Forum Replies Created
MemberSeptember 15, 2012 at 7:36 pm in reply to: Economic crisis – would you pole dance for a living?I am an RN so I can always fall back on that. But if I needed to feed my kids and didn't have my RN license and was younger? you betcha.
@twdevine I raised 3 children alone. They are all in college now. Still paying their way. Wouldn't change a thing. : )
MemberSeptember 15, 2012 at 7:29 pm in reply to: Weird butt wrinkling/crumpling/dimpling with some moves?Because I am new I have not YET done any moves where my butt shows dimpling. LOL But…. I noticed my arms and legs have some wrinkling this year from aging. I even went to the Doctor and said What is this? He said age !!! I was like no way !!! Also growing up on West Coast beaches I have had too much sun. So my skin has paid for all of that. I would not change a thing. I have had the best life and love the sun. So now I pay.
I saw the underneath of my arms in a picture when I was doing aerials and I thought "OMG !!! Those cannot be my arms.???" I went home and started exercising more. I thought whose old lady arms and flat ass is that???? Not mine. : )
All you can do is watch your diet, exercise, drink water, try to keep alcohol, smoking and such at a minimum. Lot of it is genetics. I am fortunate to have pretty good genes and health.
If I can eventually do a climb and invert I do not care how bad my ass looks. I can say that now but when I see it on video I will say OMG that is not my ass. LOL
Good topic !!! I have not seen anyone in a video on here that I thought looked bad. I think all the Veener's are so very very HOT !!! Really I feel so fortunate to have found you all.
MemberSeptember 14, 2012 at 3:37 pm in reply to: CHRISTMAS TREE SPLITS CHALLENGE AGAIN? I am in!Okay I will try.
Happy Birthday to YOU !!!!
MemberSeptember 13, 2012 at 8:13 pm in reply to: Help! Just got my new X-pole & my fat-ass can’t use it!I am new to Pole also and am on day 10 of Veena's lessons. I am following her beginner lessons in order. Warm up, Pole Strength exercises,Conditioning and Stretching. I can see progress in 10 days. I highly recommend her lessons. I really like how she names the muscles you will use with each exercise/move. If one is really difficult for me I then know which muscles I need to work on.
I have commited to 1 year of lessons and I feel it will take at least that long to learn to do all the wonderful moves I see all the Veeners on here doing. I know there may be moves I may not be able to do but time will tell. I am having so much fun with my Pole !!!!!
I have a pull up bar in my doorway. I started using that when I started Aerials and discovered how strong my legs were and how weak my upper body was. I can do a pull up, swing on it and do leg lifts now. I cannot lift myself much on the Pole Yet. I am trying not to let that discourage me and staying focused on building strength and conditioning. I know in time I will be able to lift, climb and invert. It takes time.
I am so enjoying my at home StudioVeena Classroom. Please hang in there.XXOOOO
I use Rebekah's teaching manual to learn from. Her teaching manuals are great.
I love my Hammock/sling. I bought mine from Aerial Empowement. I believe Hope the owner of AE is a Veener also. I bought a single point so if I want to do spins I can. I love love love mine and definately would buy from her again. I bought a Royal Blue one : ) There is Single Point and Double Point. I chose Single.
I was told a weight appropriate Eyebolt into a ceiling Stud/Beam could be used and that is what I have done. I also use the Swingset at the park and public school to hang my hammock/sling. It does best at 10 feet high. I hook my carabiner to the eye hook and I also have a "sling" that I can wrap around something higher and then hook the Carabiner to the sling.
When it comes to hanging Silks it would be great to use a Professional Rigger for instructions. That is great if you have one near you.
There are the apparatus' you can purchase. The one I like can handle 20 foot Silks and also Hammocks but is 1200. That is on my wish list. The FlyGym which was mentioned earlier. There are several options out there. Or you can go with your own Ceiling if high enough.
Hope that helps. XXOO
I am 59 and new to Pole. How I wish I would have started in my 40's. Don't let those age thoughts get in the way of what you want to do. So you have to work a bit harder and more often. You can do it !!! I hope to be close to being Bad Ass in one year. I am at least going to try.
If I could go back to my 40's? I would walk naked down the street. Women in their 40's are so hot and they don't see it. I loved my 40's and 50's. Enjoy and live your life !!!
The aging thoughts? talk about depressing? I mean I am going to be 60 next year??? WTF??? How did that happen? But you know you just cannot let it stop you. Keep yourself in good shape and keep moving.
You will probably get some Great Role Models from posting this. Hang in there. Much Love !!
Birth control pills, low estrogen, some medications, low calcium and low D3, low iron and low plateletts can cause bruising. Some of us bruise easier than others. You might want to get it checked out.
I am in !!!
1) Stay off my Red Wine
2) No Potato Chips or ice cream
3) Continue to walk run on alternate Pole/Aerial days
4) Perfect Beginner lessons
5) Post first Video
Mine is 110 wide. I have an Aerial sling/hammock. I have pretty small hands and mine seem okay. I just need more upper body strength : ). You might want to talk to the person you purchased from. Where did you purchase from? Silks led me to this wonderful site. Let me know what you find out.
MemberSeptember 3, 2012 at 5:35 pm in reply to: Telling my Adult Kids that I am Learning PoleMy Son just got on my Pole and showed off !!! He was great !! I think he was impressed with himself !! He said " that is a great full body work out". He weighs 210 and the Pole held up to his climbs and spins. So I did a good job installing it. My Pole just got the Seal of Approval.
You mention another good point. The lights. The lights, perhaps louder music, distractions from noise in the crowd…..it can be quite different being on the competitive stage. It can be a very different experience. One you can come to love but still a different enviorment that you may be used to practicing in. I remember the music and lights blew my hair back the first time on stage…loud and bright !! Was not prepared for that. You will know more what to expect next time. You did beautiful !!!!
I am brand new to Pole but I do other Competitive Dance and YES it does happen. Your strength can change, you can forget the routine that you knew so very well, you can slip and or fall. You keep moving and smiling…Sounds like you thought on your feet ( or Pole ) and improvised which is great…..I had a competition this weekend in Nashville. Not my first, knew my routine, felt confident and then blew it : (. It happens but hard to let go of when it happens. Our Dance Team placed high but frankly I am dreading seeing that Video. Did someone Video you?
One really great sentence inyour post is " I can't wait until next year". So it was not a bad enough experience to not try it again. Writing and sharing about it helps.
5th place is AWESOME. I hope to come watch you next year.
Hey that picture ROCKS. What is up with your friends? You should be proud of that picture. You look great !!! If I looked like you I would put that picture on a BILLBOARD. Have fun and enjoy your life.