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  • Runemist34

    January 20, 2010 at 6:13 am in reply to: Cross knee release frustration!

    That is actually a good idea, Nilla…I hadn’t thought of it! Are you able to do a CKR without that trick now, or is that just how it works for you? I’ll give it a shot…probably tomorrow…
    And Freethesun, that’s an interesting thought, tilting one’s hips…you mean like if I pushed my hips forward, so that I’m kind of "sitting" back on the pole, like I would in a western saddle? Sorry, that’s the only way I could think of to describe it…err…like if I was wearing jeans, and trying to sit back on the pockets of them? ‘Course, I’m not wearing jeans, but does that make sense?

  • Runemist34

    January 20, 2010 at 2:26 am in reply to: My fantasy combo

    Ahh, now it makes sense! Yes, I totally could see the apprentice – superman flip to be very difficult! I think the trick there would be a very swift movement of grabbing the pole with your legs, just as you let go with your hands…

  • Runemist34

    January 20, 2010 at 1:17 am in reply to: wow, i can’t believe this video.

    Plus what she said to Runemist makes me want to go find where she lives and kick her ass. No lie.
    Aww, Sissy, don’t waste your anger! I don’t really mind being called a garden implement; I think it’s kinda funny! Honestly, she couldn’t think of any better insult than that? Hah, I think that if that’s all she’s got, then I just PWNED her, and she doesn’t want to admit it!
    And I agree.

  • Runemist34

    January 19, 2010 at 7:19 am in reply to: I love this move. Can’t seem to get it, but I love it lol

    Polergirl, I’ve been doing the same thing! I took some pretty hardcore notes on that one video…and I’m still looking for more! It’s hard for me, though, ’cause I’m not up to inversions yet (soon, though, soon!) and I gotta find some other stuff that I CAN do, and work on that!

  • Runemist34

    January 19, 2010 at 7:12 am in reply to: wow, i can’t believe this video.

    Foxxy, I like you! I agree, stuff like this should just make us push harder. We should keep on dancing, and putting up our videos, and celebrating our bodies and our art the way we like it!
    And Halfjack, I totally noticed that…I mean, she could have said something even along the lines of "I don’t consider it that inappropriate" and I’d would have accepted that! But no, I was called a garden implement. Oh well!
    Sandira, I loved that you copied that from her profile. Did you notice…"homophobia" was listed under caucasian people? Isn’t that interesting? I understand what she’s trying to do, but I think some of her language is beyond what most people would consider polite, and I think she’s trying a little too hard to be something specific (whether that is strong, elitist, or accepting, or whatever else!) and simply becoming the opposite. It’s very unfortunate.
    I generally like to come from the opinion that all people have their brains turned on, and they would be able to give me a good explanation for what they do…and perhaps that they would be coming from a more loving, peaceful perspective, but unfortunately, I realize this is not always the case. Still, I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt, and that’s why I commented…and perhaps why others did as well? I just hope one day she opens up a little more.

  • Runemist34

    January 19, 2010 at 6:22 am in reply to: Sexuality and Pole Dancing

    Foxy, I think I understand your point, and it’s very well articulated! Being a fan of burlesque, myself, I’m fine about the pasties and things, but I think a lot of the grabbing and blatant sexuality in burlesque is meant to be humorous…I’ve seen one woman who grabbed both boobs, and then went "Oh!" like that totally WASN’T what she was going for…but it was all planned, and I thought it was cute and funny.
    However, I think that blatant, clear "I’ma give you a boner" is also a turn-off for me, and I actually have a difficult thing with the whole…crotch touching. I’ve thought about it, and it’s really not my thing. Neither is showing it off. I know a move I learned from the studio I used to go to (and may have even done it in my video!) that’s called the "money shot," which I’ve officially decided to do AWAY from the audience, mostly because I don’t want to be blatantly showing that part! I think it’s far more interesting to be showing it, but not to the audience…make them wonder!

  • Runemist34

    January 19, 2010 at 12:00 am in reply to: Ladies Only, Please!

    Laaast question, I think!
    Er, I live with guys, so if they find anything to do with the particular female cycle, all three of them get all silly and flail around the house. So…when you clean it…where do you put the blood?
    Also, I’m in Canada, so do you know anywhere I can get it around here? I don’t have any SUPER AWESOME big stores, so I’m just curious if there’s somewhere special I might have to go, or go online, or something…or if it’s just a US thing….

  • Runemist34

    January 18, 2010 at 11:33 pm in reply to: Ladies Only, Please!

    One other question…is it one per period? Or do you reuse them for a bit? ‘Cause I know you can take them out and clean them, but I wasn’t sure if you can just keep them for a bit…

  • Runemist34

    January 18, 2010 at 11:05 pm in reply to: Trunk Junk?

    Here’s something.
    For the larger ladies:
    This is Amber Ray, the first runner up, just behind Allegra in the Australian Pole competition.
    She’s got a larger rear and legs, she’s a bigger lady. Yet she still does everything really awesome!

    And, for the smaller ladies…UM FELIX YO!
    She’s got no boobs either! And you can’t deny me she’s hot as hell!

    Edited to add: ALSO, there are some AMAZING freaking women in the burlesque world. Thinner and bigger, all different shapes and sizes. I love, LOVE burlesque, and one of the main reasons? Michelle L’Amore. She’s cute, she’s hot, she’s got a great ass, and she’s rather pear shaped. She’s huge in the UK, as far as I understand, and she’s got some awesome videos on Youtube if you want to check them out. Burlesque isn’t that far from pole dancing in some ways…it’s a lot more freeform, but then again, it’s got that sexy element (for those who do that) and it’s got the comedy aspect, too! Seriously.

  • Runemist34

    January 18, 2010 at 10:24 pm in reply to: Ladies Only, Please!

    That sounds cool! I also had another question…but it’s kind of…personal
    How far up does it go? I had this problem when I was looking at alternate methods of birth control, too (because I didn’t want to keep taking the pill!) and some of the more "convenient" ones actually go all the way up there…and there’s no way for me to get them out! My fingers aren’t long enough!
    But it DOES seem like a pretty good method for controlling these things. My sister got a tampon "lost" once, and it was a huge hassle for her, and very uncomfortable…I’ve never worn one, not ever. I’ve always just used pads…mostly because I knew tampons could get lost up there.
    Thanks for letting me know!

  • Runemist34

    January 18, 2010 at 9:46 pm in reply to: Ladies Only, Please!

    This might seem like a really crazy question…but does it ever get "lost" up there? And what if you have a really heavy flow? How do you check it? Is it comfortable?
    See, I’m picturing something more like a drinking cup

  • Runemist34

    January 18, 2010 at 9:26 pm in reply to: Trunk Junk?

    Even all the "cute" bra and panty sets are cut for girls with a nice pretty natural C.
    You’re telling me! I’ve got size E boobs with a 34 waist, so all those "cute" bras everyone sees, certainly are not for me! I’m just blessed to have one friend who works in a lingerie shop that knows her merchandise, so I don’t have to buy $150 custom bras! My sister is the same way, though she doesn’t have the hips to balance, and she never wears the right size of bra…it actually looks like hers are much bigger (even compared to me!) and she gets a LOT of "attention" she doesn’t want from it.
    Simpllysweet, I know how it is, having health problems. You always hear of "morbidly obese" people having horrible problems, but regular people do, too! My knees are so messed up, I may end up without kneecaps at all, and I’m in pretty consistent pain. Perhaps (I know this sounds awful) you could talk to someone about your fear of gaining a little weight? I mean, if it’s harming you, and you know it, perhaps help is needed. Worrying about your health is not something a person should have to do, day in and day out!
    And PDR, have you looked at your butt lately? And your legs! Dayum, girl! I seriously don’t think breasts are everything (this coming from a girl who thinks they are her only asset)! You’re a beautiful woman, and if that is the way you’re built, then play it up! You can pull off the cute little shorts, the plunging necklines and all kinds of things I know I can’t! You’re built like a model, and that means practically the whole fashion world is geared toward you!

    I think that a big part of this (I may have said this already) is society telling us that we have to be, we have to look, some certain way, and very, very few people actually look that way. We look at those posters for lingerie and go "I wish I could look like that!" all the while those girls actually don’t exist. They’ve been modified all to hell, and often times the clothing that models are showing off in pictures don’t actually fit them. They’ve been clipped and whatnot behind the model, and since the camera doesn’t see it, neither do we!
    So, really, they’re all scamming us out of our self-esteem, they’re playing to an entirely natural insecurity that we should have grown out of once we finished being teenagers, and we just keep going "Yup!" and getting led around. We get a payback from it (I know I do, too) by being able to relate to other women in the same situation…and there sure are a lot of them! Beating ourselves up has its rewards…I know this. I had depression for a long time, and still some of the habits keep coming back…it’s not flattering to say, but it does have its paybacks.
    I really liked those articles at the beginning that Amy put up. They’re so true, and I agree with the idea that we should do our own social experiments. We should test it…and find out if there really is something wrong, or if it’s all in our heads, dragging us down.
    I’ll totally admit I was scared by what I saw when I recorded my video in my shorts! I didn’t realize what I looked like, because I never see my rear end!
    Also, I think we should all listen to our boyfriends/husbands/girlfriends/family, because I think they have a better idea of what we look like than we do. They’re better judges to what we put out to the world than we are, because we get the added flavour of what’s in our head. And, that goes for me, too!


  • Runemist34

    January 18, 2010 at 9:01 pm in reply to: wow, i can’t believe this video.

    Freethesun, and Luvlee, I think you hit the nail on the head. I commented, but I tried to keep it short, polite, and not too intrusive. I was called a garden implement for it, and that’s pretty much the only response I got at all! So, I agree, she just wanted to ruffle some feathers and whatnot.

  • Runemist34

    January 18, 2010 at 7:46 am in reply to: wow, i can’t believe this video.

    She sure seems to think that these ladies she’s looking at are "whores," and while I agree that this sort of thing shouldn’t bother us…I know it bothers me! I don’t like it when people pass judgement on others just because of one thing, and she’s probably looking at the pretty, blonde girlies doing the splits, spins and things (from what I remember of Flirty girl fitness). Looking at their website, they advertise the sexiest moves and things…but really, it isn’t anything new to me. I’ve seen lots, and lots of pole-fit studios advertise this way! They do more than pole, though, they do chair and whatnot…but still.
    I think it was inappropriate for her to call them "whores" just because they dance in a sexy way.

  • Runemist34

    January 18, 2010 at 6:15 am in reply to: Booty Tutorials!!!!

    I think I’d like to jump on this bandwagon! I’m under "Runemist" on youtube, if you’d like to add me!

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