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  • PaulettePoles

    June 4, 2012 at 7:49 pm in reply to: Watch Americas Got Talent on Monday

    Great job Lulu!!! Team Lulu!

  • PaulettePoles

    April 19, 2012 at 6:38 am in reply to: Insanity

    I have it. Once you get started you adapt to it. For some reason, I always found the fit test to be the hardest but its fun to see your progress

  • PaulettePoles

    April 15, 2012 at 5:40 am in reply to: Rainbow marchenko

    Oh my gosh! That is just ridiculous! If you do it, make us a video!

  • PaulettePoles

    April 13, 2012 at 10:20 pm in reply to: spinning scorpio

    Yes! I love it! I just started working on this!

  • PaulettePoles

    April 12, 2012 at 1:48 pm in reply to: Glitter Heels

    Luvlee- I hope you are all right! Sending hugs!

  • PaulettePoles

    April 12, 2012 at 1:47 pm in reply to: Next Day Tiredness

    What time are you going to bed? Youre probably not getting enough real rest!  If I had to get up that early, Id have to go to bed at 8 to be able to function…

  • PaulettePoles

    April 11, 2012 at 5:15 am in reply to: Splits – How long did it take you?

    lolalaystar- I have a knee inhjury as well I got more than 10 yrs ago.. I should have had surgery but I opted not to at the time. I cant do any lateral movements w out my knee snapping and causing me to crash to the floor. WHen my knee is acting up or Ive snapped it recently, I cant bend it all the way or straighten it all the way. It does seem to have healed to a point that if I am careful and have no snaps, I have full ROM forward and back so that I cando side splits, any middle slit stretching requires very careful attention w the lateral movement so I usuallly just skip it. I do all my knee holds w my opposite leg. I also previously broke my opposite shoulder severely.. I just modify everything. I can only do spins one sided using my strong arm, then leg stuff one sided… lol… feel all gimpy but manage to do most tricks one way or the other! Since your injury is new it will probably take you awhile to heal and get to the point of really knowing it and being able to safely work around it. Just wanted to give you hope that Ive had 2 serious injuries and I still pole and Ive gotten my left splits! Knowing I probably will never be able to do a circus climb drives me crazy! Switches back and forth from bad knee to bad shoulder!

  • PaulettePoles

    April 10, 2012 at 5:55 am in reply to: Alethea Austin DVDs. Progress after a few weeks/months?

    I have done them for a little longer but like Tarah, not as often. I actually saw more progress and also just got my left front splits- after taking bigger breaks inbetween. I also just started resistance stretching which has helped a lot. Dont know if it was the RS or the AA videos that did it, but Igot them finally and Im sooo happy!

  • PaulettePoles

    April 10, 2012 at 5:53 am in reply to: Just Venting…

    Ialso had a hurtful situation re pole. What was once my BF made a realy ugly comment to me the twisted it up. I had liked a post on FB about a charity poling event. SHe has been very stand off to me as of late and really the only thing she said was that my post on FB had offended her and casued her to almost have her work internet disconnected.. a bunch of BS! ANyway, she later said she had never said anything negative to me about pole dancing, taht is was the "devil" speaking to me. I was really annoyed and told her I was pretty sure it wasnt the devil, it had come directly from her. She insisted she had no prob w me or my sport. Then her sister told me she called her to ask her what she thought about my "pole fitness." I have to admit the judgement from someone I cared about hurt. On the bright saide, my husband has evolved from making me hide the pole under my bed from my kids and practicing when noone was home- to helping me install 2 x poles in my living room where the ceiling is taller and I get to leave them up for all to see now! Was a little nervous, but love it!

  • PaulettePoles

    April 9, 2012 at 9:18 am in reply to: Resistance Stretching–Check This Out!!!!

    Yes she does, AA has a little of everything in her DVD's.

    I personally like them but can see they would be difficult for a beginner or someone who isnt aware of safety issues with ballistic stretching.

    I do like them and have used them too.

  • PaulettePoles

    April 9, 2012 at 6:09 am in reply to: Resistance Stretching–Check This Out!!!!

    Thanks for reopening this Lyme.. As you know, I just fell in love w resistance stretching so I am going to go check this book and DVD out!

  • PaulettePoles

    April 7, 2012 at 5:17 am in reply to: Flexy challange?

    Lyme and I met on skyoe yesterday to stretch and it was so much fun!

  • PaulettePoles

    April 6, 2012 at 5:13 am in reply to: Start resistance stretching with Ottersocks tonight!!!

    Im interested in seeing those flash cards! I justs tarted resistance stretching and love it!

  • PaulettePoles

    April 5, 2012 at 11:13 am in reply to: Maintenance Guy showed up unannounced…

    Haha I let my computer guy in the other day w my pole up.. should ve seen his face!

  • PaulettePoles

    April 5, 2012 at 5:13 am in reply to: Meet Sublime!!!

    Welcome Sublime!

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