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dumb question: have you tried exfoliating your calluses?
It may remove the hard edge. I pumice mine monthly and use the MAC facial scrub weekly when doing my face.
This seems to have inhibited calluses and my hands are still pretty soft. In turn, this may help blisters,For sweat, it depends on how bad the problem is.
My first instinct would be to use Mitchum etc then wash that off just prior to poling (use good soap).
If really bad, go see your Doctor, botox in the armpit can remove the sweat problem. It’s how schelebs stop sweating at the Oscars etc.PVC gloves are great for spinning poles, but stop spinning on static poles. Ditto for rosin, which can be purchased from any musical instrument shop.
the next day after my first few lessons, I hurt, but nowhere near as bad as two days after.
It’s totally natural to hurt, you will have a build up of lactic acid and you’re pushing muscles that may not have been used that way for a long time, if ever as was my case.Personally, I’m working on strength, holding my weight, There’s a bit of me to hold up, and being in a handstand (cheat version, butt against pole and bringing legs up that way) sure is working the pecs, shoulders, lats and traps. But I know that this will go in two days… or 3
And I’m retraining my abs. They were taught opera singing support, ergo, puku* out is fine for support, now I need to teach them the opposite way. That is now hurting. Lots. But good hurt. again, 2 – 3 days they’ll be fine.
As Veena has said, epsom salts, or bathe in baking soda.
Also stretch the freak out of them to get the lactic acid out. It’s all I did to help it move.Don’t work the same muscles 2 days in a row. Tomorrow (Sat) is my big day: Bollywood (serious ab, oblique and hip work), a private newb lesson (all over work), then another class of beginners / intro. On top of that I’ll try to get an hour or so of personal training. Crazy day, but it’s Saturday and I part-own the place, so no choice.
Sunday, I’m going to hurt. My obliques, transverse abs, abs and butt will ache from Bollywood; shoulders etc from pole and all I’ll want to do is sleep. So it’ll be markets for weights using different muscles by carrying shopping bags.
Hope that helps! Pain is natural and will go.
* puku, Maori for tummy (pr: pookoo)
MemberMay 15, 2009 at 9:11 am in reply to: Looking for Platform Knee High & Thigh High Boots!Hey,
I’ve bought shoes and costumes from http://howcool.com/catalog before – even with the insane shipping prices to Australia, they are still cheaper than anywhere else I’ve found that delivers here and they have everything. I used to find what I wanted on the Pleaser website and then order it from howcool. They would usually arrive in about a week, but they were coming a very long way – I think they send them out as soon as you place the order.
Free shipping for the US too.
+1we recommend it to all our girls too.
Pulled off and delivered with 23 minutes to spare!!
Now to wait for heats and judging to see how we did.
About bloody time!! With talent like that, you should share!! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_bounce.gif
Self consciousness is natural when in front of classes, especially for the first few times.
You’ll be fine. Students are more concerned with what you’re trying to teach them, than what you look like!
The looks of: you want me to do whaaaaat?? is funny.remember, you have control and anyone who focuses on anything but class, make them pole sit.
You can do stuff they can’t and that’s where your power will lie.
In all honesty, none of our students notice anything about anyone else as they’re all trying hard not to fall off the pole or get that particular move nailed. -
Nu Zullund is 12 hours ahead of the UK when both countries are in standard time.
ergo, if it’s 7pm Friday night in NZ, it’s about midday (give or take an hour) in London or 11pm Thursday night (approx) in California, Seattle, San Francisco and Vancouver.
Does that make sense??
OK, to clarify all the confusion.
BIG national film competition where entrants have 48 hours to create a 1 – 7 minute film from inception to handing it in, all the while maintaining several elements. over 700 teams this year.
we get a prop, a line of dialogue and a character (name and trait). Then each team is assigned a genre (in lots of 12), previous years, I’ve had action, sci-fi, war / western and this year we got the dreaded dance / musical.Which means we had to write the script, music, lyrics, choreograph routines (plural, up to 7 at one point for me), cast, create sets and costumes, rehearse, learn scripts, shoot, edit and do post, all within 48 hours.
And our base was 30min drive from the hand in spot.Thus the basics for 48hours. It’s total insanity. Complete utter total looniness fuelled by far too much caffeine, sugar and energy drinks and a major lack of sleep – I got 3.5 hours Friday night.
This year was my 5th go – and I’ll keep going, it’s far too much fun.
teams are always looking for different things, our director and writers wrote the poles in after visiting the studio, then they heard what the dancers could do… pole dancers were the only confirmed thing they had in mind to use. I know it’s getting bigger in the states and there is a competition based in London too.
Golly gosh, which corset do I use!!! I also see stockings and other sexy stuff, hee hee.
And I’ve been learning Bollywood, so I have all these cute little Bollywood moves too!
Yuss!!!And on a personal achievement note (maybe we need a subbie for personal achievements??) I finally managed to samba at full speed. No idea how, it just happened. Big sweaty and puffy at the end of it. I now know why Brazilian women have the bodies they do… https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_wink.gif
really bad.
But all I can hear in my head is the Moby song, why does my heart?
but with the lyrics changed to the title of this thread.
why do my fingers, hurt so bad…. -
I get knee high boots as my lower legs are too long and knee high boots come half way up my calf.
Such is the joy of having long lower legs…try http://www.howcool.com they have heaps of cool boots, cheap.
if anyone knows any cheap places to get boots please feel free to let me know.. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif !
http://www.howcool.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; have cheap boots.
Deserved win, Felix is incredible.
Inverting’s for crazy folk!
It’s your knees and your inner thigh to an extent.
I helped a student yesterday get her legs in the right place by getting her to lie on her back, with the pole in her armpit, hands in your normal spot for inverting.Bring your legs up and get them hooked around the pole. Try to bring both knees to the front of the pole.
By keeping your shoulders on the ground, it means you have a lesser chance of falling and injuring yourself.
You can take you hands off the pole to get the best feeling of where the pole should sit. -
pah. As someone who gave a maximum of 4 weeks notice for our wedding* **…
play on the pole as much as you like, then elope!!
Best of both worlds and you get to avoid the family politics too.* 4 weeks was the most we could give as we decided on the date by looking at our diaries v our celebrants, she had a vacant date 4 weeks ahead and we thought that sounded good. My mother got 2 weeks and that was purely because I’m not that good at sewing and needed to have a dress (not white!!) and my aunt and uncle were very concerned we’d invited them and not told her about the wedding yet.
Long story, but was worth it for my stress levels to give that level of notice. I was happy with registry office.** 16 Feb 2007 for those who need to know, Karaka Bay, about 150 metres from Peter Jacksons house. very cute and sweet. Yes, THAT Peter Jackson.
If the pain persists, go see a medical professional.
There may be a muscle strain that you need to "baby" for a while. Go gently for a bit and monitor the pain and discomfort. If it fails to go away, get help.
How warmed up were you? That’s also another biggie.Take loads of Arnica, this will helps it heal. Try your local healthfood shop or pharmacy.
Get your husband to massage the affected area too. Use oil to lubricate the skin and reduce drag.
This can be mixed with arnica cream and essential oils to get the muscle to relax.Again, if it persists, get professional help.