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  • Runemist34

    March 4, 2010 at 5:58 am in reply to: recording practice sessions– good AND bad!

    one move caused a wave of jiggly all the way up from my knee

    When I turned 30, I started to truly love my body and it’s uniqueness. I love my jiggles! We are all beautiful/gorgeous/sexy in our own way. sometimes it just takes awhile to realize it.
    I’m hoping to like all my jiggles and things soon I’m really working on it! But thank you for the kind words! It really does help.

  • Runemist34

    March 4, 2010 at 12:02 am in reply to: 2010 March Challenge

    I already did mine!

    I’m sad, though, because my camera decided to go out of focus near the beginning of the video… but it’s there.
    Ah, Foxy, that was…well, foxy! I like your idea about the little dress thing, though. Would you mind terribly if I steal it? I have a bathing suit, but the "girls" have outgrown it, and that would be good for covering any…er, issues, I have with it. I suppose boobies are a spring break tradition but I dunno if I’m good with showing mine off that much!

  • Runemist34

    March 3, 2010 at 1:39 am in reply to: Core strength exercises?

    Sounds good, Veena! Hopefully when I start working for the summer I can get up a good sum of money to subscribe again! So frustrating not having the lessons!

  • Runemist34

    March 3, 2010 at 1:35 am in reply to: recording practice sessions– good AND bad!

    Chem: Thank you! Is there a type B and C personality? Or just type A?

    Amyxshi: I totally agree. I’ve had a lot of habits (depression included) that I don’t, logically, agree with, and I’ve been working to change them. I find the best, greatest, longest lasting thrill I ever get is when I do something, it’s all mine, and I don’t go "Well, I know _____ can do it better!" When I managed my CKR, I was thrilled! I knew about it from other people, but when I did it…it was a completely new thing for me, and a huge triumph! I’ve often been afraid of being upside down, so personally, it was a big thing! And I never went "Oh, well, I’ve seen so many other people do it, so it’s not a big deal."
    I call it a "habit" because when I was friends with a previous group, they always wanted to do everything together, all the same, all the same stuff. I made fairy wings, and they wanted to know how, too! I started doing Poi, and they wanted to do it, too! And while I like having people to share with, it was always like they took it over from me, and it wasn’t like I got to have my own thing. So, comparison just seemed to come naturally. Also, I’m a little bit of a perfectionist, and I’m really hardheaded sometimes, so I get all…"Grrr" with myself a lot. I’m sure trying to stop!
    Maybe I’ll start putting up more videos

  • Runemist34

    March 2, 2010 at 9:11 pm in reply to: Core strength exercises?

    Hey Ladies! Thanks so much for the help! While I don’t have an exercise ball (thinking about getting one, though…or stealing my moms!) I’m sure lots of these will help me!
    Also, Polergirl…I <3 you for your ability to use and spell "cavalcade." Seriously. This forum makes me so happy!
    I’m still pretty weak in the upper body area, I can’t really lift my entire body yet! I can do lifts sitting down, though, as most of my body is leg, so that cuts out some weight. I’m going to try to upgrade to standing lifts, though, because at this point I think it’ll be good. I think I might even try the traditional exercises of push ups!
    As for the abs, I think that huge list that Hunny put up is good for me right now, but if/when I acquire a ball, I’ll try the others, too! As well as, of course, the lifts and stuff.
    Feels like my workout is becoming less dance and more workout! Oh well, it’s still really nice to feel strong and fit!

  • Runemist34

    March 2, 2010 at 8:58 pm in reply to: recording practice sessions– good AND bad!

    Haha, Sissy, thank you Sometimes I need a good scolding. I know I shouldn’t compare, and I’m actually trying really hard to be comfortable with the way I look (especially since I’ll be staying this weight, because it’s healthy) and setting realistic, personal goals (such as learning a couple of new spins, perfecting my inversions, ect.) instead of comparing myself to others and just getting down on myself!
    That said, I think I might try the record and watch thing, so I can get a more immediate look at what I’m doing right and wrong! That way I don’t have to remember so many things

  • Runemist34

    March 2, 2010 at 6:50 pm in reply to: recording practice sessions– good AND bad!

    i’m pretty "type A". Just wondering, what IS type A? I’ve heard it in so many contexts!

    i dont think a lot about what my weaknesses are or compare myself to other people.
    I wish I was like this. I compare all the time! I’m always comparing myself to people that I don’t think I could ever match for skill (and I tell myself I could never match their skill, too) and I get all depressed about it. It’s a hard road for me, trying to not compare but still see progress or have a goal for myself.
    I found the few times I’ve recorded myself have been somewhat helpful. I don’t have any mirrors around my pole (nowhere to put them that I wouldn’t end up kicking), and so seeing what I’m doing is very strange to me. I remember the second time I recorded myself kind of threw me for a loop, because I was dancing in shorts due to climbing, and one move caused a wave of jiggly all the way up from my knee… I didn’t think it was attractive at all. Then again, I AM comparing myself to lots of much thinner ladies, like Felix!
    Recording myself, however, takes up space with the tripod and all that I don’t normally have unless I’m the only one home. So, I don’t get to do it often.
    Curious, though…what do you do with the video after you’ve watched, and possibly posted it? I have an external drive (actually, I have two of them!) that I suppose I could keep it all on, but that gets to be a pretty big chunk of space in a very short time!

    All in all, though, I think I’d like to record myself more often, then I can really see what it looks like when I do certain things.

  • Runemist34

    March 2, 2010 at 5:15 am in reply to: 2010 March Challenge

    Haha, I’ve already had my reading break! It just finished today! But that sounds like fun, Veena! I’ve got lots of summer clothes that I’ve been dying to break out! I dunno if I’ll be getting out the bathing suit though…it’s gotten a little small!

    Lets hope I get better soon! I hate being sick!

  • Runemist34

    March 2, 2010 at 3:50 am in reply to: Christianity & Pole Dancing & Boundaries

    I don’t know a lot about religion, but I know this: you should discuss it with him. My own husband and I discuss a lot of things…though we might have our malfunctions, but on matters like this we’re pretty clear. Mine is an odd one, he doesn’t like or want to see other women pole dancing, and he doesn’t like strippers. However, I know that for me, if he wanted to do these things, I have no problem. I trust him, he trusts me, and that’s how we know we’ll stay together, no matter what happens.
    If he’s uncomfortable, he should be able to say something to you, so that you know about it and can help him with it. If he isn’t, then all good, right?

  • Runemist34

    February 28, 2010 at 11:31 pm in reply to: Who do you have a "pole crush" on?

    After further deliberation (and some attempt at remembering names) I’m gonna add to my list:
    Felix Cane (as previously stated)
    Sapphire Catz Eye
    Alethea Austin
    …and perhaps Jamilla.

  • Runemist34

    February 28, 2010 at 10:34 pm in reply to: Pleasers and skinny feet!

    I’ve got the opposite problem. I’ve got wider feet (though some girls shoes do come in my width) and long feet (size 10) so it’s hard to find any shoes that fit…but especially platforms.

  • Runemist34

    February 28, 2010 at 3:43 am in reply to: Negative youtube comments

    My thing is…I tend to point out the inconsistencies. Such as, what you said "Of course I’m not going to be graceful, I’m just learning!"
    Other than that…isn’t dancing all about showing off? I mean, seriously! If you’re just dancing for yourself, then why would you show someone else, unless you wanted to share and show off your moves? Isn’t that the point?
    For people like that, who can’t give constructive criticism…just ignore them. They aren’t intelligent enough to give you a proper opinion and why, then they aren’t intelligent enough to listen to. If they’re going to criticize something they don’t know much about, then I don’t think their opinion matters.

  • Runemist34

    February 27, 2010 at 12:26 am in reply to: feel bad asking but…

    Hey, if I had any spare clothing, I totally would send it! There’s so little room in my closet, I have to make sure I’ve got everything that fits, and nothing that doesn’t.
    And don’t feel bad! So few people will ask for help when they really need it, and I think we’re all flattered that you would reach out to us. At least, I know I am!

  • Runemist34

    February 26, 2010 at 7:53 pm in reply to: What’s the Secret to the Cross Ankle Release?

    I can try that! Being that I have larger thighs, though, and apparently really sticky skin (I live on an island, it’s always humid!) when I tilt, it feels horribly uncomfortable! That, and it takes some pretty crazy effort on my part to get into the right position. When I hook my legs for the sit, the pole is ALWAYS as close to my torso as can be, because…well, I don’t know why! I suppose because when I unhook my legs to stick them into sitting, it’s just my arms holding me, so I tend to be closer so I have more strength and thus can stay up. If that makes any sense! Perhaps I’ll make a video and show you girls…
    Anyways, aside from that, I had thought about using my hands behind me to walk myself down…I just haven’t managed to try it. I think I would have to let go of the one top hand to get to the pole below me. Maybe I’m doing it wrong?

  • Runemist34

    February 26, 2010 at 7:42 pm in reply to: OH – MY – FREAKN – GOD

    You know…I kinda find that cool, and funny! Of all the pictures he could have written on, he chose that one, and to put it between your legs! Quite the publicity
    I don’t really follow the guy, and I don’t really intend to (his writing makes my brain explode), but that’s kinda cool!

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