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  • Rouge_LAmour

    June 12, 2009 at 7:35 am in reply to: Reasons for being, um, "late"?

    we have a monthly celebration in our house when I announce that we’re not pregnant.

    4 kitties and a lizard is enough!!

  • Rouge_LAmour

    June 11, 2009 at 10:48 am in reply to: x pole spare parts

    I broke a dome and Stacey at xpole UK got it all sorted for me really easily.

    The customer service for this product rocks.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    June 11, 2009 at 10:44 am in reply to: Windows Movie Maker How-To

    cos it’s WMM, that’s why you can’t do a thing with it!!

    Sony Vegas for Windows machines, iLife product whose name escapes me for Mac people.
    Not sure for Linux / Unix….
    vegas has freeby versions.

    WMM is awful.

    *Rouge crawls back to her caffeine deprived cave….

  • Rouge_LAmour

    June 7, 2009 at 6:30 am in reply to: What’s the…

    I’m gonna have to look those songs up to get your pole vibe aunty rouge.

    There’s quite a mix on there….

    Most are fast, mainly alternative, the tutts and RNR Machine are Kiwi.
    Unintended, Deep Water and Strawberry are all quite slow.

    Do love firestarter as a good warm up song though.
    It’s the song used in Charlie’s Angels 2 when Drew Barrymore lights the broken oil pipe.
    Total full on dance track.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    June 7, 2009 at 3:55 am in reply to: Att: Veena, Xooropa, Simpllysweet, badazz

    looks like the account has been shut down too.
    we wait for the next account to be opened…

    I know it’s paranoia, but its one of the reasons I won’t upload to Youtube.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    June 6, 2009 at 1:03 pm in reply to: boots
  • Rouge_LAmour

    June 6, 2009 at 8:38 am in reply to: trying to lose weight to enhance poling

    in 18 months of dancing, I’ve lost 22kg of fat, put on loads of muscles and gained so much toning. This wasn’t intentional but I’m enjoying the benefits.
    Having to hold myself up while bigger also gave me better strength, which is paying off now.

    The only advice I can give you is:

    Do not expect miracles or amazing instant loss from pole. It’s not liposuction.

    Eat well. Loads of unprocessed foods. Don’t do the "lite" or "diet" foods, they’re full of shite. Eat plenty of fresh veggies and fruit, whole grains, lean proteins (include legumes, grains and pulses in this category) and ensure you eat breakfast. Do not eat at fast food joints.

    Keep a food diary and measure everything you eat for a month. It’ll surprise you how big our portions are. Keep to proper portions and things will drop. Protein should not be anything more than the size of your palm, vege (mainly greens etc, not too much starch) should be the size of your hand. Eat off a smaller plate to fool your brain into thinking you’ve had a big meal. (Thanks Glitz)

    Drink loads of water. Do not drink "diet" soda. Full of shite. If you don’t like water, add a little squeeze of lemon to it.

    Eat breakfast. Unprocessed food is better: oatmeal / porridge sweetened with dried fruit, fresh fruit, low sugar cereals. (Thanks Glitz)

    Walk as much as you can. This is a great free exercise.

    Only weigh yourself weekly, the body fluctuates throughout the week and you may get disheartened from a perceived weight loss. Also remember that the body retains fluid just prior to menstruation.

    Allow yourself some treats or sometimes foods: if you want a chocolate biscuit, have it, just don’t eat the whole packet from denial. Ditto, if you want chocolate, eat a high cocoa solid bar, you won’t want very much before being sated. If you want a glass of wine, then have one. But that is the trick, learn moderation. I have found that by driving when we go out, I don’t drink. Easy way to not overload on empty calories.

    A 30 minute freestyle session with no spins is really hard and can burn a lot of calories. Top that with a 30 minute walk to warm up and you’ll soon see differences. Just ensure your diet is healthy. Don’t go for a fad diet, many people do this with no idea of what they’re really doing. By this I don’t mean deciding to eat vegan, do weightwatchers etc, I mean doing Atkins, skinny bitch etc without good dietary knowledge or the advice of a nutritionist. I’m vegan, but I trained as a chef, have my own garden and am very aware of what goes in my mouth therefore I know how to balance what I’m eating and how good really fresh broccoli tastes.

    Remember that muscle weighs far more than fat, so don’t rely on the scales for a true indication of your body; clothes getting loose are a far better sign of progress, as well as being able to work out for longer or harder. set up a measurement chart, watch your progress that way, measure bust, waist, hips, upper arms, thighs etc.

    Most of all, set realistic goals and expect it will take a while. Aim for 1kg per month, and see what you get. Anything on top of that then becomes a bonus. Also ensure you see your Dr too, to ensure you’re going about it in a healthy, sensible manner. A total screen also will give you a starting point by which you can measure the non-visible improvements to your health from your efforts.

    Gah, I wrote a novel!! But after too many years of diet addiciton and body dimorphism, I feel I’m pretty aware of the traps. I do eat crap, but far less than I used to. But all the above works better than any fad diet.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    June 6, 2009 at 8:13 am in reply to: Show me your tattoos!!!

    Surprisingly, I have none.

    Like Veena, I’d want to change it.
    So far though, I’ve thought about a bat on my left breast, a protection pentagram on the tail bone (when I thought I needed it), the Biohazard symbol as arse antlers (Mr Rouge said no, long reasoning but he didn’t want it there ) so maybe it’ll be the biohazard symbol on a shoulder blade.

    The symbol speaks to me as humans are biohazard. Anarchic thought, but cool.

    Tatts and piercings are very, very common in NZ, most people have tattoos and it’s not considered a "naughty" thing.

    Piercings are my thing, ears only currently, but will re-do my navel at some point and love the corset.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    June 5, 2009 at 10:49 am in reply to: Veena is hurt!

    Take arnica drops in your water, arnica pills under the tongue and rub arnica cream on the affected area.
    This is what we’ve been told is all fine from our local Naturopaths.

    Huge shame you’re on the other side of the pacific from us, otherwise I’d march you to my GP, who has a Masters in Sports med. He’s a bit of a miracle worker.

    Marin is famed for crazy Mountain bikers, go see the craziest store for their favourite Doctor, this may help.
    Feeling for you, having fractured my radial head through the ball, I relate to not being able to do anything and feeling frustrated. (was 10 years ago, thankfully).

    Good luck and hopefully you’ll get better soon. At least WHEN you come over for a flying visit, you know we have a good Doctor on hand for you and our accident related medical costs are pretty much free here.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    June 4, 2009 at 10:57 am in reply to: Fingers Stiff & Hurt Now That I’m Pole Dancing

    the gas is nitrous.

    yes, laughing gas. but not in any level for anyone to gt excited about.

    Jamilla has a couple of good exercises for warming up the hands and wrists
    interlace your fingers and rotate the knuckles forward, hand over hand. taking one hand to the top, then the other. it seems to work out loads of stuff and really warms up the hand.

    de-interlace and swap the fingers so the other little finger is at the outside, repeat.

    hope this helps!

    go see your Dr too, it sounds like you need some exercises and to take grip down time. don’t take the Dr lollies if some exercises will do the trick, your Dr doesn’t really need that trip to Fiji – anyway there’s probably another coup due there soon.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    June 4, 2009 at 10:47 am in reply to: Body wave on the pole

    hanging off or gripping with knees?

    The pole sit tyope version involves holding onto the pole just above the knees, just behind the bones.
    grip like crazy there and it is muchh easier.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    June 2, 2009 at 9:26 am in reply to: my birthday is

    approaching fast…

  • Rouge_LAmour

    June 1, 2009 at 12:02 am in reply to: Ouchhhhh!

    I scrub my hands weekly with facial scrub. MAC have a great one.
    I do it when I’m doing my face, so it takes off the top hard layer, but leaves the callous intact.

    They are required for pole, and it is easier if they’re there.

    Alternatively, intensively moisturise your hands on non-pole days with a body butter – my rex are Skin Food for the lack of parabens. All natural and really good. lather this on, put on rubber gloves and do the dishes by hand.
    At the end, your hands will feel way softer, but you won’t have lost the callous.

    The olive oil / salt trick removes the hard, dry top layer. the oil penetrates, giving you quality deep moisture to the lower layers. It won’t remove them callouses, just makes them less noticeable.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    May 31, 2009 at 11:56 pm in reply to: Am I ready for an inversion?

    Lisa Lewis is a dancer who fell and broke her nose at Sexpo in Brisbane.
    She "dances" in Wellington sometimes usually at Dreamgirls.
    I use this word "dances" loosely as she really is performing a sexually gratuitous routine, with the odd pole trick / dance move thrown in, which includes bringing a whole new concept to the phrase ring of fire.

    She is not a dancer / stripper / showgirl like those who perform I know, or like what most dancers in the states are, so I’m not getting uppity about dancers. She’s doing pretty crass stuff and is well known for getting her kit off at the opening of an envelope. It does nothing for those who pole dance or perform the art of striptease or burlesque, it’s really tacky, trashy get my girly bits spread out etc. Icky, Icky, Icky.

    OK, off to disinfect myself… *shudder*

  • Rouge_LAmour

    May 31, 2009 at 11:34 pm in reply to: Studio Veena Challenge

    So, what’s for June????
    Since we didn’t get New Zealand Music Month last month, what’s it going to be this month??
    I’m a fan of dirty alt-country, so that’s my pick. (Jace Everitt, Grand Prix, Chris Isaac etc)

    We can leave Vampires etc for the Goth New year / Halloween, so can hold off…

    Is it June yet, Is it June yet???

    Is it now??

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