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  • Runemist34

    October 26, 2009 at 3:01 am in reply to: Shooooeees!

    I would say go for the second ones, because they look a little more secure, like you would be more connected to them. My new shoes are slingback, and I realized when I purchased them that they might slip off, but I was sure I was up to the challenge…well, once I learned to walk in them, anyways!
    I’ll probably order me a pair of those when I have the money!

  • Runemist34

    October 26, 2009 at 12:11 am in reply to: New from Scotland! and needing reassurance…

    I totally understand where you’re coming from with sticking to the pole…I have the issue of slowing down so much during certain spins that I stop midway! It takes practice, though, and as you gain strength and confidence in your new, unmoving dance partner, you’ll get the hang of it!
    Also, I do recommend the classes…most ladies will be just like you! No idea what they’re doing, and just trying something new! Besides that, I’ve found that most women are very non-judgemental when you’re all up there in your spandex, learning from someone how to swing around a pole. At least that’s how it was for me!
    And I gotta say…little jealous about the Scotland thing…I want to go there!

  • Runemist34

    October 26, 2009 at 12:07 am in reply to: Hi :*

    Haha, I was the same, Tarakarina’s beautiful videos led me here, too! It’s a wonderful community, so don’t be shy about wandering and posting.

  • Runemist34

    October 25, 2009 at 5:26 pm in reply to: made the best video!

    Staaage fright! I totally do that. I’ll also soon be working on a video (not that I can invert or anything) but I know the feeling. I’ve tried recording myself before, and just do a move, and then blank out and go check the settings on the camera…and see myself on the pole and go "Ugh! Who’d want to see that?" And then I end up just scrapping it. I have some bad body image…
    Also, men have some pretty amazing upper body strength. I have some friends come over once a week or so, and the guy can do inversions and stuff that I’ve never even attempted, because I know I can’t do it! We’ve also got the hips, which they don’t, and all that bone and muscle is HEAVY! So, don’t feel disappointed, you can do it in time!

  • Runemist34

    October 25, 2009 at 5:19 pm in reply to: Double Life Maybe????

    I’d say it’s perfectly natural to feel you’re living something "fake" if you’re taking classes you aren’t passionate about. I don’t have a studio or anything, but I did think about teaching at the local one…I’m not really extroverted, though, so after taking (and failing) the Fitness trainer’s class, I decided it wasn’t for me. The knowledge I have from that continues to serve me, though, so I think it was worth it.
    So, my suggestion is to do some research. I’m a huge research kind of person…check into classes and things you can take for teaching fitness or dance, even if it’s not pole specific. Find companies that you could, perhaps, franchise with (because, as far as I know, it’s easier to franchise, rather than just pop up out of the blue) and maybe even check and see how much of a consumer base you would have in your area! I know for me, if I moved down-island I might have more of a chance, because there isn’t an actual pole studio down there, but in my current town, there’s already a studio, and there aren’t that many women here that want to take it that haven’t already.
    Also, if there are things you want to explore in college, I think you should do that, too! Check things out, you don’t have to make a decision yet. There’s lots of time between now and September, so take your time, get some information on your various interests and see how viable the options are.
    And I wish you luck! It sounds like there’s a lot of potential for you

  • Runemist34

    October 23, 2009 at 5:29 am in reply to: Veena’s Lessons

    So, is there going to be new stuff coming out? I thought it would be awesome if she expanded a little more of her "newbie" moves…spins and things, for those of us who aren’t up to the inversions and climbs, it still gives a little more repertoire for the dancing and gaining strength. I’m very bad at doing "exercises" like the pushups, because it’s not very interesting for me. I’ve got the lessons, and I’ll probably keep an eye out when more stuff comes up!

  • Runemist34

    October 22, 2009 at 1:27 am in reply to: I needs helps!!

    You can also add Strength in there too, as well as a creative release, being not expensive after the first initial purchase of a pole (or, you can go to a studio if they have open times), and allowing of all women to participate, regardless of how your body is shaped…because if you can walk, you can dance

  • Runemist34

    October 20, 2009 at 5:59 pm in reply to: Shooooeees!

    Wow, thank you! Those certainly are amazing prices…though I sort of dread seeing the shipping on them. They must get their money somehow, right?
    I’ll certainly keep an eye on this one though, especially since you give it such a great review. I’m always a little bit wary about buying online unless other people do it first!

  • Runemist34

    October 20, 2009 at 5:14 am in reply to: Hamstrings

    NickiLee, I sound quite the same, long legs, can’t touch my toes or do the splits, so perhaps I’ll try that method! I’m also no so good at sticking with my routines every day (yet!) so I think that it would work for me. Is it basically that you stretch to where you’re mostly comfortable, contract your muscles, and then release and relax them, and go a little further? I think I did that a bit before in my Self defence class…
    Thank you for the idea, too

  • Runemist34

    October 20, 2009 at 5:11 am in reply to: Balance left and right

    I’ve noticed quite the muscular imbalance in me, so I’ve been practicing my pole dancing on both sides recently. It’s nice to get back to basics and relearn all my moves again, so I can nitpick and find the little things I need to do to make them better! It also improves my strength, getting me closer to the goal of inversions!

  • Runemist34

    October 19, 2009 at 6:59 pm in reply to: Shooooeees!

    So I checked out that Garden of Eden place, and I got some shoes! They’re really nice, kind of tall (for me, at least) and I love them! I got them for $40, or %60 off! It was quite a steal. I’m so excited to start dancing in them and getting used to it!

  • Runemist34

    October 17, 2009 at 5:22 am in reply to: What do pole do you recommend ?

    Sorry Charley! I had chrome mixed up with stainless steel…it all looks the same to me!

  • Runemist34

    October 16, 2009 at 10:46 pm in reply to: Balance left and right

    I’m a strange one with that, too, actually! I had a Psychovocational assessment (Big words! It means they were trying to find out my skills and stuff for jobs, and see if I’ve got any disabilities) and they tested handedness…I was better at the test with my left hand, but I’m right handed. Mostly, though, I find that my right hand is for strength, and the left is for the little, detailed work and support. I can only do some things some ways, because the left gets used to something, and the right gets used to something!

  • Runemist34

    October 16, 2009 at 10:41 pm in reply to: Need some advice from my ladies!!

    Hey, it does really sound like you’ve run yourself down…but I would say seriously think about the consequences before you jump. Are you going to get the amazing tips that these girls get, considering you’re new to the business? Are you really going to be comfortable with you if you start doing it? Are you good at choreography and can come up with a great routine, night after night, and take all your clothes off and make it enticing?
    Also, the teeth thing…I’ve never had my wisdom teeth out, but if it were up to the dentists, they would have given me braces AGES ago. We didn’t have the money for it, thank god, and I really didn’t want it done. If I’ve got messed up teeth, then I’ll have messed up teeth!
    Anyways, I hope you get some slack on your incredible work week soon. It’s very hard to go through life like that. Maybe let us know if you do decide to dance at clubs? I would actually like to hear what it’s like.
    Karma is great. Honestly, I’ve seen things in people’s lives turn around in a heartbeat, for better or worse, because of karma. It’s one of my beliefs of life, and I use it all the time. You’re putting in so much effort now, I know you’ll get a huge payoff in the future!

  • Runemist34

    October 16, 2009 at 10:31 pm in reply to: Stage Names / Dancer Names

    I heard to use your first pet and your grandmother’s last name…but that gives me the unfortunate name of "Dusty Hooker!" Totally true!
    I’ve actually tried every trick I’ve ever heard of…your current pet and favorite dessert, street names and all sorts of other things. Nothing really works for me though. Stage names are hard for me!
    Runemist in the name generator got me: Summer Q.on the pop station, Terri Sharp on the rock station, Too Porsche on Rap (how can one be "Too porsche?" I’d say just porsche enough if any porsche!), and Tanya McCoy on Country, which reminds me of an old, insane friend and the doctor off Star Trek!
    Still, I’m curious for my proper name:
    In the same order: Amber Angel, Ann Beck, Bianca Capri, and Betty Bell.
    I kinda like Summer Q and Amber Angel, but I don’t know if they really fit me. I never really intended for Runemist to be anything but an online name, so I suppose I’m still stuck till I find something that clicks!

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