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  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 18, 2009 at 6:49 am in reply to: Music problems

    Would love to say drag and drop from iTunes.
    Should have some import ability. I’m on a Mac so have no idea apart from trying an import.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 17, 2009 at 9:59 pm in reply to: How old are you?!?!?

    I’m nearly 38. (bloody Geminis!!!)

    5’9" and my weight is irrelevant as I develop muscle really quickly and easily, but have lost about 5 dress sizes since taking up pole, but the numbers didn’t change as dramatically as I thought they might squishy puku is still there, but slowly going.
    5 kids: twin girls 3, and 7 and 8 year old boys. (all go meow) and a 24" blue tongue skink.

    Ooooh, and a husband! Who gets bored of my pole obsession, but very sweetly ensures our x-poles are secure at the studio and does all the "manly" stuff. Most of our single students want to clone him.

    He’s also the one who I bug with video questions…

    edit: ooops, forgot to count Hermes as one of the kids!!

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 17, 2009 at 7:48 am in reply to: Close Up TVNZ CH1

    Oh hahah I just tried posting the above and saw that Rouge had written about it already. So there’ll be more posts to this thread next week.
    Did that on purpose for the smarty pants factor.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 17, 2009 at 7:37 am in reply to: Close Up TVNZ CH1

    Piece wasn’t run tonight as they ran out of time, however they did show a few little shots of Sonia’s studio and a few moves.

    Sonia looked so pretty on camera and seemed to be doing a really good job of maintaining coherent thoughts while being interviewed.

    So it’s next week it’s on the telly god…

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 17, 2009 at 6:22 am in reply to: So Frustrated……

    😆 too old!! great that must make me achient!! ha ha ha!
    If you think you’re ancient, how old does that make me!!!! More decrepit????

    I can’t do so many things, but the things I can do, I do well.
    An amazing dancer we have at the studio told me she loved watching me dance because I was graceful and she found that a pleasure to watch. She’s got the most amazing tricks and I thought she was an amazing dancer!!
    (Shoulder mounts up and down, completely controlled and at a snails pace to start…)

    I feel completely useless and a failure sometimes when I see girls I’ve initially taught, do tricks like the Jamilla split like it’s a fireman! I don’t even invert, yet. well, I try, but I’ve discovered that I can now kick the pole upside down as well as right way up. Big toe is now purple. But I did beautiful aerials last night!

    Don’t give up, your muscles have to learn how to be used in a different way. They will build up strength for pole in their own time. Pole is not an immediate thing for everybody, a few are naturally talents, but then you’ll find they did gymnastics or martial arts for years.
    BTW: I’m nearly 38 and I’m not the oldest here.

    The woman who won Sonia’s competition last year was 55 and had been dancing for 8 months. She was incredible: graceful, strong, amazing to watch. So age has nothing to do with it.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 17, 2009 at 6:10 am in reply to: Close Up TVNZ CH1

    I’m trying to find it but I don’t know what section it would be under help! I want to see it

    It’s TVNZ, their site is badly organised. very cluttered.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 17, 2009 at 5:55 am in reply to: Need Help Uploading 1st Video

    Did you try uploading directly from the camera? Or from a file that you’d uploaded to you computer from the Camera? This is called a scratch file and can be crazy lady sizes. We have a 1Tb hard drive we use for our scratch file capture – and we do short stuff. Our Big Mac has at least 2Tb hard drive storage on top of that, purely for video capture.

    My suggestion is to put it through a video editing programme to compress it. iMovie, Vegas, WMM (if you must).
    And edit out bits that aren’t so hot, like wandering up to turn the camera on and / off.
    The compression will shrink the file size to something more palatable for the SV servers.
    It may take a while, but it’s worthwhile.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 17, 2009 at 5:44 am in reply to: Video Format & Uploading

    basic vegas is also on $55 USD… a good product to save up for.

    We have final cut, but then we’re a geeky film house / production company.
    We need Final cut to talk with Maya and Shake, so Mr Rouge (Dave) can edit and animate his modelling.
    needless to say, he’s applying to Weta Digital as soon as his skite tape looks very hot.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 17, 2009 at 12:49 am in reply to: Getting a divorce

    The decrepit Aunty Rouge is going to get up again…

    When I was 21, I was in no position to have kids, emotionally I was the party girl out for a good time.
    You’ve already made that huge sacrifice with your life to bring up kids.

    To echo everyone else, is the relationship really worth saving. You’ve been together since you were maybe 15?
    Think of how much you’ve grown since you were 15. And you really will keep maturing.
    So, what I suggest you need to do, is to get an independent third party to assist with the relationship discussions.
    But only if the relationship is worth saving. If not, then leave. Addiction is an awful third party in any relationship, especially if only one party is involved. I was terrified of leaving my ex and being single. but it was worth it. Then I met my amazing husband at 34, no regrets there!

    PM me if you want a non-public discussion on living with addicts. Been there, done that have the healed emotional scars!

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 17, 2009 at 12:36 am in reply to: Getting a divorce

    He sounds like he has classic addictive behaviour. It’s never going to be his fault!!
    I had one of those people for far too long, it was really hard to leave as I was conditioned to think I needed him.

    A breakup is really hard, but if he’s treating you like crap and blaming you for everything, then it’s the best thing ever for you to get out of that situation and live a better life. Especially if he’s using / self-medicating. Hard advice and possibly not what you want to hear, but as someone who lived through that for 13 years, get out while you can. Have you been to al-anon groups? They are for families and friends of users and are great for bringing you back to where you should be.

    If he’s making moves to leave, then let him. Once he’s out that door, he’s out for good. Don’t take him back for anything. Not even in a weak moment, be strong. I know I should probably be telling you to make amends, get counselling etc, but if he’s treating you like this, then sod it and let him go. You don’t need anybody treating you like this. He has no respect for you and that’s not right in a relationship. Let the ba%^&*d go.

    And did I read right with Lamo?? Love the name.
    loads of e-cuddles, Cali. The great thing about places like this is that people will share when they need the support, and people will always come through with great advice and support.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 16, 2009 at 10:21 pm in reply to: cuts on hands–aching or poling for you? (my candidiasis)

    in one of the other threads somebody suggested garlic as a natural medicine for candida.( if i do happen to have one i´m so trying this remedy) i wonder if you mash it and smear on the skin if it would also help with a fungus? and probably eating alot of garlic or garlic pills might help…

    That was off they have a really long thread on using garlic for thrush / YI.
    Have a look on that forum as I’m sure there’s a few on there with full body candida.
    BTW: It is a vegan forum, so there is a bit of anti-meat. But it’s their site, so, like others have no right to criticise us for poling, we have no right to criticise them for not eating / using animal products.

    I’ve heard of others having the same issues with full body candida.
    I’d also drop dairy products as they are pretty high in lactose which is a natural sugar.
    Presuming you’ve been told to minimise fruit intake for the fructose levels?

    Garlic up there is apparently the best treatment out for candida, makes the body an inhospitable environment.
    It’s also natural and has other good properties.
    Are you taking any acidophilus / bifidus products? They may help reign in the candida.

    I also suggest large amounts of vitamin C to assist with the healing process. I use it when I get really bad eczema. Take 1 tablet every 2 hours until you get the runs, then you know you’ve had one too many. Keep on the amount of tabs prior to the runs and things should heal up very quickly! Also try flax oil.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 16, 2009 at 10:04 pm in reply to: Close Up TVNZ CH1

    This is the URL for the site

    Exciting to get pole onto TV1!

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 16, 2009 at 10:01 pm in reply to: Video Format & Uploading

    2 questions:
    What product are you uploading to with the intention of editing?
    Is it a hard drive camera or do you have tapes?

    Everyone will tell you I have a complete hatred of WMM. It’s not a good product.
    My suggestion is to blow some bandwidth and download the trial version of Sony Vegas.
    This may allow you to use more formats.

    If you’re using iMovie, there shouldn’t be a problem.

    Sometimes you have to play with the formats etc when capturing footage from a Hard drive camera.
    Tape capture is usually pretty easy.

    What I also suggest is to view the video and make notes of which shots you love the most, which ones look the best and note down the timecode for them. (This is called tape logging)
    Then when you come to edit, you have the bits you really want to use already noted.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 16, 2009 at 9:54 pm in reply to: Name Your Pole

    We’ve temporarily named our 50mm silver titanium at the studio "Skarsgard".
    After the beautiful Alexander Skarsgard. (Eric Northman in True Blood)

    Tall, well built and pale. Just what most goth girls want!!

    The steel poles have no names yet, except one, which is called slippy pole as it’s not very grippy.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 16, 2009 at 3:28 am in reply to: Which diameter with small hands?

    Once you have the grip, the 50mm will be fine.
    Most of my students use the 50mm, and that’s a range of heights from >5 foot to 6foot+

    hand grip squeezy things are good for building up hand strength, no idea what they’re called.

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