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I have hardly used my new brass xpert 40 mm. I screwed it to become static and it won’t! The screws move but the pole will still spin. Gotta call but this pole is so much more complex than my previous older top loading xpole.
I also have been poling off and on for 4 years. It can be inspiring to look at all the tutorials and videos online but also depressing at times. Pole is a love/ hate relationship at times and lack of progress or inability makes you think why can’t I . Be patient with yourself. My advice is to treat your hands and wrists well. Too much computer, or work that weakens and tires them will keep you away from practicing your more difficult things. Enjoy and look through the site for your questions along the way….so much valuable info. I myself have some people here I look up to, I really miss renaladybugs videos , watching her progress…. She has a strong will and is very strong.
Thanks guys and I was referring to the older x poles for my old pole, it was much more simple. Lol
my wrist pain worsens with even sllight computer use now and after too much pole. My Dr. gave me a wrist immobilizer brace for now inbetween exercise, pole.ect. It between my thumb and index finger and up to mid-upper forearm. Just got it today. Planning on using it when at home and some at work maybe,
we'll see
That’s great encouragement Lyme!
The warm up is an excellent point, I usually do less of one at home than at class and usually have a less successful practice.
I’m glad this was brought up, I want a smaller pole but haven’t tried one yet.
Congrats Rena!!! Been missing ya!
I am recovering right now. I had surgery 3 months ago. breast lift with implant and tummy tuck. I had trouble squeezing my arms together or lifting myself up for awhile. I hadn't pole in a while but was kickboxing and in my best shape pre surgery. I am just about to consider going back. I have a pole and am interested in practicing some spins at home and practice inverting before even going back. I've lost a lot of strength post op. I will be lifting some weights and start kickboxing before classes..or at least practicing at home. The implants just softened and started feeling normal a little after 2 months. I would NOT have gone back before that UNLESS I was just maybe doing floor work and dancing around the pole.
thanks everyone. I found 2 on zazzle, broke down and bought the one I mentioned and then saw another one for 2012 and then bought that one. Zazzle.com
Aleshia it's great to meet another. I know I've always thought there were some who did MT with boobs but never saw them for myself and MT is actally what made them disappear the most and I love MT and was worried it would be a problem.
Anna- I heard about that place and have been awaiting my approval. I used someone who was Video blogging on it on You Tube and am worried that is why It wasn't approved yet? I've heard a lot of good things and will try yours too, thanks so much.
Phoenix- thanks about the running DD advice. It seems to make since. I am going to make my rice fillers tonight, D and DD to at least get a visual. D implant with the lift may be enough 🙂
thanks everyone!
Wow, I love all the responses! All very helpful. Appreciating the info!
You don't look out of shape by your pic. I was heavy when I started. and have had to do other things to get there, BUT to a degree that is almost everyone starting from square one. You can see tons of videos of people of all sizes and levels of fitness doing some pretty awesome tricks. I think what tends to hold people back most it their heads. When we watch videos of such cool things it is easy to compare and dream and be left frustrated with our own progress. Maybe during those times it could be best to keep practicing and going to classes or at home without watching videos except for what you are currently working with at your level. I get very frustrated. In my classes I've had to stay behind levels while everyone else went ahead and I've taken several breaks and focused on cardio and weight lifting instead. It is sooo hard to not watch videos everyday!