Forum Replies Created
MemberApril 27, 2012 at 4:13 am in reply to: Please help me by voting for my picture on facebook!Liked! And I do believe it is the prettiest pic of the bunch. Well done!
Fiya Starta I just saw your question, why of course you may use what I'm saying about your DVD! My real name is Pia btw. Love the DVD. Took it to my friends place, we all tried it, it was kind of sad seeing 3 flat Asian butts trying to booty clap. It was a ton of fun though and you know, maybe it's just my imagination or something but now I do feel a little shaking in my jelly back there, more than before. Can't wink yet though, I end up doing a Kegels, my body just doesn't understand it lol! Who knows one day I can get it to clap…
So proud of you!!!
My friend recently tried uploading a clip of us poledancing and it didn't get published. FB sent her a message the next day and said the reason it was flagged and not posted was because the music she edited the vid with was copyright material. I was a bit relieved that it was not because they thought our spin drills were offensive, but I was still pretty annoyed that they were extremely strict on a private video. But anyway… maybe it was the music you used that was the reason for the flag? My friend's vid was flagged pretty instantly so I think they must have some sort of screening program that detects certain music. I'd hate to think that there's some poor dude out there screening all our vids even before they get publish on the timeline. What a sorry job haha! In our case, my friend changed the music and the video went up.
Tara we are just beginning to teach ourselves spinny. We have no experience in it. So far so good, just have to get used to the motion of it. At least we are no longer flying off screaming like when we first tried it haha!!! We've all been doing a lot of other things like silks and stuff and no one really kicks our butts into gear in pole anymore, so we're just beginning to return to our first love again and getting our groove back. Trust me, we DO need lessons from you! I love all your videos! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_heart1.gif
Ewa I really like your idea of working on combos instead of just straight up tricks. That's a really nice point. Thanks for the advice! We really need to cut down on our chit chat til we're done with working out!
Tara you are welcome to pole with us any time. We might make it out to Maui early next year so we'll be sure to come buy your studio for some lessons!!! We need fresh tricks
Thanks Holly. Those are pretty good tips on saving time. We did ok last night, but maybe as we get better as poling as a group we can come up with a routine warmup that isn't too long. There are 5 of us (2 poles though), which is a lot, but we all do a lot of things throughout the week so it's a good idea not to spend too much time on conditioning. Ok I will message Amy if she doesn't get to reply https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_flower.gif
Tarah, no worries luv https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cool.gif No doubt that there are some doctors like you said… I've met a few and I've always felt like punching them. But I get your point that everyone should be discerning on who they trust https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_flower.gif
Hey Tarah, I take offense at your statement "first of all, most doctors tend to be against anything that is natural, mostly because they have limited education, and treat everything with drugs"! That is simply not true!!! If anything, I try to take my patients OFF medication whenever possible and I think most MDs of my generation try to at least. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_flower.gifI'm the first to admit that I don't know everything in the world, and I like going natural if possible and am in no way against natural or homeopathic remedies. I always endorse cranberry for UTI and rarely give out cough syrup (I tell my patients to make ginger tea with honey and turmeric, I swear it's better than Robitussin and only give Robi if they absolutely ask for it) and I go to acupuncture regularly. But just because things are natural does not mean they are always good. Think about it this way, marijuana is natural, and it makes people stupid and fat!!! Lol! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif Anyway, it's that kind of attitude that causes a distrust between patient and doctor when it really should be a partnership. Most doctors are as bad as you think and do want to help their patients in earnest, regardless of "Big Pharma", and I wish you would not endorse that kind of thinking! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_heart1.gif
I don't think color matters as much as the lighting. I prefer a soft light (so I don't see my cellulite in the mirrors haha). In my pole room I have a few small funky glass lamps on the floor and sometimes I turn on my Mipole. I also have cute floor cushions handy, a small table for my laptop. And you know how ballerinas mount their old pointe shoes on the wall? Well, I've mounted my stilleto boots and clear heels. I can't dance in them, but they sure do look pretty in my pole room!
MemberApril 3, 2012 at 6:23 am in reply to: I have not exercised or touched my pole in 3 monthsAwww hun, I'm a medical doctor, and I start and stop all the time too because of my crazy schedule so I feel what you're going through. I've been poling maybe 3 years, but have not been actively poling for the past 1 year. I feel like I've regressed a lot with my pole skills though the muscles are still there because I still do other things like aerial regularly. My advice is to see where you're at and go from there. You can try to go to an open level class and honestly evaluate yourself and see if you can still try inverting or not. Just remember that these levels are really just numbers, and there is no shame in dropping down or taking a class again. Do you have a teacher who knows you and your abilities well? If so, ask them which level you should be at. If you don't have a teacher who knows you well, I'd say better safe than sorry and take yourself down a level from where you were and rebuild strength from there. It's always good to review or relearn things. You don't want to injure yourself. And if you can take other classes (yoga, pilates, etc) that will help you build muscles, that would help too. Goodluck!
Ah no wonder! I go up really quickly when I try the wheel. Thanks for the tip Heathalynne!
Wow, such great info, everyone! Thanks!
Miraine, I really like the way you explain. Good stuff!
Veena wow so cool I feel like I got the answer to my prayers right after I asked haha!
Oh I just got my DVD! It's a lot of fun. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_wink.gif I don't think I'll ever get my booty to move like that but it's fun to try. And I can feel my muscles working.
FiyaStarta, could I make a tiny suggestion for your next booty DVD? Please don't wear all black! I can't see some of the moves too well coz all of you are in black pants and sometimes I can't see the proper way to shake too well because your pants sometimes blend in with the black floor/wall.
Still love it though!!! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_heart1.gif