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  • Runemist34

    March 4, 2012 at 5:16 pm in reply to: Getting discouraged…

    I understand why you're frustrated! You're not alone. I've been poling for about 4 years (possibly More?!) and haven't actually done a proper basic invert yet. I'm close, and that's exciting, but it's also frustrating to see everyone else progress so quickly to that, and I… well, I don't!

    But, as many people here have told me, it's not a race or a contest! As long as YOU are having fun, why push yourself so hard? Inverts will come, and there's lots and lots of stuff you can do while grounded or spinning in the meantime!

    I've not had pole lessons in a classroom for a very long time- a lack of money and available lessons means that I don't get them, like, ever. But, I've found Veena's lessons, when I can afford them, to be quite beneficial, and otherwise, you can always take a look at youtube or other places for moves, and inquire about issues here on the forum! It's been a great resource for me!

    As for not having much room at home for your pole… Been there, too. I've had places where I was surprised I actually had enough room for the pole itself! But, you make it work. Sometimes you gotta move furniture, sometimes you can't and just have to not spin on one side for fear of kicking the couch or something… but it can work out. Practice your footwork, deal with other moves, till you can get back out to a studio!

    You could even see if that studio would give you some time on the pole when they aren't running classes, like once a week, or even every couple of weeks or every month, so that you can just have a bit of space!

  • Runemist34

    March 4, 2012 at 5:08 pm in reply to: Crucix help

    My goodness, darling, you seem to be having a little bit of technical issues! Rarely do I see so many posts of the same thing so many times!

    To deal with your issue, perhaps a little clarification? Are you doing an inverted crucifix, or an upright one? Is your pole warm when you give it a try?

    This move can be difficult at first…I have a little bit of a sliding issue, as well. I find the best advice was this: Try to turn your knees in toward each other. So, push your legs together, yes, but also twist them inwards, into the pole! It should aid in your grip.

  • Runemist34

    March 4, 2012 at 1:18 pm in reply to: heya ladies need help!

    I imagine that this website, Studio Veena, could help you out! And, also, Xpole usually have some to sell.

    My understanding is that all of them are the same price, because they all come from Xpole themselves, or someone who is affiliated with them. Otherwise, you may be looking for a used one, which does come up once in a while…

  • Runemist34

    March 3, 2012 at 11:41 pm in reply to: Sites New Layout.

    It's really neat! I like it a lot! I also like the idea of having status updates… I always like spamming status updates! 😉 (kidding)

  • Did a bit of looking around for you, and what I found is that they haven't set an Official weight limit. I have seen a few people with X-poles at the same height comment on forums that they can get themselves and their friends/husbands on them, and they still stay strong… that's over 300lbs.

    So, I think you're totally fine 😉

    I've heard most good poles are around the 250lb mark, or higher!

  • Runemist34

    February 25, 2012 at 12:36 pm in reply to: Make-up Tutorials for Pole Dancers!

    PinkyPower- if you could do natural nail tutorials, I'd be so happy! I've got my natural nails, too, and I HATE fake nails… but rarely do I ever find anything more fun than, say, a french tip on some bland colour, or how to put one solid colour on your fingernails. Boooring!

    Tips and tricks are always awesome when it comes to makeup! I always get muddled because people have such different face and eye shapes and colours, and I'm never sure if certain things would look good on me… so, perhaps you could talk about that, too? How to adapt things to your own face/eye shape, and knowing what looks best? I know much of it is trail and error, but it would be nice to have some guidelines 🙂

    Thank you so much! You're really generous to offer 🙂

  • Runemist34

    February 24, 2012 at 5:39 pm in reply to: Make-up Tutorials for Pole Dancers!

    I heartily agree with the fingernail painting spinoff- I LOVE painting my nails, but it is often quite boring!

    Otherwise, probably a good idea to go into what's necessary for stage makeup, and the differences between regular makeup and stage makeup. Many of the people here like to do competitions and performances, and I would think that knowing what you're doing with your makeup for such events really helps one look professional!

  • Runemist34

    February 24, 2012 at 5:34 pm in reply to: Thoughts on time off from pole?

    I have unbalanced muscles as well. This is where my knee-troubles come from! It's quite painful, and can sometimes cripple me from bending for days.

    However, if your Physical therapist is saying to take a break… I would likely listen to them. You could likely get your pole fix (please pass this by your Physical therapist, though!) by working on easy moves that don't bear any weight on your arms. Work on transitions, keep your feet on the ground, just swing your hips around and have a little fun! Pole dancing is not JUST about the climbs and upside down moves!

    If you need to strengthen certain muscle groups in order for your muscles to be able to take the strain, you can also think of it as conditioning for your dancing. Like, by the time you're done, you'll be a lot healthier, and possibly more powerful, so you can do more things with pole!

    Trust me, sometimes what we think is going on with our bodies really isn't what's going on. We do our best to stay balanced, but we're often not aware of every single muscle that is or is not engaged- it's more like "the area" of muscles, and sometimes we don't even think about that! That's how my knees got buggered 😉

  • Runemist34

    February 22, 2012 at 12:21 am in reply to: Stretching and Strength Training?

    Congrats on getting your pole!

    I highly recommend Veena's lessons for the whole bit- there are some amazing strength and stretching routines, as well as for the dancing aspect of pole dancing!

    From what I understand, the way to be toned without building bulk is to do more reps with less weight. This is usually my way of doing things, and I'm actually showing some improvement!

    Otherwise, if you don't have the money for Veena's lessons, or for going to a studio, you can wander the internet for things like arm strength and core strength workouts that don't require weights. I've found a lot about stretching out there, too!

  • Runemist34

    February 17, 2012 at 5:34 pm in reply to: Been noticing little changes here and there….

    Hehe, Webby, thank you 😉 I know that sometimes I don't catch on to things! lol

  • Runemist34

    February 17, 2012 at 5:06 pm in reply to: Been noticing little changes here and there….

    Well, you can watch videos in the message stream now! That's really cool!

    Or else that already happened and I'm quite dense 😛 lol

  • Runemist34

    February 17, 2012 at 4:59 pm in reply to: Been noticing little changes here and there….

    Well, Webby, that totally made me curious! I started looking around!

    I may be out of the loop, but is it the chat room? I never saw it like that before. Granted I've not been to the chat room for quite a while…

    Or do I need to keep hunting?

  • Runemist34

    February 17, 2012 at 4:25 pm in reply to: Shoes and how to keep your toes in your shoes?

    For me, I have very long feet, but they are also somewhat wide for ladies shoes. I think it all has to do with brand and the way the shoe is shaped!

    I rarely wear open-toe shoes, because I find them uncomfortable (and I'm somewhat weird about my toes?). When I do, the opening for the toe is usually rather small, and because of my feet being wide, I can't get all of my foot toes through, anyways! So, in that way, I don't have to worry about the "claw toe" thing.

    One thing to consider is getting a pad insert for the ball of your foot. This can help your foot stay where it should be, as well as adding to the comfort (because I find heels uncomfortable).

  • Runemist34

    February 17, 2012 at 4:18 pm in reply to: Been noticing little changes here and there….

    Ooh! Hints to new stuff! Change is good, I agree! The "Discuss" thing sort of caught me off guard, but that's totally cool 😉


  • Runemist34

    February 16, 2012 at 6:04 pm in reply to: Your pole warm up

    My old studio warmed us up with dancing, actually. Not the pole stuff, just some random, little fun dance that helped us physically warm up. We didn't do much on the pole itself till the actual lessons.

    For myself, on my own, I tend to warm up by dancing! I keep it light and easy, one or two easy spins, and just get into the flow. That's what I find helps me the most! And, it warms my pole at the same time.

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