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  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 13, 2009 at 1:31 am in reply to: x-pole titanium in platinum color

    yup, that’s the silver titanium we’ve been talking about for a while.

    Gold is grippier, but the silver is fine.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 13, 2009 at 1:02 am in reply to: I was in a movie today!

    So Sascha, as the resident film star, wanna up sticks and come to NZ to shoot a film in 4 weeks time??
    realise you can’t due to school, but we’d love to have you there anyway!

    We’ve got the 48hours film challenge and the directors are really keen to use the studio and some dancers!
    I’m art directing it, so may not have time to dance.

    LOL, keep typing horus! Shouldn’t watch Egypt docos while typing!

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 13, 2009 at 12:51 am in reply to: Inverted V & Exercises

    Jamilla taught me this one: on the floor, lie with the pole up where it would be if you were already inverted.
    Bring your legs up into a V and raise your hips until your legs are over your head and you’re in a shoulder stand.

    Other than that, lots of lower ab lifts. See if Veena has a video.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 13, 2009 at 12:34 am in reply to: Reasons to love Studio Veena

    I have this site posted on our website links as "The lovely, talented and most amazing Veena."

    I have really enjoyed having a community to learn from and with.
    I also like having people to babble about pole, when not at the studio. Mr Rouge loves me and likes watching me dance, but he’s not really into listening to me rant / rave about pole.
    What gets me the most, is how warm, friendly and accommodating this place is. Being a dork here is ok.
    And the fact that age is irrelevant here, along with gender / sex. (I’m 37 and was thinking about Jungle_Cat and Joel too!).

    I’m also not the most acrobatic, yet it’s nice to be able to learn from and watch those who are and to share my knowledge on the other sides of Pole.

    Again, it was searching for Brit Brit’s bad poling for "Gimme More" on Youtube that lead me to Veena – and boy has that video been shown to my students.
    So yay for us. More importantly, yay for Veena for creating this warm, fuzzy, creative place.
    I like it better than the other Pole site I’ve found.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 11, 2009 at 7:29 am in reply to: Oh the bruises!

    Sorry, but what’s Arnica?
    Arnica is a great homeopathic / naturopathic remedy for reducing bruising and soft tissue injuries.

    Most frequently used as a cream / gel.
    I also have drops and tablets.

    When I get a good injury, like kicking a pole, I instantly take 15 drops and take those every 2 hours for the next 4 hours. Also rub cream into the affected region.
    There’s also another treatment that uses St Johns Wort and some other stuff too, works well in conjunction with arnica.

    Hope this helps.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 11, 2009 at 12:39 am in reply to: I was in a movie today!

    It cannot be any worse than Zombie Strippers…

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 10, 2009 at 2:55 am in reply to: Oh the bruises!

    Arnica is the best thing you can use.
    Rub it on and take the drops or tablets.

    Bruising does diminish. As you get better muscle memory, you learn how not to bang into the pole so much.

    I’m a natural klutz and my bruising diminished pretty quickly.
    (I’m the one who brings down the poles, falls down stairs, trips over when walking on flat ground in barefeet and that’s when sober! I broke my arm walking down the street and falling over my feet, backwards! I put it down to being ambidextrous, I have no idea which side to use!)

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 10, 2009 at 2:36 am in reply to: My First!!!!!!
  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 10, 2009 at 2:34 am in reply to: Newbie Frustrations

    Veena has a great video ab out how to use your shoulders.

    Once I saw that, lots made sense to me – including reducing injury.
    However, it also strengthened up my lats and traps and that gave me far more strength.
    Attacking the clay in my garden over summer was good too, all that butch pick-axe action really strengthened my upper back.

    Inverts are overrated. only cos I can’t do them.

    It’s also muscle memory, one day you’ll find you can just do whatever it is you’ve been trying to do for ages.
    I find I now drift into other thoughts during the Latin based dance fitness class I do.
    Yup, planning dinner an writing a shopping list while doing salsa steps…

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 10, 2009 at 2:15 am in reply to: i lost it!!! gah!!!

    I think we’ve all been there.

    I lose it some days and can’t even do a fireman, so I lie on the floor and do the floor starfish pose for a bit.

    I thought you’d had a hissy fit at someone.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 9, 2009 at 12:05 pm in reply to: Preggo 😛

    Have you tried belly dancing?
    When I did it, many years ago, I was told that it was created as a form of exercise for the abdominal muscles that supported the uterus during pregnancy.
    Can’t comment on the benefits of it and pregnancy as all my children meow or have scales.

    I know it helps with cramps, so if there’s anyone who can back this up, or refute, please do so.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 9, 2009 at 4:00 am in reply to: Name Your Pole

    I like Sakura for one of Veena’s poles.

    I think it means cherry blossom in Japanese. (feel free to correct me…)

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 7, 2009 at 11:31 pm in reply to: Stage Name for Me!?!?!

    hmm, as my photo shows, I had red hair at that point. It’s usually bright red but is currently auburn due to dreadlock extraction (ouch, ouch, ouch!!! Combing out dreads hurts like crazy, even with good drugs.)
    Find something about you or your personality that you are known for. I’m known for flame toned locks and for being a bit of a red head in personality too. Ergo, I became Rouge. Rusty was up there for me.

    OK, so having looked at the profile photos, something with "Foxy" sprang to mind.
    Foxy Locks, Foxy Brown – get the idea? Yes, Garths dance from Waynes world has also sprung to mind.

    J’Taime is one I like, I am yet to find someone who suits it. Needs a graceful dancer.
    Jet is cute. Jet Black is really cool. You’d need to have a black gimmick with that name (long black hair maybe?).
    Lisa got "Luscious LisaT" from her fanclub on facebook, she’s also known as Mistress Divine.

    Hope that helps…

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 7, 2009 at 11:18 pm in reply to: I finally got the shoulder mount!!!!

    Yay!!! That explains the long lunch….

    No apologies needed for bragging.
    If you can’t share your excitement about getting a move here, then where can you??

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 7, 2009 at 11:04 pm in reply to: How different finishes grip?

    Oh, and just a random side note: someone else on here, I can’t remember who, said that the titanium gold is slighty grippier than the titanium silver (which the titanium silver isn’t even available in the US, anyway). So you could add that to the list if you want.
    That may have been me. I have titanium in both silver and gold at the studio and 8 steel poles.

    My ratings are slightly different: Powder coated (painted), chrome, steel and silver titanium equal, gold titanium. I’ve not tried brass, however, I’ve heard that Jamilla has used brass for a long time.

    I find the gold easier to use when learning a new move, I feel a little more secure. It’s also 45mm.
    Then I move to the steel poles. Steel needs to be churned up a bit before it gets grippy. Our more popular steel poles at the studio are the grippiest.

    I’ve used powder coated once and kept slipping off. Some love them, I hated them.
    Chrome is fine, but the surface does get cut up easily if you wear rings on it.
    Titanium is the toughest, the surface is less likely to scratch. Steel needs the little scratches to create good grip, but once it’s there, it’s great!

    Whatever you do, don’t clean with anything other than denatured alcohol / methylated spirits or soap and water. the other stuff can cause reactions on the skin and leave a film on the pole, making it slippery.

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