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  • Runemist34

    August 29, 2012 at 8:54 pm in reply to: Poling and Jewelry?

    I occasionally wear necklaces, if they're a cord or something… never any rings, and I don't wear anything on my wrists (the amount of writing I do, it's just frustrating!) and, I always make sure people aren't wearing metal when they're touching my pole. I'm even iffy about belts!

    And earrings, for me, are fine. Just not dangling ones… they get distracting and tangle in my hair if I'm going upside down.

  • Runemist34

    August 29, 2012 at 8:51 pm in reply to: X-Pole X-pert at max height

    My guess would be that, if Xpole is saying that they are able to extend to 9ft, that they are also safe to that height. I couldn't see them advertising "Goes to 9 feet! But don't use it at 9 feet. That's dangerous." lol

  • Runemist34

    August 28, 2012 at 6:26 pm in reply to: Ebay Corsets >_>

    TansyRae and rdgcleveland:

    I you. Thank you!

  • Runemist34

    August 28, 2012 at 2:29 am in reply to: Ebay Corsets >_>

    Well, thank you for telling me about that Corset Story place- it looks promising. Unfortunately I don't have Citi Bank, but that's an interesting feature for their credit cards!

    And, since you three ARE corset makers, and seem quite adamant that I must be silly to be looking on Ebay, what would you recommend for me, other than Corset story?

    I hadn't really laid out my requirements or reasons of interest for wanting a corset, nor did I speak of my current financial situation, since I didn't think it was necessary.

    But, since you're all interested: I can afford something about $100 or less (since I'm in University, and am attemtping to save up for a trip to Iceland), and I've been thinking that, since I do not EVER want to tightlace any corset on my person, I didn't need something that was overly strong. My intentions for corsets would be more for fasion, since I enjoy the look of them, and costuming, rather than an actual undergarment, or something worn frequently.

    There are very many corset makers, and people that I know who know people who make corsets, in my area, and if I could afford something around $250, I would certainly jump for something custom made, especially since I have a very curvy figure and a shorter torso. But, alas, I have not had that kind of cash to throw around for a very, very long time.

    That is why I was looking on Ebay. That's why I figured I would just throw the question out there, and see what people thought about buying things there- I've never trusted it.
    So, what would YOU recommend for me?

  • Runemist34

    August 27, 2012 at 3:50 am in reply to: Ebay Corsets >_>

    Stormcat, if I COULD afford a properly made and fitted corset, I don't think I would be here!

    Given that I'm looking at Ebay, rather than the thousands of corset makers online, let alone in my area, I think that would be an unfortunate but clear indication that I haven't the money.

    Aside from that, I'm not really interested in "A Proper Corset" in the way that most people assume that I am- I hate the idea of tightlacing, and am looking for something that will give me the look of a corset, but has something stronger than the crappy plastic boning one gets from most lingere stores.

    I am pretty clear with my own measurements, I know what I'm looking for.

    I appreciate your input.

  • Runemist34

    August 25, 2012 at 1:13 am in reply to: Hand position transitions!

    Chem, Freestyling is all I do! And, when in the groove, I don't think "Gee, I should attempt to get into this move that breaks my flow!"

    That's WHY I'm asking about this. Every time I try anything in split grip, or baseball grip, or anything other than what I normally do, it breaks my flow, because I don't know how to easily transition into it.

    Hence, I am also asking about combos and ways of helping me gain that flow, that understanding of how to quickly change hand positions during some good music so I don't have the lengthy pause while I re-adjust.

  • Runemist34

    August 24, 2012 at 5:09 pm in reply to: Hand position transitions!

    Chem, I kinda figured that would be the answer!

    The cradle spin I can actually do pretty well, now! I love it to bits, and do it often. It just seems very… obvious, not a lot of moves with that hand position, so I can't play with it much, tease my way into that move. It's pretty committed, I suppose!

    I was thinking about it all last night, and I figure I should come up with a bunch of combo moves that would help me work into and out of those hand positions, and move more easily from spins and pretty moves into strength moves and inverts.

    So, that would be the other question: What transitions do you use with the Fan kick, or getting into an invert, or a climb, or a split grip hold?

  • Runemist34

    August 23, 2012 at 8:38 pm in reply to: Pole and mental illness

    I forgot to add: I am actively, constantly trying to get rid of my anxiety. Knowing that I got out of my depression, and that I can continue to keep it away… it's possible for the anxiety, too. It's just a bigger, badder, scarier dragon to conqer!

  • Runemist34

    August 23, 2012 at 8:30 pm in reply to: Pole and mental illness

    I am a sufferer of anxiety, and I used to suffer depression, as well. I've been without depression for about four years or so, and still going strong on that front.

    The anxiety, though… it's not "supposed" to manifest as anxiety attacks, but I've had a few. Generalized anxiety is more like… I run at a "higher rate" of fear than most, but all the time. Social anxiety is mostly what fuels that, so things like presentations, driving, and such really set me off. Work was very difficult for a long time, too. And, highschool was pretty much directed torture.

    Pole, for me, is certainly something that helps me get out of my head, and back into my body. Anxiety can make you forget how important your physical self really is- and taking care of that physical self can really help in lessening that anxiety.

  • Runemist34

    August 23, 2012 at 5:32 pm in reply to: Growing out my hair

    Hey ladies! Little late to the party, but I wanted to join in because I'm growing my hair out, too!

    It's so hard, because my hair curls so much, it looks like it's not moving. Soo frustrating!
    I trim it when I can, every 3-6 months or so, and I do notice a difference when I do that. So, that's nice.

    I've heard of some vitamins that you can take to make your hair grow faster. Biotin being one of them (I can't remember the other).

    There's a lot on the internet about scalp massage, so I might try that.

    I don't wash my hair more than once a month. Like, ever. I'll get it wet and run my fingers through it, but it hasn't seen a brush in more than a year, and the same goes for shampoo. Because my hair is curly, it dries out very easily, and is much happier when I can let it do it's thing for a while.

    Leave-in conditioner is my friend, though. I love the stuff! I get some from Lush when I can, because it's natural, and it works wonders!


  • Runemist34

    August 23, 2012 at 5:11 pm in reply to: No clue where to start

    SpookyInk, I have felt the same- I can sympathize.

    I am still terrified to be upside down, spinning used to make me dizzy (and occasionally still does, if I'm learning a new spin), and if you want to talk about weak… I still cannot do a proper push-up, and I only just learned my basic invert, after four years of off-and-on dancing.

    You are Amazing.

    You are amazing because you're trying it. You are amazing because you recognize all of these things about yourself, and you are still trying- and even asking for help. You are amazing because you're right there, and you know that it's possible for you, regardless of what may be holding you back! And, you are amazing for more than that- so much more than that.

    And yes, I know that I don't know you, and I know that there are so many ways for your head to twist things like complements around, and there are a thousand different reasons to disregard the encouragement… but I don't think you should listen to ANY of them!
    I've been there, and I still am there. I've done it, I've heard it all, and I'm sure there is yet more for me to go through…

    But, what I said is true. And somewhere, you know that. Just like I know that about me, too 🙂

    We're all here for you. We all believe in you!

  • Runemist34

    August 23, 2012 at 4:05 pm in reply to: How Long Did It Take You to Invert?


    Yes, you read that correctly. It has taken me four years of on-and-off dancing for me to do a basic invert. It still feels totally impossible, even though every time I try I can do it, now.
    Seriously, there is so much more to work on than inverting. I've gotten really good at spins. I feel that spins are often neglected when people get into inversions, so you can work on those!

    Honestly though, don't feel bad. You'll get there, I promise. If I can do it, you can do it, too! Be patient with yourself. Everyone has their own struggle-moves, their own hangups. I'm terrified to do the inverted crucifix… but I'm almost there! 🙂

  • Runemist34

    August 23, 2012 at 4:01 pm in reply to: Climbing tips

    Wow, so many suggestions! Thanks so much! 🙂

    Sassyboots- being a beginner just means that you pay more attention to these kinds of moves 😉 Your insight is always useful! I've actually never thought to push much with my other leg… and my arms do SOME work, but not much compared to the one leg I'm stepping up onto! I'll see if I can reformat where the power is going.

    Suigintou- YAY! Hello, fellow BCer! Wonderful to meet someone nearby, as always 😉
    And as I said to Sassyboots- you are a beginner, so you pay more attention, and your insight is always useful!

    I'm definitely going to be trying the X-ankle climb today, and the explanation of arms and how they are working in that video is really, really helpful! Thank you 🙂

    LillyBilly- I'm going to write these things down for myself… so that I remember. No class for me, so this stuff is really helpful!

  • Runemist34

    August 22, 2012 at 6:25 pm in reply to: Climbing tips

    JeHanne, that exercise looks awesome/brutal! Wow! I'm gonna have to try it though.

    The way the lady steps up in the video, with her foot bent, is EXACTLY how I do it. I find that my foot is the one on the left of the pole, and my knee on the right… can you actually get your ankle all the way over? That seems… impossible Oo;

    I'll have to pay more attention to my push/pull with my upper body, though, maybe that will take some of the pressure off my shin.

    What do you mean by "rear end would drop down"? Isn't it lower than your knee when you're stepping up? Or am I just reaching too high? 😉

    And the idea for practicing more climbing by sliding down… I TOTALLY should have thought of that! Oh man! I'm gonna try it next time I dance.

    I've been able to climb for a few years now, but always with that bent foot. It's trying to find the pressure between my knee and another contact point other than my foot that I need!

  • Runemist34

    August 22, 2012 at 5:44 pm in reply to: Climbing tips

    Sassy, if I only have one leg on the pole, how do I keep pressure on BOTH of my ankles?
    I'm talking about the initial step up… otherwise, I'm fine! I can't climb too high on my pole, anyways, so it's the first step that I'm mostly worried about 😉

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