to: Waking up with a random song in your head

    I wake up quite often with a a random song in my head and it stays with me most of the day. I have done this for years and have not been commited yet : )

    I find it interesting and wonder where it comes from.  Enjoy it !!

  • OzarkSiren

    October 14, 2012 at 5:24 pm in reply to: Tips for knee high boots

    I can't give you the advice you need but wanted to say they are super cute !!!



  • OzarkSiren

    October 14, 2012 at 5:21 pm in reply to: Pole and the Work Place Drama

    No that is not over reacting.  I do not accept friend requests from anyone at my work on FB. I initially had a few but unfriended them a while back. Do whatever it takes to protect your personal life and privacy. Make sure to set your Photos on "Friends only" so the co workers cannot see them. 

  • OzarkSiren

    October 14, 2012 at 10:28 am in reply to: Pole and the Work Place Drama


    I have learned to keep my personal life separate from work. Over the years I have learned this the hard way. Less is best. Someone knifed you !!! So sorry you went through this.  Also your Manager is a douche for allowing another employee to turn this into something it isn't.

    Webmaster is correct. I would get a copy of any written warning. Also while it is still fresh in your mind document about the conversation and keep it for future reference. Get a copy of what you signed or what the policy is and read it. If unclear take it to a lawyer for advice.

    I am sure you are hurting over the betrayal of your co worker. Sorry for you. (((((((Hugs))))))



  • OzarkSiren

    October 13, 2012 at 12:06 am in reply to: Laparoscopic Surgery = No Pole 🙁

    I hope you are okay and your surgery went well !!!

  • OzarkSiren

    October 13, 2012 at 12:04 am in reply to: Anyone beaten hormonal headaches?

    I started getting migraines and Occular Migraines in my mid 40's. Always a day or two before my period. I went back on the Pill and it helped. Low Progesterone and low estrogen are usually the culprits. Have a saliva test done and see what hormones are out of balance. Most Compounding Pharmacies have test kits available.Low thyroid and low iron can cause headaches too.  I would check hormones and if that doesn't help then check for food allergies. Good luck and get feeling better !!! XXXOOO

  • OzarkSiren

    October 12, 2012 at 9:59 am in reply to: Handbalancing- Single Arm Pushup to Handstand

    He is amazing and so are YOU !!!!


  • OzarkSiren

    October 5, 2012 at 11:40 pm in reply to: Implanon, Mirena, Depo

    So glad the days of birth control are now behind me. I went into Menopause late at 58 and got through it easily.Great not to have periods anymore or worry about pregnancy.

    My first child was a BC Pill baby, my second I got pg on the sponge and had a misscarriage.  I then had an IUD put in. I had a copper 7 IUD that grew into my uterus and I had a tubal pregnancy with it imbeded in my uterus. I almost died and I almost had to have a hysterectomy. I am not a fan of IUDs. I was fortunate to go onto have twins with only one tube years later. I was told I would never have anymore children because of the IUD. They work for some people but my experience was not good.

    I have tried all sorts of BC pills, Diaphram, sponge, depo shot ( made me bleed all month long) and finally I got started on a BC pill from Germany called Diane made by Shering. A Doctor I worked for recommended it and I had to order it from Mexico. It really agreed with me and I took it for years all the way to 55. I felt great on it and was thin, Not one problem. Then they recommended I go off of it because of my age. I took it for 15 years.

    I have a friend who was on that BC pill that keeps you from having periods every month? She took it quite a while. Now she does not have regular periods and cannot get pregnant. Not sure that BC pill is good for you.  I have to wonder if it was that pill that messed up her ovulation?


  • OzarkSiren

    October 4, 2012 at 5:40 pm in reply to: Acupuncture

    I love Acupuncture. I got it regularly when I started going into premenopause. I flew through Menopause last year without a hitch. I am a huge fan. My oldest daughter will tell you it helped her get pregnant. Maybe real? Maybe coinsidence? I say it helped.

    I am a "Medical Professional" and I am a huge Fan of it. I personally practice Acupressure, Reflexology and Meridian Work. Oh yes some my Medical MInded Co Workers roll their eyes but I remind them that some of this used to be part of the Physician's study while in Medical School. Reflexology was called Zone therapy.

    I say try it and see how it works for you. It is not for everything but definately worth a try.

  • OzarkSiren

    September 29, 2012 at 11:22 am in reply to: How to evict my back fat?

    I think you look great !! Congrats on losing all that weight. Keep exercising and getting your body fat way down is the only thing that will possibly help. I think you look great as you are.

  • OzarkSiren

    September 29, 2012 at 11:09 am in reply to: What to call a class for women 30+



    I agree with Veena on fitness level and not age.

    I have to admit to you anything that says Red Hat, Silver Sneakers or anything that refers to being a "Senior"? I shy away from. I am just not ready for that label yet. Not that anything is wrong with it. I will be 60 next year but do not feel like a Senior at all.

    I have a very cute, thin and very out of shape 24 year old daughter who is a Senior in College and has no strength at all. Her twin brother can whip around on my pole and do inverts. My 35 year old daughter would run for the hills if the class said 40 in the name.

    Let us know what you decide.

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