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Hee hee.
Girls I know who’ve gone to A&E / the ER, even their Doctor have had the nurses sit down and seriously ask if they were ok, were they really ok, are you being abused etc, did they need some help for the bruising: you know, the concerned medical professional and the badly bruised patient routine…Then when they find out it’s pole related, the staff can’t help but laugh. We’ve got a few nurses that way.
Wellington, New Zealand is where I am and I have no shortage of poles (11 all up) having a studio with Lisa.
Next Pole night for us, for those in Welly, is 3 July 2009. PM me if interested…
Playtime, meet other Pole people, look at the freaks who invert, point and laugh at them etc. -
and Meths!!
Purple Methylated spirits, denatured alcohol.water also works really well, just dry it off.
Mine usually looks bored.
Unless it’s a way cool move or me being sexy, he’s just not that into it.guess that’s what happens when they get pole on tap…
+ 1 for Mac. IMovie, Final cut. Just works, every time!
if using a windows machine, dump Movie maker, it sucks.
Drops out frames, never behaves and really shouldn’t be on the market except Microsoft decided they wanted something to rival iMovie.Google and download sony vegas, free. If you like it, get the cheap $60 version.
(rouge attempts to adjust her broken record)
"I want to do a basic invert. Or that move were u hold the pole and kick up and grab on. dont know the name"
If I had a dollare for every time I’ve heard that… inverting’s for crazy folk I tell ya!!!Leave inverts for a while until you have the strength, flinging your self up there is not worth the end result (sprained toes, dislocated ribs etc). Also when you try to do mid air inverts, you won’t have strength or anything to fling off, so start basic and let it all happen when you’re actually ready.
Start with basics: fireman, cross leg spin, martini / mermaid, front and back hooks (Goddess), hurkey / sun wheel, princess, Chair, transitions, pirouettes, poses, walking….. that’s 6 lessons worth of moves for you!
Can you tell I’ve been teaching today????
Olive oil and rock salt.
rub the two into your hands, then rinse off and apply good moisturiser.calluses are there for as long as you pole.
being lazy here, but I’ve posted at least twice on how to improve pole sits.
laziness is due to the fact that I can’t remember where. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gifAnyway….
Sit on the pole, sit there for 15 seconds. it will hurt.
get off the pole. fan your thighs like a crazy lady to stop the burn.
then get back up there and try for 30 seconds.
repeat step two.
increase in 15 second increments until you have the sit mastered.When 30 seconds is really easy, start at 45 seconds.
Do this everyday and before you now it, sitting will be second nature.
Work up to 5 minutes.Don’t push it, let pole happen as it will.
dump windows movie maker (do I sound like a broken record yet?)
If you’re using a windows machine, google and download the free version of vegas.
If you like it, spring the $60ish US dollars for the basic version.No more shite movie maker. Simple as that!
Or, get a Mac. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_lol.gif
In the 50’s and 60’s my mum used to use coke to clean chrome on her boyfirends car.
Apparently it was the best thing ever for cleaning it.
So you could have an ultra shiny / sticky chrome pole!I’ve used it to remove rust and corrosion!
MemberMay 19, 2009 at 10:02 am in reply to: I decided I’m pole dance mentally challenged!Right Missy!! You sit down right there and get lectured by Aunty Rouge.
You’ve seen my wedding photo’s on Faceplant, so you know I’m not a stick.
There’s enough of us who pole who aren’t skinny minnies and some of us do really well despite having that extra layer of cushioning.So, get it out of your head that it’s being a fatty that’s holding you back.
Anyway, how many dancers would kill to have your flow and grace?I agree that you should perhaps check out a couple of schools and get some casual tuition to see if it’s a technique thing, it may be a case of moving yourself slightly to get it working well.
So missy, get that "fat old me" though pattern out of your brain and focus on technique.
OK?!? My jandal* will reach all the way from New Zealand and I’m not afraid to use it!!* Obscure Pacific Island thing, threatening kids with the Jandal when they misbehave (I gif you da jandal, eh)
xpole is the way to go and I don[‘t think you’ll be unhappy with it.
We took our xpoles (2) down last weekend for a film shoot and the entire, up and down took maybe 15 minutes max per pole. -
after 18 months and teaching for about a year, I’ve finally started inverting, albeit via laybacks.
Don’t rush to get into inverting. get the basics down and really well before trying to invert.Abs need to be really strong, for inverting, you need to get your hips above your head.
Take your time and get your techinque right first, it doens’t mean you’re a bad dancer, but it may mean better strength gain and less injuries.
many self-taught people have technique that a couple of lessons in a studio can correct.
It only takes one shoulder impingement or one tight shoulder capsule, to learn how to use them better.
This is from experience and now I know better than to hang off the pole without engaging my abs, lats and traps.
and to not stretch shoulders with my elbow above the shoulder… (30, 60 or 90 degrees from the body only!) -
Look up Pole Dance Aotearoa, it’s the group set up for my studio, but we’re happy for non-students to come play!
We put up all sorts of stuff, so you’re very welcome to join. -
Jamilla is surprisingly petite as well. She’s something like 5’2 a
If that, probably more like 5′ even, she’s shorter than my sister who’s 5’2"!
She’s up to about my chin…but then Jamilla’s lifts are so strong that when she pulls up into an invert, she gets her hips up higher, making her seem so much taller, and then there’s the pointed toes thing too…