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Madisonsworld, I know you have probably had this done but have you had your thyroid, blood sugar, insulin and adrenal function tested? That is something the US Medical field does not always do. If you are unbalanced in those areas if can cause depression and anxiety. Just something to look at. Any hormone out of balance can cause mood swings. So glad you reached out and started this discussion. It is not talked about enough. When you get a group of intelligent creative people together the conversation gets real !!!
I never had any depression until I moved from So Cal to Arkansas. I live in a beautiful area but it is heavy with trees that block the sun, stormy and overcast quite a bit. Then there are the Seasons which I am not used to. Winter, ice and snow came and this California girl found herself blue, tired, melancholia, and had no idea what was wrong with me. It is called SAD. It is very real. I also expeience aches and pains now when the Barmetric pressure changes and storms are coming. I never experienced that in So Cal. People underestimate how the elements can effect us. Fall is starting here so I get out and walk a ton and sit in the sun everyday. I take D3 and Fish Oil and that seems to help.
Madison, The pain thing can come in many forms. Cutting, tattoos, cutting or changing hair, overspending, drugs, alcohol and harmful behaviors. Let us know how we can help. XXOO
Depression can increase when Season's change. Fall is here. Exercise daily, watching sugar intake, eliminating alcohol, and drugs, sitting in the sun for 20 minutes a day can help. It seems to help me. Fish oil and D3 can help. I do what I can to keep mine away. I try not to dwell on sad things like my parents being gone, family 3000 miles away, try to replace negative talk with positive.
Something else you might want to try. On the pads of both thumbs look at where your fingerprints swirl into a center spot. Press or massage those points on both thumbs. Use your oppostie thumb. Do this several times a day. That is your Pituitary Reflex Point. You pituitary is your master gland of all glands. It can maybe balance your glands. Reflexology and Accupressure can help. Give it a try.
Hugs to all
MemberSeptember 25, 2012 at 1:42 pm in reply to: My super slippery lil mynx pole is driving me crazy!Thanks for this thread. I am learning on a Lil Minx. Good to know.
Does this person's Doctor know the strenuous exercise she does? When they say return to normal exercise sometimes they think you take a walk, drive a car, bring in the groceries. I have not had one myself just giving you my off the record nursing opinion.
A properly done repair should fix the situation. I personally would wait at least 3 months to resume strenuous activity so the 12 weeks sounds correct. Might take them up to 1 year to really feel normal.
Let us know what you find out. That is not a pleasant surgery so you do not want to undo anything.
MemberSeptember 25, 2012 at 9:18 am in reply to: What does your MOTHER think about poledancing?HeHe as I have posted before I am the Mom that thought she had to hide her Pole learning from her Adult kids. Turns out they are great with it. My Pole does not have to come down when they come home from college. I always ask do I need to take my Pole down if they are bringing friends home. So far the answer has been no. My Mother is long ago passed away but I know she would approve !!!
I am an RN, a Manager for a Biotech Company. I sell Factors and Immune Gobulins for bleeding disorders and immune disorders in 7 States. I used to be a Infertility Research RN at UCLA and a Midwife. I am working towards opening my own business doing Reflexology, Meridian work and Accupressure. Want to say bye bye to the Corporate world. I have always worked more than one job when raising my 3 kids alone.
I do not share my hobbies or too much about my personal ilfe at work. Learned over the years that is best and it is no ones biz. Always that someone with an agenda or jealous or nutz.
We are such a Fabulous and talented group on here. XXOO
JB, thanks for posting this. I live in Arkansas but travel throughout 7 States for work. Missouri being one of them. Good to know !!!
Hello and Welcome !!! I am new too and taking the Veena Lessons. XXOO
Geez I meant real cigs !!!! Sorry !!!
That is soooo awsome. I have been stopped for 15 years now. I could not imagine I could ever stop. I am so happy I stopped. You can do it. Orange Juice and colored Tums antacids helped me. Everytime I had a craving I would let a Tums disolve on my tongue. By the time the Tums disolved my craving was gone. Also the calcium helped. The very best to you !!!! XXXOOOO
Have nothing against it. I am not a Pot Smoker, never really did anything for me. I am an RN and get tested so no drugs for me. My husband RIP had a really bad pot problem and he spent way too much money on it and it made him lazy and boring. He overdid it just like he overdid everything. I would have to say he was addicted. Then he got busted twice and got 2 Felonies. That was way back when 1 joint could get you in a ton of trouble. Caused alot of problems and fights. As far as it being used for medicine? None of my friends in Calif that have Medical Marijuanna cards have anything wrong with them. Anyone can can buy a card there. I have given THC pills to brain tumor patients before and it seemed to work well.
I come from the LSD, Mescaline, Peyote, Pot, Hash and Cocaine Era. Pot is really the least of all evils.
I say to each their own. I like my red wine.
Mine somehow are ending up in my Spam Folder. I am trying to figure out how to get them coming back to my inbox.