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  • re pregnancy and being on the pill and still getting periods.

    This happens, a lot more often than you think.

    There are many recorded cases of women discovering they are well through their pregnancy, even though they’ve menstruated since they got pregnant.
    I too, know of women who’ve got pregnant while on the pill.

    Let’s just hope its a nice easy fix and nothing too serious.

    BTW, a garlic clove up there, apparently does wonders for yeast infections / thrush according to another forum I’m on. tie some dental floss through the clove and pop it up there. Garlic is a natural antibiotic and kills off the bad bugs.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 15, 2009 at 9:29 am in reply to: Lock Jaw

    All of the brassica family are very high in calcium.
    Cabbage, broccoli, cauli etc. Roasted Brussels sprouts rock.

    Dairy isn’t so good on the calcium, it leaches more out of your system than it puts in.
    The dairy industry doesn’t like that to be known, funnily enough…

    I want to know how the dentist went today so do tell us all later. Hopefully it’s an easy fix.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 15, 2009 at 1:27 am in reply to: Which diameter with small hands?

    I have smaller hands (7.5" thumb tip across to little finger tip spread) and find the 45mm great for learning new tricks, but then I move to the 50mm for perfecting them. I’ve tried a 35mm pole and found it very, very tiny.

    However, from what I’ve heard, start as big as you can cope with.
    I started on 50mm and it means I have no problems with either 45 or 50mm.
    There’s only 1.6cm difference in circumference between them (ex-engineer husband).
    ergo, the 35mm could be 30mm approx smaller in circumference.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 15, 2009 at 1:23 am in reply to: Lock Jaw

    was there a cold breeze last night? It’s starting to sound like you slept funny.
    My neck gets very stiff and sore if it gets cold, don’t say old age, I’ve had this since my teens.

    Tetanus shots should be every 10 years ish (says she who hasn’t had hers for nearly 30 years…..)

    The stresses in your life could be the other contributing factor. Take a bath, if you can, with loads of lavender oil.
    Or put that into a burner or even on your temples. This apparently helps to relax people.

    Dentist is a good idea to ensure it’s not a biggie, have your wisdom teeth come through yet?
    Mine made my jaw a little tender when they came through. (Iraq invasion, 1990, funny how you remember stuff)

    good luck!

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 15, 2009 at 12:10 am in reply to: Nikkita

    Welcome to the site – and to pole!!

    now you have an x-pole, you won’t be going back…

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 15, 2009 at 12:05 am in reply to: Lock Jaw

    have you stood on anything rusty lately or got something like that under your skin / into a cut??
    When was your last tetanus shot?
    OK, I’m going down the scary line, but merely ruling out stuff.

    Did you sleep weird on it? have you had a knock or fall to it lately?
    What stresses are there in your life that could be causing this? Exams, etc?

    Haven’t had a locked jaw before, yours could have far too many different causes.
    Massage and a heat pack may help to start with, failing that, go see a Doctor.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 15, 2009 at 12:00 am in reply to: Apology for Praise Dance Videos

    Jungle_Cat Sweetie, as an atheist, I don’t believe, but that’s my choice as much as your faith and belief is yours, and living in a democracy allows us to be able to practice our beliefs freely and with acceptance and respect for each others views. (well, usually… ) faith and belief is personal.

    Jesus was a humanist, an activist for bettering the human condition. The records show he did exist and was considered a nuisance. Nowadays, if he was around, he’d be called a terrorist / anarchist and imprisoned. If you choose to use dance and a song commemorating this exceptional person who tried very hard to help people’s lives over 2000 years ago, then go for it. I believe one of the things he tried to change was the narrowmindedness and reluctance to accept those who were different, I’m sure he would be very dismayed and ashamed by many out there who purport themselves to be Christian – and he’d hang out with those that they look down upon.

    Dance is a form of worship that goes back further than Christianity; belly dancing is an ancient form of worship to the fertility goddess, so are many other forms of dance (Bollywood is derived from Classical Hindu). Therefore, do not consider yourself a bad person for choosing to express your faith in dance.

    So sweetie, you keep dancing in that beautiful way you do and ignore those who tell you it’s wrong, choose your songs as they appeal to you. Don’t listen to those who demonise you for making choices that speak deeply to you, if they’re trying to emulate living like Jesus and his actions, they’re failing miserably!

    I like this site because we can put aside religion, beliefs, gender stereotyping and other bad things that our society has out there. Here, we are all equal, and that’s a really good thing.

    BTW: I’m not trying to beat up on religion, however, the world has too many issues going on in it right now because of fervent, misguided belief. Let’s just appreciate and respect everyone and not be guided by the media of those who tell us who or what we should be.

    Edit: I also wanted to thank you for having the courage to apologise for a perceived offence to others. That kind of behaviour is really positive and takes a very strong, respectful person.
    I wish more people would behave this way, including myself sometimes.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 14, 2009 at 1:45 am in reply to: Glam Bands

    Glam rock is more the 70’s based stuff, the T-Rex type sound. Hair metal could be a sub-genre.
    I’ve edited the below list with my knowledge. I won’t play music purist for those who’ve chosen other tracks…

    David Bowie (anything from 75 – 80)
    Elton John, very album dependent. (Yellow brick road has moments)
    Gary Glitter (C’mon, c’mon)
    The Sweet (Ballroom bash)
    Alice Cooper, track dependent
    Marc Bolan, yes, yes yes!!!!
    Mott the Hoople
    Queen, 70’s fer sure. Bohemian Rhapsody, FB Girls etc.
    Suzi Quatro
    Joan Jett (early 80’s, stop after I love rock n roll)
    Hello Sailor
    Early Spilt Enz
    Status Quo (mid 70’s)
    David Essex, pure pop but had his moments

    All these are varying forms of metal but not really glam rock. Although Hair metal could be considered a sub-genre of glam rock. Those I’ll put an H next to.

    Poison H
    Van Halen H
    Mötley Crüe H
    Guns N’ Roses
    Bon Jovi H
    Def Leppard
    Ratt H
    Scorpions H
    Quiet Riot
    AC/DC (scungy metal yes, glam, no.)
    Judas Priest
    ZZ Top
    Cinderella H
    Faster Pussycat H
    Warrant H
    Skid Row
    White Lion
    Whitesnake H
    Night Ranger
    David Lee Roth H
    W.A.S.P. H
    Twisted Sister H
    Enuff Z’nuff
    L.A. Guns
    Mr. Big
    Bang Tango
    Dangerous Toys

    Not really glam rockers, but happy to be proven wrong!
    ABBA, Disco
    Adam Ant, New Wave to punk
    Alex Harvey
    Alvin Stardust
    Be-Bop Deluxe
    Blackfoot Sue
    Brett Smiley
    Brian Eno, New Wave
    Bryan Ferry, new romantic / new wave
    Cherry Vanilla
    Chicory Tip
    Deaf School
    Doctors of Madness
    Electric Eels
    Electric Light Orchestra
    The Glitter Band
    Iron Virgin
    Kim Fowley
    Kenji Sawada
    Lou Reed, nope, 60’s underground yes; father of new wave / punk, possibly.
    Magnus Uggla
    Mick Ronson
    New York Dolls, punk
    Roxy Music, new wave / new romantic
    Roy Wood
    Sadistic Mika Band
    Showaddy Waddy
    Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel
    Sweeney Todd
    Tiger Lily
    The Tubes
    Twisted Sister, Hair metal
    Vodka Collins
    Jayne County
    White Witch
    Zolar X

    Post-1970s glam (most of these are actually goth, unless otherwise noted)
    The Ark
    The Auteurs
    Bauhaus, Nope. Goth yes, glam, nope.
    Blondie New wave / punk
    Cinema Bizarre
    The Darkness
    King Adora
    Hanoi Rocks
    Klaus Nomi
    Manic Street Preachers Most definitely nope.
    Marc Almond, early disco
    Marilyn Manson, Nope. alt-goth yes.
    Melody Club
    Nina Hagen, punk but Hermann Hies Er has the best guitar opening ever!!" onclick=";return false; then it turns into great German Punk.
    The Phonic Athletic
    Pink Grease
    Private Line
    Robin Black and the I.R.S.
    Semi Precious Weapons
    Scissor Sisters, pure disco
    Soft Cell
    We Are The Fury

    OMG, can you tell I grew up in the 70’s / 80’s???
    Edited to add the top list too!

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 14, 2009 at 1:24 am in reply to: Owww pole burn

    Pole burn is normal.

    After a short time, you’ll not even notice it.


  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 13, 2009 at 11:53 pm in reply to: Boots

    what’s your pole made of??
    Steel or titanium should be fine and most zips are nylon which diminishes the chance of damage.
    just go for it. Shiny PVC has the "Karitane Factor" (the way baby by-product sticks to blankets)

    Look up for boots, they have them very cheap.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 13, 2009 at 4:35 am in reply to: Need to Vent…

    And Aunty Rouge is sending you e-cuddles. e-chocolate too.
    It will get better, promise.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 13, 2009 at 4:33 am in reply to: Weird Climb

    as the Youtube comments said, it’s very much the Chinese pole climb.

    I’ve also seen kids do it that way when they try to climb the pole.
    I took mine to my accountants end of year party 2 weeks ago and the kids were climbing it just like that!
    One girl jumped up just like you did – and she had a wrist cast on!

    Very cool though.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 13, 2009 at 2:24 am in reply to: Need to Vent…

    We all have off days.

    Somedays I can’t even do a fireman.
    Pretty much everyday I can’t invert. But as Veena said to me, it’s not all about the inverts.

    Now for Aunty Rouge’s stern lecture…
    As to your friend, being a childless one with a lot of friends who have kids, I can relate to her.
    Most of my friends now are younger than me or have late teens / adult kids.
    We forget that it’s hard for parents to be impetuous and spontaneous. It’s not personal, we’re just not conditioned that way. Going out for drinks at 10pm is a great idea, but we forget that you need babysitters, sleep, time to get ready. Yes, in a way we’re selfish, but that’s because we don’t have children or parenting experience. Again, it’s not personal, we simply don’t realise.

    Now the contentious statement, having too many friends who are now "zombie acolytes in the cult of child", there is only so much we non-child people can take on a child’s latest development. We’d like an adult conversation, not chat about the kids latest achievement at school / gym / etc, some of that is fine, we know it’s important, but the constant droning… I’m sure you’ve met people like that though at your daughters school, they have no life other than living vicariously through their children.

    Most of my parent friends are fine to be around, their kids are great, but there is that annoying group that we don’t play with any more.

    So, take it easy on yourself. I’m sure your friend didn’t mean to appear mean by giving you an hour to get to the bar, she’s in a different world; everyone has off days on the pole; spouses need apart time too and we’re not "putting up with you", sheesh, I say enough dumb things here!

    So, go take some quality "Foxy" time, which I’m thinking you don’t get enough of and stop beating yourself up.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 13, 2009 at 1:58 am in reply to: Name Your Pole

    brandy alexander is a drink!! it was super popular in 70’s.
    From the 30’s I believe. Brandy, cream and creme de Cacao.
    Creamy brandy and chocolate cocktail. yummmmmmmmmmm……..

    now to get vegan cream to make one!

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 13, 2009 at 1:35 am in reply to: singing and poling??

    Have done it while playing at the studio.
    Can be done, but you do need super high levels of fitness.
    Or don’t do so many cardio tricks.

    the trick is to keep the diaphragm open in whatever position you’re in.
    Ensure you can get good breaths down into the diaphragm. (yes, another skill, I trained in opera for a few years)
    However, this also contradicts the acrobatic breathing technique where it’s all into your chest.

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