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  • Runemist34

    January 13, 2010 at 5:49 pm in reply to: San Diego Pole Studio

    I’ll agree with Amcut on the logo…it just looks like they don’t know how to spell, not that they’re emphasizing the crazy, dirty, sexy side of dance, like I assume they’re trying to do.
    However, I’d say it looks like they have some good instructors, and some alright classes. Maybe it would be fun to learn old moves from a new studio, eh?

  • Runemist34

    January 13, 2010 at 7:03 am in reply to: Holly Drop

    I know what you mean, Red, I always feel weird trying to record myself talking to the camera…usually (well, pretty much all the time!) I do it when no one is home! I haven’t posted it, though…not YET anyways!
    I had no idea this move even existed till I saw this thread…but it’s really awesome, and one day, I shall do it!

  • Runemist34

    January 13, 2010 at 6:03 am in reply to: Behind the head grip

    Wow Thank you Jenn!
    That was an impressive and easily understood addition that I really needed. I figured I was going for some kind of pulling/pushing thing, but I wasn’t entirely sure how I would do it safely, ’cause somehow the floor thing didn’t seem to work when I tried it…
    I will give that a shot, and perhaps with time I’ll have the shoulder mount down

  • Runemist34

    January 13, 2010 at 3:57 am in reply to: Behind the head grip

    Technically, yes, I’d love to do the kicks in the video, and I’ve also seen a slide with that hold, all the way to the floor. I was rather impressed by it.
    You have a good point, though, to work on other things than this. I suppose I’m just a little eager! I never really expected to jump right into a full shoulder mount yet, but I thought perhaps just slowly working toward it would help!

  • Runemist34

    January 13, 2010 at 1:23 am in reply to: First Ever Pole Practice!

    For other movies to try, I wouldn’t know which to recommend…I’ve seen some moves be considered "beginner" where other people consider them "advanced" and vice versa! I personally like the front hook spin (called the "ballerina" where I learned it ), as well as a variety of poses, floor work, that kind of thing. The "half spin" as well, is a great move and I use it all the time! That one is where you "step around" the pole, and there’s a little dip of the knees in the middle. I think at the beginning it’s more about feeling what you feel when you dance with the pole…whether it’s powerful, sexy, cute, fast or slow, or whatever else, and learning to convey that through the dancing. It’s not an easy thing for me, because I don’t "feel" a lot, and whatever I do feel, I don’t seem to have the strength to pull off…but I’m actually getting way back to the basics, to see what I can find there!
    …and my camera battery is charged, so when I finally get up the motivation, perhaps I’ll share it!
    That video, gotta say, is awesome! I totally didn’t think of that grip! I’ve tried a couple, but that one might work better! I’ve been trying to re-find their videos, so thank you.
    Also, Veena’s lessons are AWESOME and I’m subscribing to them again when my paypal gets the money from my account …but I understand if there’s some money issues there. Maybe just try a month, see if you can get the first few down, and practice that till you can afford more? You don’t necessarily need the videos to remember what they are!

  • Runemist34

    January 13, 2010 at 12:23 am in reply to: Behind the head grip

    The only real time I’ve seen it is with a shoulder mount, but I’ve also seen it once before kind of leading into the shoulder mount…perhaps a video would help? I found this in my internet travels…
    I know it’s an instructional video, I just can’t seem to emulate her very well. I was wondering if you guys knew of anything I might be doing wrong (like, specific hand placement to make it work) or if I was just not strong enough yet!

  • Runemist34

    January 13, 2010 at 12:20 am in reply to: First Ever Pole Practice!

    That was great I really liked that you were trying lots of different tricks to see what you could do. Also, I know all about the guys finding things easier…some of them are just monkeys at heart (I mean that in the best way possible!)
    I’d say that the only thing I would critique is your inside arm when you do the back-hook spin. It’s kind of…awkward? Maybe try putting the elbow on the other side of the pole, see if that works a bit better for you!
    Otherwise, I’d say you’re doing wonderfully! Much better fan-kick than I can achieve! Maybe you could give me some pointers on that one? Mine sucks a lot!
    Now I’m going to have to make a video

  • Runemist34

    January 12, 2010 at 10:55 pm in reply to: Just got my pole… Can’t do anything!

    Hey there,
    I’m one of those "constantly beginning" people who like to get back to the basics…and always manage to forget to dance for a good half-year, and have to retrain. One of the biggest things: Don’t tell anyone, especially yourself, that you can’t do anything! You can, obviously, do lots!
    I’d say just move around, feel the music, trust the pole to hold you up, learn about moving up and down it, getting used to playing with what you have. That’s what I’m still learning to do
    Don’t push yourself if certain things hurt your muscles. If you find climbing painful, perhaps work on other stuff till you feel you can handle it (though I found climbing painful for a couple of times, and the sit still gives me pole burn) but when you learn lots of spins and get really strong, climbing and such will be easier!
    Otherwise, work on what YOU want from the pole, how you feel when you dance with it
    And good luck! I look forward to seeing some videos!

  • Runemist34

    January 12, 2010 at 9:21 pm in reply to: Weight Training and Flexibility

    I find that if you do both, so if you warm up, strength train, do some cardio, and then stretch, it works out relatively well. I usually end up sore the next day, if I really push it, but I’ve never actually made myself too sore to function…well, I used to once or twice, but I don’t want to repeat that again!
    You can really tighten the muscles if you just to strength training, though, and I find if I stretch right after, everything feels much better and happier, and a lot less sore!

  • Runemist34

    January 12, 2010 at 12:56 am in reply to: What’s on your pole playlist?

    Castle, for Itunes it’s basically money. Each song is about 99 cents (although if you buy a whole CD, it’s usually cheaper…sometimes a LOT cheaper!) and if you buy a $15 iTunes card, that’s how much you have to spend. That’s how I normally get all of my music, or else from other people.

  • Runemist34

    January 11, 2010 at 4:37 pm in reply to: Pole dancing DVDs

    Hey Georgia!
    Wow, that was an impressive amount of information! I think I really like that idea though, of working on each thing I want individually, and then putting them together. I’ve got some things down already (like pointed toes!) but…
    I’m never sure what specifically would be worked on to move through pole dancing as a dance? It might sound like I’m overthinking or making things difficult, but seriously, if I’m going from one spin into the next, I’m never really sure what to do between the two, that gives each move a logical flow (or perhaps an illogical but pretty one). Like, a REASON I’m turning and doing a back hook spin! Does that seem odd?
    I suppose the other thing is that I may have a different idea of "move" than other people. Hip rolls I was told was a "move," or a bodywave.
    Anyways, I look forward to more answers

  • Runemist34

    January 11, 2010 at 5:24 am in reply to: Pole dancing DVDs

    I forgot!
    Instead of buying a DVD, I could also take instruction on this transition thing. I’ve gotten so used to just walking around the pole between moves, it just looks like a series of spins and poses with walking punctuating, and I don’t find that it’s very "dance" oriented. I’d love to just dance rather than work on moves, you know?
    So, if anyone can give me some really in-depth advice (you could even e-mail me! I’d love a pole penpal!) on transitions, and really just getting into the groove without working on moves, I would be SO GRATEFUL! That would possibly be the best thing, ever. Seriously.
    So, if anyone is up for that, you would save me money (thus giving this poor, starving student an act of charity ) and help a fellow dancer feel more like she’s dancing. Then I could even subscribe a little earlier to Veena’s lessons, and maybe I would progress like crazy!
    So…what I’m really asking is…Help me?

  • Runemist34

    January 11, 2010 at 3:33 am in reply to: HCG Injections for weight loss?

    Fleur, you took the words right out of my mouth, just with much, much better explanation and much less fervour. I agree entirely. Weight loss and health in our society takes a great deal of trying and dedication, and I wouldn’t want to use those "miracle" drugs to take away the sense of accomplishment I will have once I achieve my healthy lifestyle the way I want it.

  • Runemist34

    January 10, 2010 at 5:40 am in reply to: Pole Dance Game

    Hehe, my first score was "thighs on the prize." I enjoyed that!

  • Runemist34

    January 10, 2010 at 4:50 am in reply to: HCG Injections for weight loss?

    Honestly ladies, you may not agree with me, but I don’t believe in using pills, injections, or anything other than hard work and proper (read balanced) eating. I’d be afraid of things such as kidney failure, or the loss of too much weight resulting in (particularly for women) a very bad balance of body. If women don’t have enough fat, they lose their monthly cycle, because the body doesn’t believe you are healthy enough to bear children.
    However, I’m glad you’re happy. I hope it all works out well for you, ‘kay?

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