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  • Runemist34

    January 9, 2010 at 2:07 am in reply to: big tricks vs. sexy moves

    You know, this was exactly how we learned to dance in the studio I went to…trick, walk, trick, walk. And this was supposed to be really sexy, because we were doing tricks! Our individuality was supposed to come out in the tricks we did.
    As you can imagine, I didn’t take to it well, because I didn’t have the strength for a lot of the tricks, because I spent most of my time walking.
    Transitions and such just seem so amazing to me, I want to learn them all! But it seems to strange to me, you know?
    I wonder if anyone here can give me some pointers? It’d be SUPER helpful!
    As for sexiness, I agree with the others…it’s a personal thing. You don’t need to be "sexy" like everyone else is "sexy," and it’s even sexier if you can be sexy the way you are. Does that make sense? It might not, I’m tired
    For some people, sexy is pleasing a crowd, booty-shaking, energetic. Others, it’s flow, sensuality, touching. For yet others, it’s vulnerability, cuteness, or even sassiness and coy looks. Sexy can translate so many different ways.
    So, I’d say just relax, practice without being watched for a while, and see if you can channel your own form of sexiness into a dance.
    I actually have yet to understand my own form of sexiness, and have a very difficult time being "sexy" to anyone but my husband…and even then, it’s hard. You’d think it would be easier, as a writer, for me to see my own wants and needs, but it’s not, really. We all learn things at different paces, y’know?

  • Runemist34

    January 7, 2010 at 11:25 pm in reply to: no lotion… ever!?

    I’ve started using lotion, but I don’t generally use it very close to my use of the pole…at least before I use it. I’ve also found that I’m a bit of a shower freak. I love showering, it’s nice and relaxing and makes me feel more awake. I also found that the more often I shower, the more dry my skin got! So, perhaps just one application of lotion right after showering, pole dance after it’s all absorbed, and then you can go nuts on the lotion after that?
    Just a thought!

  • Runemist34

    January 6, 2010 at 9:26 pm in reply to: Shoulder Mount unsafe???

    That was my thought, Amcut…is there really anything one can do in pole dancing that couldn’t, potentially, end in pain? I mean, what about all those girls who use unsafe poles? Or someone who accidentally slips while doing a pose, and hitting the ground? I’ve even tried something perfectly natural, and kicked the pole…and I could probably have broken a toe, or even something in my foot, if I’d done it badly enough!
    I found that, at the studio here, the owner wasn’t really into inversions (I’m not sure if she just hadn’t heard of them, or if she didn’t think she could do them, or whatever) so the studio wasn’t into them, and we were often told that they were "bad to do" because we might fall, or the poles (which were bolted permanently into the ceiling and floor) might be unsafe for it. However, they DO practice the Helicopter, the pole climb, and jackknife. I thought it was odd.
    I think that it may be partly because they don’t want you hurting yourself in their classes or on their property, because people tend to sue at the drop of a hat these days.
    As for it being "unsafe" for the back, and whatnot…well, you could say that about a lot of things. It all depends on your level of strength and flexibility. I was horseback riding for about four years before this, and I could go around saying "It’s unsafe!" because I developed a knee problem from it, and I’ve been in pain for like six years, but that isn’t the problem of the activity, just the way my body handled it, and a pretty harsh lack of fitness on my part during that time, and the time after that…till now!
    Anyways, I would love to see what Veena has to say, as well as anyone who has health and fitness experience…as, like, a career with credentials and stuff. Otherwise it’s just heresay and nonsense!

  • Runemist34

    January 5, 2010 at 8:57 pm in reply to: Do you name inanimate objects….like your pole?

    Funny thing, I never thought about naming my pole! Also, if I was to do so (and I think I might) I would actually choose a male name. It’s a common thing in the studio around here, even though I don’t go anymore, that we explain the pole thus: The Pole is the perfect dance partner. Always ready, always erect and never critical of what you’re doing!
    So, I always thought of my pole as more masculine, like a dance partner.
    I’ve also heard that cars are supposed to be named female, because it’s usually guys naming them, and cars are like having a relationship with women. Expensive, sometimes bitchy, but they get you there in the end (I just realized how that sounds…sorry ). So I always liked how my friend did it; her first car was named Steve. He was a good car, but they moved so they had to sell him. I don’t see him around town anymore
    Er, if this post seems to ramble, I’m sorry…I’ve had insomnia of late, and running on next to no sleep in the past few days.
    Anyways, perhaps I’ll let you guys know if/what I name my pole!

  • Runemist34

    January 4, 2010 at 9:09 pm in reply to: You Tube Screennames

    Runemist is mine, though I don’t have anything up yet! Maybe I’ll remedy that soon! School’s just started, though, so I’m bagged and need a nap!
    I go by Runemist on pretty much everything…my Livejournal is Runemist34, though, because my normal one was already claimed by someone else! Oh well!
    Thanks ladies I’ll start creepily stalking everyone on youtube!

  • Runemist34

    January 4, 2010 at 9:04 pm in reply to: You Tube Posters

    Awesome, that keeps things simple!
    Amcut, I totally agree…dancing to music is one of the best uses of it! And we could say we’re using ours for both personal (dancing to it for ourselves) and educational (everyone learning from everyone else) uses! Hah!

  • Runemist34

    January 3, 2010 at 11:50 pm in reply to: Does height matter?

    I’m 5′ 7" and mostly leg (my husband and I are the same height, and my legs are quite a bit longer than his! ) and I don’t find I’m having an extra hard time. Honestly, you’ve got longer limbs, why not use that to your advantage? Long legs look great with some moves!
    I don’t think you would find an difference in what you do compared to anyone else, unless you ARE comparing it to other people! If you have no idea how long a certain move took someone to learn, or how much strength they require as opposed to how much you require, what’s the difference?
    Other than that, everyone is built differently, and so you’ll find you are stronger at some moves than others, and other people are the same. We all have our strengths and deficits, physically and mentally, so I don’t think it’s fair to compare one person to another.

  • Runemist34

    January 3, 2010 at 11:44 pm in reply to: You Tube Posters

    Amcut, does this person mean that we should copy and paste that little paragraph in the sidebar of the video to get audio back? ‘Cause that’s what it looks like, and if that’s true, I think it’s pretty awesome!
    Are there other ways of doing it? I don’t understand, if you own the music, why can’t you have it playing in your video?
    Also, how do people like Veena keep their audio going?

  • Runemist34

    January 2, 2010 at 9:11 pm in reply to: Hula Hoop-eriffic!

    I actually was into hooping for a little bit (have a hoop, too) but right now there isn’t much room, and I’m not very good at it. However, my research brought up the interesting topic of weighted hoops. Some people like them a lot, and some really don’t. I’ve even heard a lot of people talking about getting really bad bruises on their midsection from them! Also, depending on the size of the hoop, you might find one that’s weighted harder. If it’s a larger hoop, it rotates slower, and if it’s smaller, it goes really fast! Mine is huuuge!
    However, I wouldn’t mind trying again on the hooping…maybe we could have ourselves a little hoop group?

  • Runemist34

    January 2, 2010 at 2:11 am in reply to: Weight-loss

    Meleania, that was the best post, EVER!
    I always go on forums with women in them, and find a bunch of girls going "well, I wanna lose weight!" and when I explain these things, they get all…er, dumb. I get shunned.
    Anyways, yes, I totally agree! Most people look at me and say I must be somewhere around 120 lbs, but I’m actually creeping my way up to 170lbs! I keep a lot of muscle in my hips and legs, and it’s just getting better as I increase strength for the upper body, too.
    I don’t know if anyone touched on this, but I’d like to note that women need to have a certain amount of fat on their bodies in order to be healthy. I’m sure no one here is going for bodybuilder-esque here, but keep in mind…the less fat you have, the better, to a point. There are lots of very athletic girls out there that don’t menstruate, because their bodies tell them they can’t have children…there isn’t enough fat on them!
    Anyways, good luck to everyone losing weight and getting fit!

  • Runemist34

    January 2, 2010 at 2:04 am in reply to: Outfit input for photo shoot. Halp!!

    A theatre major? My Husband is going into theatre! Yay!
    As for outfits, I’d say…try to stay away from too much sparkle, because if your photographer uses a flash, they’ll light up like christmas lights and you don’t get to see the model at all. If you like your chest, something low and push up (like, a push up bra ), and if you like your back, too, something strappy for the back! Your butt looks good, generally, if you wear little booty shorts and things like that, and those do good things for your legs, too! If you’re feeling adventurous, why not go for a bra/thong combo? I’ve also seen shirts that are just straps in the back, but they cover your whole front, if you can find/have one of those.
    Really, it depends on what you can find and what you have, but try things on! Why not spend an evening trying things and checking stuff, to see what you like on you? Colour, cut and all that stuff!
    Also…trust your photographer. Sometimes they’ll see things you don’t, and even if you think they’re probably zooming right in on something you don’t want to show off, you never know what’s going on in their head behind that lens! I’ve had times like that!
    Good luck! I hope you have lots, and lots of fun!

  • Runemist34

    January 2, 2010 at 1:57 am in reply to: Surgery complete!

    That’s awesome! I’m glad that, for the future, you won’t have to be in pain all the time. Pain sucks!
    As per everyone else, speedy recovery, and happy times on the couch as you relax! You’ll be back on your feet (pun intended!) in no time!

  • Runemist34

    January 2, 2010 at 1:52 am in reply to: How old were you when you discovered pole dance?

    Chem, my birthday is January as well! Yeah, Capricorn
    I discovered (as in, danced on my first pole) it around the age of…err, 21? Perhaps 20. I don’t remember well because it was a very tremulous time of my life, lots of moving and trying to figure out what I was doing. However, I’m pretty sure I moved out the first time right before I turned 20, because my husband and I have been together for 4 years now, and we got together right after I moved out. And then he and I got a place together…

    Yep, I was 20! Which means I have been trying to pole dance for about 3 and a half years now! Wow!
    I still haven’t gotten inversions, and my pole and I have our in-and-out of love, but I think it’s getting better now. I certainly find I can think better when I pole lots!

    I think it’s great that all you older ladies didn’t balk at doing something like this (and no, I don’t mean "older" as in you’re old, just older than me and are still going for it! Flexibility isn’t one of those things you always have young…I’m finding I screwed up my muscles something fierce for most of my highschool years, and even a bit before that, so I’ve gotta work hard to get them back in order!

  • Runemist34

    December 31, 2009 at 7:23 pm in reply to: Spin trouble

    Thanks Ladies!
    Veena: I have, actually, been working on my pole holds, and technically I can climb up the pole without issue, I just can’t really do much up there but sit and…I think it might be called the crucifix? I’m not sure!
    Strength has always been something I’ve been going for, because without it I tend to fall apart really bad. My knees and shoulders being the worst…without regular workouts, particularly of those areas, they refuse to work and I feel very incapacitated.
    FreetheSun: I figured an increased amount of momentum would lead to more spin, but I also find that (strangely) even if I put more behind a spin that I can do easily, I pretty much get the same results! But, I will try the pushing away from the pole, instead of around it, and see how that goes!
    Once I get me that subscription again, I’ll get to the strength training a little more! You’d be surprised to find out how much the little things do, though. Shoulders back and down…gave me more strength than I expected, once I got used to it!

  • Runemist34

    December 30, 2009 at 9:13 pm in reply to: ****Veena’s New Lessons****

    I’m totally asking for another subscription for my birthday! I got a little teaser right when mine expired, and I totally found the exercises to be helpful! It’s also really nice, the way you describe things and have the mirror set up to see many angles…I’m terribly excited for more!

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