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  • PoleNerd

    May 9, 2011 at 4:55 pm in reply to: Pole and breast size

    @misskitty83 I’m also a 32DD and have found many cheap pretty bras…though many brands don’t even make the size. Brands I’ve found: calvin klein, felina, natori, wacoal, le mystere, and a few more – very inexpensive at premium outlets, tj maxx, nordstrom rack, some department stores, etc. I’m talking anywhere between $5 and $35.

    Agreed – there are plenty of slim women with naturally large breasts and large women with naturally small breasts, and everywhere in between. If you look for it, you’ll see it’s there. The cliche is true that women come in all shapes and sizes.

    I’m a pretty big creep and evaluate womens breasts all the time.

  • PoleNerd

    May 8, 2011 at 11:22 am in reply to: Pole and breast size

    One major issue is that we don’t see enough real breasts on real life. We are do used to pushup bras, implants, and air brushing.

    I worked as s bra fitter for two years and it really helped me appreciate my breasts and body.

    So many women thought their breasts didn’t look right because they weren’t pushed up to their neck!

    If you really think your breasts are deflating and sagging, keep working your pecs and your core. While they may not affect your breast skin and tissue, it might help your breasts look “perkier.” Also invest in a great bra. If you’ve lost a lot of tissue, then pushup may not be the way to go… Try a molded cup.

    Regardless of what your breasts are doing, you’re going to be hot and strong.

  • PoleNerd

    May 6, 2011 at 11:06 pm in reply to: Slippery X-Pole! HELP!!

    There may be tiny breaks in the pole finish… then the inside of the pole is exposed to moisture, causing rust.

  • PoleNerd

    May 6, 2011 at 10:56 pm in reply to: Slippery X-Pole! HELP!!

    @Mechie – I haven’t experienced any chipping from cleaning – I don’t clean my pole a lot, and when I do, I don’t use much vinegar.

    Perhaps the alcohol is too harsh for your pole, but that doesn’t seem right. Do you actually see or feel the chipping happening? Do you wear jewelry or use anything else abrasive on your pole?

  • PoleNerd

    May 6, 2011 at 8:25 am in reply to: Slippery X-Pole! HELP!!

    I also have a chrome xpole (xpert). It has gotten significantly stickier over the past four months. I use vinegar to clean it.

    I also find that the pole has to be completely warm – top to bottom – in order to stick. If any part of the pole feels cool (not cold), I will slide.

    Maybe you have to take extra time to warm up your body and the pole? Perhaps the chrome takes longer to warm up than other finishes. Also, have faith that the pole will become stickier over time with constant use.

  • Keep the crash mat until you feel more comfortable inverting. At least until you can grip with only your legs.

    I used a bunch of pillows and blankets because I’m not as classy as you 🙂 however, fear only held me back and robbed me of strength, not to mention sweaty hands.

    Veena shows you the safe, right way. With Veena and the crash mat, you have nothing to fear!

  • PoleNerd

    April 29, 2011 at 9:33 am in reply to: how long did you weight train for

    All you can really do is stick with it and be patient. Rest when you need to. And try as hard as you can not to compare to others' progress!

    For the pole sit,  it took me two-three weeks for the high pain and bruising to go away, and probably about a month to feel totally comfortable. However, there are days where it's still painful – there's always so many factors involved!

    Like Chem said, bruises will still come when learning new moves.

    I also started off out-of-shape and weak. But there are women on here who started out in fantastic shape, and they still couldn't do any moves at first! That's why pole is so awesome.

    The good thing about strength training beforehand is that you will balance both sides of your body. I regret not strengthtraining beforehand, and I was left with an awkward, weak left side. It's about four months in and things are finally starting to even out. Chin ups and pull ups really help for poling (though they probably won't help for pole sits!)

    Keep at it Shonaj!

  • PoleNerd

    April 23, 2011 at 5:50 pm in reply to: fed up with my slippery pole

    I use Cetaphil as a face/body moisturizer, but it doesn’t help for hand grip – it has lots of oil in it. Moisturized skin definitely sticks better, but you have to make sure the lotion goes on hours before you pole so there’s no residue.

  • PoleNerd

    April 21, 2011 at 5:05 pm in reply to: 45mm or 50mm?

    I only know 45, and it’s been great for my small hands (seriously- they fit into kids’ gloves) and leg hangs.

    Curious about the 50 now…bet it feels like a tree trunk! I assume switching to a different size will always be challenging at first, but in the end only make you stronger and more versatile in the end.

  • PoleNerd

    April 21, 2011 at 4:54 pm in reply to: very sore forearm – not muscular – help 🙁

    I feel like there is no way to avoid the initial forearm pain, even if you don’t do it too often and use the correct technique. I have the tiniest forearms and wrists ever.

    However, I no longer experience forearm pain from the cradle spin and thigh rest…it will probably come back once I start trying the advanced split grip moves, but I have to say that the pain will prob go away once you build strength and don’t overdo the split grip.

  • PoleNerd

    April 15, 2011 at 1:53 pm in reply to: Not sore, but ACHE so bad! Why?

    Are you still experiencing pain or discomfort? I still think it could be from pressure on your sciatic nerve. Your butt area probably experienced awkward pressure and friction from the bike seat (hehe).

    There are many stretches you can do that will alleviate lower back and sciatic pain. Here is an example of one that I've used and it's helped:

    Sadly I'm not a doctor, but that is my guess. For muscle pain, those magnesium tablets sound interesting. . .I'll have to try them.



  • PoleNerd

    April 14, 2011 at 7:18 am in reply to: fed up with my slippery pole

    I also have a chrome xpole and it takes a good while (20-30 mins?) to really warm up. I also have to be hot and a bit sweaty. Dry, hairy skin kills grip as as well (I don’t shave much in winter…oops).

    Like others said, white vinegar really helps.

    To warm up the pole and myself, I just do a lot of spins/movement around the pole and attempt to do moves (though I slide right down). The bottom and top of the pole take the longest to warm up.

    It’s all very frustrating if you’re impatient – but the eventual stickiness is so worth it. I’m sure the hotness and humidity of summer will bring a whole different set of issues 😉

  • PoleNerd

    April 11, 2011 at 12:57 pm in reply to: P90X

    In response to your oher question – I’m not sure how you could incorporate full p90x and poling, unless you substitute – there is only one day of rest, plus poling is intense! Maybe do one day full poling + lower body workout, the next just dancing and strength training?

  • PoleNerd

    April 11, 2011 at 12:54 pm in reply to: P90X

    First, which program are you doing? I can only speak on the Classic.

    I did it for 3 months. I’d say the mind-numbing soreness improved after the first and second week. But keep in mind that the next phase will introduce a while new set of workouts, so the soreness may come back. Also, there will be some days where you give more intensity than others (though Tony wants every day intense).

    Are you following the dieT plan? I could NOT do just one serving of carbs per day – it was not enough to get me through weighTs and dreaded plyometrics!

  • PoleNerd

    April 11, 2011 at 12:42 pm in reply to: don’t want to lose weight…nutrition help please

    How often are you eating? You could try going no more than 2-3 hrs between eating to keep you fueled.

    It really annoys me when people think the only purpose of working out is to lose weight – thin people need exercise, too.

    I had the same issue with toning lower body – dancing in heels really helps! Booty drops are really effective and fun 🙂 I’m also doing a separate ab routine from p90x.

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