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  • Runemist34

    March 15, 2010 at 3:14 pm in reply to: CAR trouble

    Halfjack, I’m working up to this move, too! I’m just having troubles being comfortable upside down, and being up too high on the pole…so my cross knee release is getting better
    Let me know what works for you!

  • Runemist34

    March 15, 2010 at 3:41 am in reply to: What if pole dancing isn’t sexy?

    I am married to an odd one…mostly because when I look at pole videos, he doesn’t want to watch them. He just says "I want to watch YOU do it, not someone else!" I don’t know if it’s really a matter of sexiness when it comes to non-stripper pole dancing, it’s more of the passion we feel for the art, the strength and beauty of it, rather than the sexiness.

  • Runemist34

    March 14, 2010 at 10:28 pm in reply to: Cheesiest question ever, I’m sure….floor work

    Okay, tell me if I’m wrong with this one…you swing both legs, and the feet kind of come in and around, so that they "meet" in the middle (or look like they do) and then up, and by then your legs are all set up to go into the V-splits?
    If this be the case, then this is what I understand of it: You gotta have your knees together at first, and your feet up…push both feet out, knees together (this will feel really awkward), and as you bring them down, open your knees, so that when your feet continue their circle upwards, you can see them, if you’re an audience! And as they come up (and look like they’re meeting in between, there) and reach the top of the circle again where they started, your knees are already open, so you can just continue with the momentum into a V-split…as far as you can!
    I recommend finding a few videos of it, if you can (Try Leigh ann? She’s got some awesome floor work!) and just try to slow it down, work it out in your head. That’s how I figure out most moves like this! I could tell you how a lot of moves work, without even being able to do them! Problem with that, though, is I don’t understand transitions or anything…I tend to work off an ideal.
    Perhaps I’ll practice them and put up a video for you? If that is the move you’re looking for!

  • Runemist34

    March 14, 2010 at 7:07 pm in reply to: Cheesiest question ever, I’m sure….floor work

    Polergirl, I think I may need an example video for this one! Do you mean when you’re lying on your back, legs up, and doing circles with your feet? Or something else?

  • Runemist34

    March 14, 2010 at 7:05 pm in reply to: I really want a tattoo

    PDR, I have some questions:
    First, Lush products are what I normally use for things like moisturizers and such, and I was wondering if their lotions would be good for a tattoo. They’re all natural, and if you like, I could send you the ingredients list! It’s right on the jar.
    Next, what would you say about Emu oil for the "scarring" portion, instead of Vitamin E and Aloe? Just curious. I heard this stuff is really, really awesome for the prevention and cure of scars.
    Last, and this is more of a question for me…have you ever seen cartilage piercings that have skin growing over the jewellery, but no keloids? Keloids, I’m told, should be hard, round, and practically impossible to remove. My cartilage piercings have skin, and it swells and recedes, depending on if the planets are aligning in such a way, or if Japan got an earthquake recently (not really, I have no idea…they just get irritated). It’s soft and not round. My piercings haven’t healed in just over 3 or 4 years (I can’t remember exactly). This is why I ask about Emu oil, because that’s what my piercer suggested. I found some Emu oil cream (the only thing I could find, actually) and have been using it every evening for about a week. Obviously, I don’t expect results right now, but I was wondering if you had any other ideas?

  • Runemist34

    March 14, 2010 at 7:55 am in reply to: I really want a tattoo

    englann86, I think this is how my sister was told to deal with her tattoo, as well! She would come home from work on her lunch break and beg me to put the ointment on, ’cause it itched so much! Hers looks great, though, and I think she’s really happy with it!
    And I agree…pictures!

  • Runemist34

    March 13, 2010 at 9:50 pm in reply to: Thoughts on Lap Dancing

    I just wish I could muck about on the pole in my sweat pants and gym top for a living!!! That would be perfect!
    Don’t we all? If I could have a life of just dancing and writing and being with my man, I would think it was heaven!

  • Runemist34

    March 13, 2010 at 9:48 pm in reply to: I really want a tattoo

    Hey there,
    I’ve wanted to get a tattoo for years, and unfortunately, I haven’t found something quite right for me yet. The tattoo itself will determine where I get it, so this is somewhat important to me, as well. One day, I’ll be doing advanced moves, and also one day, I might finally find "the thing."
    However, what little knowledge I have tells me that healing time depends on your body! For example, I have two ear piercings in each of my earlobes…one pair by the needle, and one by the gun. Needle ones (done professionally, of course) took barely two weeks. Gun ones, well…they infected within days, and still give me problems. But, the most telling thing? I’ve had cartilage piercings for more than three years, and they STILL haven’t healed! I don’t have keloids, but the skin is doing some weird thing where it’s trying to grow over the original jewellery…so my piercer and I are trying different things to help it along.
    Thus, I know…healing is specific to each person. I have heard many people say that you have to be very careful about movement, things such as moving that part of your body (in your case, your shoulders, neck, and back) too much too often, because you may cause the ink to spread to places you don’t want it. I don’t know about the specifics of that one, but it would be something to look into. Also, your tattoo (from what I saw of my sister) will itch like crazy, require a lot of cream, and will make your skin go insane. She developed a patch of dry skin that looked uncannily like a scab without the blood, which eventually came off and the whole thing relaxed.
    So, here’s my suggestion: Find your tattoist, and talk to them. Ask them every question you can think of. Look it up on the internet, do your research, find out all the information!
    That way, if you have issues, you know how to deal with it…and issues will become a lot less likely if you know what you’re getting yourself into!

    Let me know how it goes, when you do it? I’m a big baby when it comes to stuff like that, so I’m curious to know how various people take it!

  • Runemist34

    March 13, 2010 at 4:18 am in reply to: Thoughts on Lap Dancing

    I agree with the above, but personally, I know I wouldn’t do it! I’m also married, and my goods are for my man…I would have major issues with doing stripping in this way.
    I did want to add, however, that men don’t look at women’s bodies the way women do. Women like lots of specifics, especially about their own bodies…you know, muscle definition, well shaped boobs, the ass. We’re into specifics because (this is just my own theory) men are kind of boring to look at. There’s no curvature or anything, they’re just straight…but if you get a little more specific than just "naked man" then OH BOY, there’s all kinds of things to think about!
    However, men are not so specific. They’re just kind of like "Naked woman! " and that’s about it. They don’t think about how your breasts aren’t the same size, or how you can’t quite bend over all the way because of tight hamstrings (like me) or what shape your rear is. They just like the female form in general, because it’s nice to look at…in ALL it’s forms!
    So, if you’re feeling self-conscious because you don’t know if you’ll be well-received, then put your fears to rest. A new naked woman is an amazing naked woman. A familiar naked woman…is also an amazing naked woman.

  • Runemist34

    March 12, 2010 at 11:09 pm in reply to: Mid-life crisis am I too old to start this?

    MsWild…I’m horribly jealous. I want horses. Seriously. That’s just the most awesome thing I’ve ever heard, and you’ve just given me a new life goal.
    But, seriously, I think that women (and men!) of all life stages and all walks can do this if they want to, and it would create a very diverse and fun community full of different perspectives, understandings, and ways of doing things.

  • Runemist34

    March 12, 2010 at 10:48 pm in reply to: Mid-life crisis am I too old to start this?

    My husband said "Yes, it might be a mid-life crisis…but who cares?!"
    I tend to agree with him. Honestly, if it makes you feel good, if you like doing it and you are physically healthy (Y’know, no hip problems…and even then!) then I’d say…do what you want to!
    I’m young (24), have a husband, go to school…and I do what I want. I never like seeing or hearing people go "I’m stuck because this is safe and I don’t want to try new things! It’s such a risk!" Life is about risk, about pushing the envelope, about being someone who changes through life and says "I like who I am now," regardless of what you used to be!
    The only way to change a social stigma (like "I’m too old for this") is by changing it within yourself, first!
    Go for it, girl!

  • Runemist34

    March 12, 2010 at 5:00 am in reply to: "The Roxy"?

    Joni1, I’m also pretty far away from my splits…in any direction! Doesn’t mean I can’t get the REST of the spin while I try to get those splits going!

  • Runemist34

    March 12, 2010 at 1:53 am in reply to: Studioveena Members…….

    I may not know what it’s like, but I know that it can be absolutely heartwrenching. We all love you, even if we haven’t met you…we all feel for your loss. Take care of yourself, and know that we’ll all be here waiting for you when you get back! All the support we can give

  • Runemist34

    March 12, 2010 at 1:49 am in reply to: I WANT (outfit thread)

    That second idea is hot! I love it!

  • Runemist34

    March 12, 2010 at 1:48 am in reply to: big tricks are on the back burner for a bit… 🙂

    Er, sorry, but hearing "Bundle of Joy" makes me thing of this horrible poster I pass every day on the way to school, advertising A&W’s Baby burgers. "Like two little bundles of joy…for your mouth!" I thought it was the worst way to advertise those things!
    Anyways, congrats! I’m gonna get preggers one day…sometime later, when we’re done school and are a little more settled in life! I hope everything goes GREAT and all is happy!

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