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we get our girls used to one handed moves by getting them to spin on their strong side while holding a cleaning towel in their supporting hand.
I also get them to hold their hand about 1cm away from the pole, so they can grab it if they need to, after a few turns, they’re spinning one handed no worries.
however, aerials do need a bit more strength. Can you do one handed princess or goddess (variations on the front hook)? These will help too.
no worries, I learnt so much about routines when helping a student last year for the first New Zealand Pole Competition. she came up with her routine which had 90+ tricks at one point. she was good, but it was too much, so we simplified it and it was better.
Also throw in a few other dance steps, like salsa, merengue or souk
Souk is beautiful and very floaty, but may not suit the song.If you had more than one pole, then those steps are great for moving in between the poles.
we have 10 at the studio, so it’s a good exercise for the girls to move between the poles.good luck and let us know if you want any further help. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_salut.gif
my theory is pick a song and freestyle to it for a bit, you’ll find peaks and troughs an areas where a certain move will look amazing or feels natural.
Also there’s usually only 3 – 4 peaks, which is where you should do your best tricks, fill the rest with easier tricks and, far more importantly, in between stuff like hip rolls, floor work and static standing poses.
I make my girls start away from the pole and take time off the pole. Jamilla did a routine last year, where she pent about 1/3 of the song working the audience before hitting the pole. It’s about the tease.
hope this helps. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif
snaffle the shots from our website. For this purpose, we don’t have an issue.
We’ll be putting more up later from the Cuba Street Carnival, let me know which of those you like and I’ll check with the student / tutor concerned. -
Welcome Kat.
The only other advice I can give, is to get some arnica. Tablets, drops or cream.
This will help the muscular recovery and get bruising sorted very quickly.
Just check with your local health food shop to make sure you don’t have any contraindications like a bleeding disorder etc.I’m sure you’ll get addicted like the rest of us before too long.
We had about 6 girls have lesson with Jamilla last year when Sonia brought her over, she’s a real sweetie.
So tiny too!! Save up Caramel and then you can play with all of us in Welly.
I’m sure someone can find you a bed, which studio are you with in Auckland? -
Yay, https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_bounce.gif
Small wins are fabulous, enjoy and celebrate them. -
quick reply from my collective of editing geeks is to get a download called videora.
Best of all, it’s free!!!! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_bounce.gifhttp://www.videora.com/en-us/Converter/iPod/
this is a free iPod converter. ergo, this should mean you can get videos onto iTunes.
Doesn’t have minimum system requirements listed nor any OS exclusivity. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_lol.gif -
This is really dependent on how much strength you have to start with.
I’m still not doing inverts and I’ve been dancing for 18 months.
Some students can invert within a month of learning, but they’re usually ex-circus or serious martial artists.
Some, like me, are taking their time to invert and doing it at their own pace.Take your own time to get the move, do not compare yourself to anybody else for progress.
Doing pressups will help, along with Veena’s videos for strength.
Chris from X-Pole does 50+ pressups per day for upper body strength. But he’s a boy!!Also ensure you engage your shoulders, as this will strengthen your lats and other big back / shoulder muscles.
Veena has a video on this and my GP (who has a Masters in Sports medicine) completely agrees with this as it prevents tight shoulder capsules, rotator cuff injuries and Impingements. All hurt and prevent poling.Hope this helps
Hey Sonia
nice to have you on the forums, we finally got Lisa on board last week, so there’s hope for Julia yet.
May see you for the Jamilla lessons.
and remember, you are in control. You decide when, how and where you are going to make that move.
It’s all about you for the length of your song and NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY, is going to tell you anything different. so, go shake that money maker.This is what our feminist sisters fought to long and hard for: control over our own lives.
LOL, when did Pole become a feminist activity???? -
I’ll nudge Mr Rouge and ask him for help – he’s actually the whizz when it comes to this stuff.
Firstly, what did you edit in? Sometimes that is the initial problem, we edit with Final cut, which has the facility to output to iTunes, it’s all native to each other, with Final Cut designed for Mac.
But I will ask him, I have a feeling it was a .avi format for iTunes, but I’m not sure. Unfortunately, this Mac I’m using now, doesn’t have Final Cut on it. Once I have the definitive answer, I’ll post a reply – or create a separate topic.
The cool thing about iTunes, is that with a video capable iPod, you can show people what you do, without breaching internet protocol at work!
We’ve been offering this service to the girls at our studio, but so far, none have picked it up. Oh well… -
windows movie maker is a crap product. iMovie is far superior. (yes, I’m a Mac user)
I still have no idea why WMM is still considered an ok product, it should go the way of Vista.To help you out as a PC user, there are two options. Get Avid ($ lots) or download the free trial of Vegas and if you really like the product, it’s only $55usd for the basic package which will sort you out nicely.
It’ll save all frustrations and is far easier to use than movie maker, you won’t get frame drops or compositing problems.Also don’t capture the entire tape in one go, it’ll chew up hard drive space like cookie monster. break it into smaller chunks, this will make it easier to capture and edit.
It also means you can run concurrent lines of footage in your editing timeline and pick the best shots.
It also means you can adjust the timing if the sound track you use is slightly out of sync to the visuals.We have a small film company and this is what I have gleaned from the editors we’ve used. We use a professional product called Final Cut. there is a smaller version, but for domestic use, Vegas will be fine and Final Cut is a Mac product.
MemberFebruary 15, 2009 at 2:26 am in reply to: Cuba St Carnival and Midnight Espresso’s 20th birthdayDance fitness class has turned into a massive free salsa lesson, which should be a hoot!
And our accountants have asked us to perform at their end of (financial) year party.
Sasha, anytime you’re in NZ, you are very welcome to come play!
Pretty pictures of Lisa in action here! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_bounce.gif