Forum Replies Created

  • RissK

    August 15, 2016 at 11:31 am in reply to: Back Pain and Training

    Back pain sucks! I’m dealing with some myself. I can’t arch my back without pain. Sometimes bending down or straightening up hurts. Walking can hurt. Ugh! Then there are days it feels normal…until I move a certain way and boom…oh hello pain. Add a frozen shoulder…yep, me. I have been battling with my Dr for ages! I finally saw a sports medicine physician and am getting a shoulder MRI Fri. Hoping they’ll add on the low back at the same time! Have you had soft tissue imaging? Ultrasound or MRI? CT scan? X-ray images won’t show enough. Keep fighting! You have to be your own advocate for health. I have seen so many therapists…spent a lot of money…it is so frustrating! I’m off the pole because of all this and it sucks! Seek out a specialist and keep pushing for proper images and diagnosis! Good luck!!

  • RissK

    July 18, 2016 at 3:05 am in reply to: Feel silly when trying to be sexy

    I don’t do sexy… I feel weird too. And I never used to… but I gained weight and have some mobility issues too. I don’t go dancing anywhere anymore and feel awkward. I’m not be venue in the pole right now… so me and sexy are like former lovers… I know them intimately but I we just don’t feel right together. Haha!
    Maybe someday. But I’m not going to push it or feel bad about it. Just not feeling it at the moment. So I do strength and tricks when I’m on the pole. And for now, that’s enough. I know I’ll have to learn that aspect and practice it to make it natural looking. Again…someday. Don’t feel you have to be sexy. Do what makes you happy. 😊💖

  • RissK

    July 10, 2016 at 1:45 pm in reply to: Pole Farts

    OMG SaschaPoles I’m just reading this thread now and laughing so much! Farts, queefs, they’ve both happened on the pole for me! Lol!! Contract muscles with air inside…it wants out! It’s happened in martial arts, at the gym, playing sports… natural for sure. And hilarious! 😆😆

  • RissK

    July 10, 2016 at 3:36 am in reply to: new style xpole cutting my feet

    If they’re what I think you’re describing, they (the 3 of them) are the base set screws and should not be sticking out at all. They have to be fully tightened to keep your Pole secure. Once you’ve adjust height and tension, these get screwed back in. I’ve never had mine bother any body part when using the pole, spins, climbs, hands, Nada.
    The other 2 screws at the very bottom are the spin vs static screws, if that’s the type of pole you have. Totally different location and purpose.

  • RissK

    May 22, 2016 at 12:47 pm in reply to: Brand New at Mid-Fifties

    Welcome! 😊 I’m 42 and started just over a year ago. My strength has improved so much…I’m doing things now that I watched videos about last summer! Protein is a definite must to repair your muscles, and as a vegan you need all the essential amino acids to make it happen, so variety is key. All of Veena’s programs and lessons are phenomenal! Clear, concise and easy to follow so you’ll be posting vids in no time! I don’t post much, but I read and watch those that do. Keep your joints healthy, so your muscles can work. That’s my block right now, struggling with a semi-frozen shoulder and a left hip and ankle dysfunction…thank goodness for my therapist! Lol. We look forward to seeing some of your progress and hearing your point of view when you feel like weighing in on something. 😍

  • RissK

    February 15, 2016 at 2:38 pm in reply to: SAD 🙁

    I’m 42 and just started last year! I also started this pole journey with a frozen left shoulder that has yet to thaw and limits all my activities to one side…not easy! When it finally works again, I will have to go back to the beginning and do everything again on the dork side! I’m not as flexible as most, but I am strong and I challenge myself. I modify all my moves and rest and stretch as needed. I also started silks and trapeze and I wish they’d had circus arts when I was in my 30’s, when I was fit from jujitsu! I’m getting there again…. just keep plugging along, as you say. The journey, not the destination! At this point, I need to get some sexy into my pole, add the fluidity that I admire in others… like Tropical… 💞… I stopped being comfortable in my own skin so I’m trying to overcome that. I’m stronger now than last year, and I will also keep plugging away…lol! Love yourself, love the journey, and lean on us pole sisters whenever you need to! Big hugs and thank you for sharing your story! 😍

  • RissK

    February 8, 2016 at 1:42 pm in reply to: Weight grows

    Veena and Runemist34 are right. I try to see how my clothes fit, or use measurements to see how well I’m doing. Keep track of things like how many pole holds you do and for how long, rather than the weight. The scale measures the effect of gravity on your body, it doesn’t measure your worth or dedication, strength or beauty!

  • RissK

    January 7, 2016 at 1:56 am in reply to: Pole Sister or Brother Wanted

    Hi! I’m in Ontario as well, but in Kingston… Not very close! Do you Instagram? It’s a great community as well as here. Veena has such excellent instructions ❤ it’s really cool to see lots of other people’s ways of doing moves too. Keep at it! It will makes sense!

  • My good friend Paula is an instructor and she uses the “Bag of Tricks” to help create combos and help you with flow for freestyle. Use any bag, makeup bags are cute, and write the names of tricks and spins on cards to put inside. Shake it up and pick 3-4 and try to do them in order. It really makes you think about how to flow from one to the next, and what transitions you need in between. Have fun!

  • RissK

    September 13, 2015 at 8:56 pm in reply to: Veena birthday is today