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  • Piaketz

    December 15, 2013 at 12:32 pm in reply to: Pole Dancers in Kihei, Maui?
  • Piaketz

    December 15, 2013 at 12:31 pm in reply to: Pole Dancers in Kihei, Maui?

    Maria at Valley Isle Fitness teaches pole and will be hosting a workshop for Karol Helms in Feb. 🙂 I don’t know the details, sorry I live in Oahu but I can ask her if you are interested. 🙂

  • Piaketz

    December 11, 2013 at 5:31 pm in reply to: Pole dancing docs.

    Yay! So happy to meet you all. 🙂

  • Piaketz

    February 10, 2013 at 1:17 pm in reply to: Buying aerial hoop

    @Storypole Mine is hollow Her description says "thick wall steel tubing" and if you click the link that says "specifications" she describes it a bit more there as "heavy wall one inch diamater steel tubing". Though I think for those who like solid steel you could write her about that too. I've carried both a solid steel lyra and my hollow steel one of similar diameters, there is a big difference. My hollow one is a lot more manageable. I live in an apartment and I take it up and down to hang, to my parking garage and my living room. It's not bad. I chose hollow steel because I read somewhere that the aluminum lyras don't spin as long because they are so light, and I want to spin. The solid steel ones can spin longer due to their weight but I chose hollow steel as a happy medium because like you, I need to take it up and down.

  • Piaketz

    February 10, 2013 at 12:43 am in reply to: Buying aerial hoop

    Just putting in a recommendation to whoever else is planning to buy a lyra… I got mine from Spitfire Aerial. Christina is such a dear and very easy and friendly to deal with! My friends got 2 trapezes from her too, and a girl from my studio bought a lyra from her as well. We are all very happy, and all the aerial equipment was beautifully crafted, excellent quality with reasonable prices.

    Oh and I am 5'2" and use a 35" double tab lyra. I like that size, for me it's perfect. 🙂

  • Piaketz

    January 8, 2013 at 4:01 am in reply to: The right thing to wear for aerial silks training

    Make sure your back/waist/tummy is covered… I wore a shirt that was not form fitting once, and it rolled up while I was sliding down upside down. I got the loveliest silk burn on my back. I sometimes wear a leo under my tights/tank/shirt but if I don't I end up tucking in my shirt into my tights/leggings. Soooooo sexy! Lol!

  • Piaketz

    December 18, 2012 at 3:30 am in reply to: Poling when on vacation in Kauai, Hawaii

    As far as I know, there are no pole studios in Kauai (sad face). There are a couple of places you can take aerial classes though.

  • Piaketz

    November 17, 2012 at 2:51 am in reply to: X-Pert leaves black rings on ceiling

    Is it a popcorn ceiling? Is the ring from the popcorn getting a bit flat? If so, kind of "feather" out the flatness of the ring… scrape a bit on the edges of the ring to make the flatness fade out. Makes it a but less noticeable. Hehe I did it, it kind of makes it less noticeable to a landlord.

    Is the ring from the grease that the Xpole had when you first got it? I made a little paste out of water and Oxyclean and dabbed it on gently with a sponge. Black/dark ring went away… Hope that helps!

  • Piaketz

    November 9, 2012 at 11:34 pm in reply to: Male guests to your house and Pole

    I may or may not just do a regular fireman for them (with a hair flip haha). They already go WOW with just that coz they don't know any better haha! But attitude wise, I tend to take it in stride and tease back about it. I find that if you're too defensive or act overly protective about your poling, either they start thinking you are stuck up, or they thinking you strip somewhere or something… And really, pole for me is fun and carefree so I don't act like it's a *super secret* thing. I treat it like a conversation piece. But I do tell male or female guests that I only show your tricks to super special people or people who really really deserve it. So if they want to see more, they better start treating you nicely…

  • Piaketz

    September 30, 2012 at 2:36 pm in reply to: Made the FRONT PAGE!

    Yayyyyyy Trixie!!! Thanks for doing this, it'll help make people open up to pole more here in Hawaii. You girls at the Big Island rock it!!! Hope to make it to your island one day, and one day when there are more of us maybe we can have an inter-island jam 😀

  • Piaketz

    September 22, 2012 at 5:18 am in reply to: What to call a class for women 30+

    Hmm… for me, pole was a very social thing when I first started and I liked that I met a lot of girls who were similar to me. 30+ professionals. Maybe in addition to the suggestion above, you can make a class called "Polefessionals" or something to that effect and advertise it as such so that women in the work force can meet like minded women who want to take good care of themselves? I think it might help to separate the college students from the rest without offending due to age. But of course you might want to describe the class as such that mommies are more than welcome, as being a professional mom is a full time job too!

  • Piaketz

    September 16, 2012 at 5:15 pm in reply to: which grip aid for really sweaty hands?

    Hi, I'm another Dirty Girl Poletice fan! I picked up a bottle from Summer at the Pole Expo and I'm so glad I did. I think I've tried everything except the vinegar because ewww I don't think I can handle the smell 😛 I have hyperhydrosis and I live in super humid Hawaii which makes both me and the pole sweat! I used it last night in a 4 hour pole jam with my friends and I was able to keep up. I used it first then layered Tite Grip on top. Not perfect of course but  so far it's the best combination I've ever tried. Next time I'll try it with Mighty Grip on top. I think it will go well too. Will keep you updated.

  • Piaketz

    August 23, 2012 at 6:46 pm in reply to: apprently poling is wrong.

    BeccaL, that's just horrible! I can't believe these people!!! I'm so sorry that this is happening to  you… I hope you find another, better job and get out of there soon or find legal help to end all the harrassment. What they're doing to you is just so wrong on so many levels.

  • Piaketz

    August 23, 2012 at 8:43 am in reply to: Eczema

    I have eczema too. It came down significantly when I changed from commercial soap (which are really technically "weak detergents") to real soap (you'll see oils listed in the ingredients). I always read the ingredient labels now. If I can't pronounce more than half of them, I'm not using it. I prefer handmade soaps, but if I can't have those, I find the best store bought one for me is Dr. Bronners. They have a tea tree version, but my favorite is the lavender, I find it more soothing.

  • Piaketz

    August 21, 2012 at 8:42 pm in reply to: apprently poling is wrong.

    I've had a "friend" try to get an entire house party to convince me to stop doing pole because she thought it was just so disgusting. She had been trying to tell me how disgusting I was for the longest time and I just ignored her, but it did quite take me by surprise when she tried to get ALL my friends to convince me, like an intervention or something. The worst part of it was that she chose to do it during MY surprise birthday party, right after everyone sang happy birthday to me! Ah what an idiot!!! I found her so ridiculous. I ended up just asking everyone in the room who was hotter, her or me? Of course they all said me, it was my birthday after all! So I told her "Well there you have it, the proof is in the pudding! I'm going to keep on pole dancing!" Haha! It just reaffirmed to me that not everyone thinks like her and I should just keep doing what I like to do. Though I defriended that miserable woman in real life… I slowly cut ties with her. I don't like people who are so judgemental or close-minded in general, so I am glad that I found out that she was that kind of person rather than invest any more of my friendship on her.  

    Don't let that negative person in your life get you down either Take it in stride, you will meet other people like her, but you know you are doing nothing immoral and not harming anyone, so you don't need to explain anything to anyone. I rarely bother nowadays. With close-minded people, you just wont win, so I find it's better just to keep these people out of our lives. Sometimes when I can't help it I tell them stuff like "Well then I guess we skanks just have more fun. More fun than you. Not to mention we all have tighter tummies and hotter asses…" Haha it really gets their panties in a bunch when you're totally unapologetic about being a pole dancer.

    As said by previous posters, the previous blog posts on this topic are great and going through them might make you feel less alone on this issue. But please don't feel bad about posting what others find to be an old topic… We all experience pole haters at different times, and it's a little more shocking and upsetting when you are just starting off at pole and had no clue that some people could be so vicious towards pole. I just want to share with you my experience today, just so that you know there's another live person right now who is out there who feels for you as I've gone through the same before.

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