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Why don’t you call it Pole fitness and talk about it’s history from the Chinese Bamboo pole dancers perspective or Cirque Du Soleil. Felix who won Miss PD Australia 08 (or 07?) is now dancing for them as an acrobat, I think she’s doing Tissu? Anyway, Cirque du soleil is considered a beautiful art form and this may help.
If you take it as an acrobatic form of dance rather than the sexy version, it may help your parents.
I don’t know how strict your mother is, however, some moves can be performed while wearing long dresses and a hajib won’t impede (if your mother is veiled). Therefore, you could give her a couple of lessons on the easier moves so she can understand how much of a sport it is. I’m guessing your family isn’t majorly strict, otherwise your mother would be having kittens about your choice of sport. Apologies if I’ve got your family wrong, however, due to what you’ve said, I’ve hazarded a couple of guesses.I you do need to explain yourself, show them Chinese Bamboo pole, Modern Circuses and these links we have on our studios facebook group which may help your family understand what you are doing.
and especially this one: http://www.facebook.com/ext/share.php?sid=47392654283&h=IQsI2&u=KgHy1
It’s beautiful and it confronts the thoughts that Pole is about wearing sweet FA and being a tart.I really hope these help, as none of them are sexualised and show the beauty and grace of the sport.
I think the thing to remember too, is that some women have an athletic dance style, some very sexy, I opt for grace and control of moves over athleticism and overt in your face stuff. -
As a vegan and having been veggie for 20+ years, I find skinny bitch concepts amusing.
Nobody should enter a new eating plan without ensuring they have sound nutritional advice first.
With any dietary programme, it is easy to eat badly. to badly quote another vegan, a dorito is a dorito, even if they’re vegan, you can still eat too many of them. My vegan cupcakes are highly addictive!!The sensible thing is to eat fresh produce as much as possible. Dump the processed food and e-numbers.
Invest in some sage advise from a nutritionist about losing fat / mass. Many are not veggie friendly.Dairy does not provide the body with calcium. Dairy leaches more calcium from the bones than it supplies. leafy green veggies and brassica (Cauli, broccoli and cabbage) are very high in calcium in a form that is far more readily absorbed by the body in the primary form.
Red meat consumption increases the mortality risk by 30%. refer http://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/2289972/Study-links-red-meat-to-premature-death it’s also higher in saturated fats.
Vegans, in theory, should have good nutrition because they need to know what they’re eating and are more inclined to have a balanced diet due to the foods they consume, which are primary products. This is not to say many omnivores don’t have a good diet. This is the basis for the skinny bitch food plan.
So, what I’m trying to say, without offending omnivores and so we don’t get the usual inane remarks about "meat is good" "Vegan idiot" blah, blah, blah is that to minimise excess fat on the body, we need to eat properly by reducing the amount of processed food, eating far more fresh food and exerting more energy than we intake.
And if that means eating a steak, then so be it. But please be educated about what is put into that piece of beef. purchase stuff from an organic shop that isn’t packed full of chemicals or highly processed. Cheap meat is likely to have higher levels of chemicals to make it look pretty.
Don’t get me started on Chicken.It’s really that simple.
MemberMarch 23, 2009 at 11:08 pm in reply to: trying to convince parents pole dancing isn’t skanky!why don’t you show them the sites for the schools in NZ?? This may allay their fears better if they see it’s a professionally taught sport.
mine and LisaT’s: http://www.polefitness.net.nz
Polegirlsonia’s: http://www.kiwipolefitness.co.nz
Amy’s: http://www.polerevolutionz.co.nz
Lou’s: http://www.pole.co.nz
aroha’s: http://www.poledancer.co.nzAll of us teach for fitness and for the grace and beauty of this dance form.
None of us teach for the "exotique" side. Normal dance schools teach burlesque, which ironically has a less risque attitude in NZ. I was looking up Swing and Lindy Hop today and found some of the Wellington Dance Schools are teaching strip tease and burlesque. Nothing wrong with it, but I do see this huge double standard: we’re slappers / skanks because we pole dance, yet the suburban (Karori / Khandallah / Remuera etc) matrons who do burlesque (and get down to tassles and g-strings) are considered completely fine and respectable.You may also wish to advise your parents that women do this for fitness and creativity. And if they think it’s done by skilless women for money, recite this list of quals from my studio alone: 3 Phd (Aerospace engineering, Psych and Law), 1 Phd candidate (science), several masters students, many grad students, a top Personal Trainer who features on a RayRay type show, a lot of students (mainly maths and physics funnily enough), several professional musicians (including Lisa), several film industry types (editors, art dept, cam ops, wardrobe) and a lot of very switched on women. Not one of them is learning for the exotique side.
Nothing wrong with stripping, as long as it’s done for all the right reasons and not just a desperation for money or fame. My old flattie was a stripper and she got very screwed up because she did it for those reasons.
ahhh, crowd pleasers….
Did one at a "show" recently, fell onto my back. Landed like a stunt person / dead ant and was far more worreida bout the pole hitting the lighting.
Turns out the stage was flexing and we hadn’t tightened it enough to cope with the "floor flex".
Sweaty hands: normal, ensure the pole is clean (use meths to clean), ensure hands are celan and free from any oils, creams etc. Soap and water them prior to session. Mighty Grip etc are great for big grip, but awful for spinning on static. Rosin makes a great noise. Also check for allergies as many have nasty chemicals that bring out eczema.
Blisters: normal if you’re a little OCD / perfectionsist, therefore normal.
Old rockstar remedy for blisters is to dip the affected area in vodka. hurts. crazy pain hurt. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_bounce.gifBruises: absolutely, totally normal. get arnica. Internally as drops or pills and externally as cream.
Seems to have stopped now too
Your husband is Bunnycard! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_tongue.gif
that had me laughing!!! I may even tell him this. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_lol.gifHe is completely over Pole, I usually get the "oh great, more pole" look… but he is supportive when I nail a move.
Therefore, I’m pretty sure it’s not him.
Unless it’s one of the 4 cats, or our lizard… have caught the cats using the pole to stretch on. never enough time to get a camera though https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cry.gif
The lizard spends time at he studio, so who knows? -
and you have both the webmaster and myself if you need a hand with Mac OS, so support is pretty close.
My uncle and aunt are in their mid 70’s and they’ve recently got a Mac. They had no problems using it.
mind you, he used to fly 747 as a captain…. -
Anyone who tells you that you need to purchase Mac specific equipment probably has no idea what they’re on about. Some equipment will only run on PC, but most hardware runs completely fine on a Mac. Just check the specs and ask the shop people. Ensure you can return the product if they’re dunderheads (insert naughty word of choice here, mine usually start with F and end in wit) and only after a sale.
We got a new printer at the studio, plugged it in and it worked first time. All camera’s I’ve used work fine too.
2 external harddrives worked like a dream and our printers at home were fine.As we use a Mac for commercial video editing, it needs to be able to take any hardware we throw at it. So far, no problems with Sony, Canon, JVC etc. We’ve had a couple of issues with a harddrive camera to Final Cut, however, that’s more a software problem.
If you’re really concerned at price and only wanted to get a base unit, a Mac Mini is a great option.
Mac OS Leopard 10.5 was $129 USD when it was last released (about 12 – 15 months ago maybe).
What I like about Mac is everything is labelled nicely and the "drag and drop" mentality is great for moving files.If you choose to use iWeb, it’s a great basic product, we use it here http://www.filibuterfilmsnz.co.nz and here http://www.polefitness.net.nz. The only downside is that you have to edit the site on the relevant machine, if you’ve only got the one, then it’s fine.
Mail is good too. Can also divert hotmail etc to the mail application.
On top of all of this, they hold their resale value exceptionally well.
golly, I am a geek….. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_ugeek.gif
It is a dangerous sport, but far too much fun to give it up.
one of our students has dislocated bones in her foot from climbing and inverts (hazarding a guess there), Dr has said no more poles for a bit, or climbing.
I heard of another woman that let her arms drop when inverting and dislocated 5 ribs from her spine. Ouchies.
I just get / got loads of bruises and break / dislocate my left little toe about every two months by kicking the pole. Yes, it’s always the same move too, you’d think I would have learned by now!! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_lol.gif
Arnica cream or drops works wonders for healing bruising.
I used it when I fractured my radial head (Ball joint in elbow) and gained use of my arm pretty fast.try your local healthfood shop, pharmacy or alternative health practitioner.
Not sure about the sticking, but I do notice if I’ve had a shower pretty close to getting on a pole, there’s not enough grip as the skin is too clean.
But I’ll have any of your grip that you’d like to send my way https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_lol.gif
Congrats on the new arrival. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_bounce.gif
Let me guess: OCD perfectionist?? The spins will come with time. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/alien.gif
I have no idea how many times I’ve had students nearly give up as they can’t do a spin, then all of a sudden, it comes to them (me included!! I’m really bad at beating myself up for not getting spins etc we don’t even discuss inverts right now… But I can do the Ushiro, which one day I will post as it’s very pretty and a lot of fun).
Keep trying and really stretch out your shoulders and arms.
They don’t hurt too bad on the first day, but the day after… https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_wink.gif https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_lol.gif
I wanted to curl into a little ball, but could barely raise my arms above my elbows, so didn’t curl up. -
Got oyour local gym supply store and get some hand grips. Use these constantly while watching TV, etc. Make them replace your water bottle as accessory of choice https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_lol.gif
this will help strengthen your grip.I often find if my hands are too dry (or sweaty) then I lose grip.
Try leaving a tiny bit of water residue on them, don’t be completely retentive about getting them dry after washing them, leave a tiny bit of moisture on them. This will help create the "insert physics / science term here" required to stick to the pole.Windex etc can create build up on the pole, we use meths in our studio, well rubbed off.
All Personal computers, no matter what OS they use are PC: the difference is the OS*: Mac, Windows, Linux, Unix or other operating system.
The "have to take the whole thing in if the Mac needs repair" also applies to windows laptops.
When our Windows Laptop needed repair, we had to take that to the repairer in it’s entirety. No pulling out the bits, as the case does not allow easy access. (HP Machine)
Conversely, when our MacBook Pro Battery went BANG! and warped, they got us a new battery (FREE!!!!! Thanks Mr Jobs et al) and the machine kept going.We have 5 computers all up (2 humans, 4 cats, a lizard and 5 computers. That’s normal, isn’t it?? https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_ugeek.gif ): (warning geeky bit) a Windows tower that is a door stop, a Windows laptop that I only use for my security cameras, a MacBook Pro which I love, our ex-editing machine which is a G5 quad tower which we run our studio system on (excluding security cameras because they were Windows only) and a very sexy Mac Tower (quad core, seriously nice) that we got last year to run Maya and Final Cut on. When we need to replace anything, it’ll be for another Mac. We have them because they work and are easy to use.
We have not had to install anything or purchase a "Mac" specific piece of hardware for any of our Macs. everything works first time. Conversely, we had about 3 – 4 hours of fiddling, playing and cursing when we had to reformat a hard-drive for a Windows machine – and that was just after we’d purchased it from the shop!
Another big consideration for a Mac lappie is that the newer ones (at least 2.5 years old) have a magnetic power supply, which means if you trip over the cable, it pulls out of the machine. rather than having a machine suddenly land on the floor and go Bang. Poof, big puff of smoke.
I run all my business applications on a Mac OS and have no problems opening XL / Microsoft files or even sending said files to Windows machines. Huge spreadsheets just work.
Even other apps like Photoshop and final cut have transferred nicely between OS.
My way of switching between he OS is to have the mouse r/h for one and l/h for the other.My husband is writing all his Film Diploma essays on a Mac and there are no issues with his tutor opening them – the tutor uses a Windows machine (I think). Anyway, the webmail is an Outlook derivative and there’s no problems with that on the Macs.
I use both OS on a regular basis and do prefer the Mac OS. That’s not being biased, that’s using Windows machines at work for many years and being grateful to come home to a Mac. My work has involved hard drive / speed demanding files and I’ve worked in IT projects where I had pretty fast and high specced machines.
Great, the Windows v Mac debate is now on this forum… https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/alien.gif
*OS= Operating system.
Try this vid http://mistress-maya.blogspot.com/2008/ … df6f083594
it’s how we teach it.I’m getting into that one at the moment, and I am starting it by having arms in position with the pole across my shoulder, arms straight, then kicking one leg across the body and getting into it that way.
You get the feeling of the move and correct positioning without having to try and grab. It’s a method of breaking down of the move into about 3 bits that seems to work.