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Veena, even I have to comment on this one! I think you're enjoying teasing us 😛
Very excited now to find out what you're up to!
Unfortunately, I'm in the same boat- ever since I started getting it, it's been painful sometimes. Yes, my cycle is very heavy! I once heard some kind of statistic that a woman will lose 1 pint of blood during her cycle, and I was like "Yeah, I could see that!" and my friend that I told that to was like "Um, no??" 😛
As for taking birth control continuously, it doesn't work for me. Never has, actually. I used to be on birth control, and I suppose it lightened it slightly, but it also gave me horrible mood swings, and contributed a great deal to my depression, so I can no longer take it. But, when I was on it and didn't want to have my period (say, for my anniversary or my honeymoon!), well, I had no choice! I would be taking the pill at the same time as my period, and still my body was like "No! We're doing this thing!"
As for poling with cramps…I imagine that if you can't stand up or walk, pole is right out. Otherwise, perhaps you should just take it easy! I know that it's hard, you want to get up there and do everything and practice, but it takes a lot out of me when I have mine, so generally I don't try to force myself…my body is working on something else!
Wow, that's quite a leap, darling!
First of all, whatever name you choose, please google it and see if you can find any other dancers with the same name, or pronounciation, or whatever that may be confused with yours. For dancers in Burlesque, the name is part of the character- if you take it, people get very confused, and many will be angry with you, and you don't want that!
If you're not terribly well versed, go out and do some research! Look up a whole bunch of burlesque on Youtube! Professional, amateur, the whole gambit- there's even things like Gore-lesque, or boy-lesque (which is guy burlesque dancers, my favourite is "Tigger!"). You may find you have a particular penchant for a style you'd like to emulate, or see how others tell their stories in their own dances.
I would also HIGHLY suggest Jo "Boobs" Weldon's book, called The Burlesque Handbook. It really did help me a lot, and it has SO much information in it!
As for coming up with your own stories…this one really tripped me up as well…But sometimes other people don't need to know the story you're telling. I've seen quite a few girls do very obvious stories, such as a woman who was desperately trying to seduce a guy (the guy was actually there, too, and it was done to the song "Man eater!"), and I've seen some dances where even I couldn't pick out the story…and I'm very story oriented!
So, don't dwell on it too much. Sometimes, when you get up on stage, you're there to strip, because that's what you do.
Some of my favourite ladies to watch, in case you need someplace to start: Dirty Martini, Michelle Lamour, Roxy D'lite, Immodesty Blaize, Renea La'roux (you may find a different spelling of her name, it's always different on different videos!)…and, most recently, Lola Frost!
And, I'll also point out that a big part of burlesque is oldschool. They're going back to the old days of burlesque, the glamour and old style moves, the bump 'n grind and such. Then, there's Neo burlesque, which is based more on our era. Burlesque is about satire, and back in the old days they were sort of originally making fun of the upper class. Now, you can do neo burlesque and make fun of our "upper class," and our kind of social commentary. It's all up to you!
And also remember… it's about the tease, not the reveal! By teasing, you make the reveals that much better for your audience! I learned that literally on stage…and it was awesome!
Good luck! And have fun!
While I could see dancing for a lost loved one being a very strong, emotional dance for many here, it would make me quite uncomfortable. I'm not sure if I can properly explain why, yet, but I know that's how I feel :S
The others however, those sound fun! I really like dancing as an "alter ego," especially since I'm learning a lot more how much movement and certain ways of moving can suggest personality. Dancing in pants wouldn't be so much of a "challenge" for me, just normal 😛
Oh, and I was going to say, technically the doctor is right. Medication takes 2 weeks or so to effect you…but that doesn't mean it takes two weeks for the withdrawals from the previous medication to effect you!
As far as I'm aware (this is mostly anxiety and depression medication, but I think it's similar for most others), medications will effect the chemicals in your brain. These are the chemicals which tell us how to feel, how and what to think, what's going on in life. You have a flood of endorphins, and you feel happy! But, that also sometimes happens with seretonin, and others. Doctors don't really know how it all works yet…it's all very complicated!
So, think about it this way: One medication may increase the amount of one certain chemical in your brain, where another medication may decrease another chemical. So, when you stop taking one of them, your chemicals aren't right! Your brain is waiting for that medication to come back, it thinks it doesn't need to do what the medication was doing, so you're imbalanced. This can show itself as depression and anxiety, or as suicidal or homicidal thoughts, as extreme happiness or sadness, as uncontrollable crying…as so much stuff.
While I have no idea what kinds of medication is out there for seizures, I know that Anxiety and Depression medication are only a temporary measure. This is what my doctor told me, that they are ONLY meant to be TEMPORARY. Just so everyone knows.
I dealt with depression for a long time, and I still deal with anxiety. Interestingly, the two often go hand-in-hand, one often masking the other. My depression masked the anxiety I dealt with every day…because if I didn't care, I wasn't scared, right?
It took me a long time to get through it, and the thing I found most helpful (and still find helpful when it comes to anxiety) is balance. For every negative thing you think, about yourself or about others or the world, you must balance it with something positive. Cut out the things that are poisoning you- obviously, with great care and control. Be honest with yourself, but also be kind.
I've got the hormones of a frigging farm wife- constantly kicking out babies, and constantly having sex to make more! I want to do it like a rabbit and I'm always hormonal! Especially around "that time," I go insane sometimes. I've felt every single emotion I could name at the same time, it gets that bad sometimes. So, you CAN be hormonal all the time. It's possible. It sucks, but it's possible! This comes with it's good and bad points, and comes with it's ups and downs. Sometimes I'm hot as a furnace, and sometimes I'm just…not. So, it comes and goes!
Like I said, I don't know a lot about medication when it comes to those for seizures, so talk to your doctor about it, at length! Seriously. He or she needs to know about all these things, about all the stresses and concerns. You may eventually find a medication that works for you.
And, lastly, if you need someone to talk to, I'm usually free- but, obviously, there are many women here who are like that, and are willing to talk! Know that you aren't alone. We're here with you on your journey, and we do care. 🙂
Hey hon! Welcome to the forums!
You sound a lot like me- I've never been physical AT ALL till recently, and Pole for me has been something of a struggle, but also a labour of love. It's taken me about 3 years to get the Basic invert, and I'm still trying to make it look even vaguely pretty! But, I'm getting there. Really!
I beat myself up about it, yes. I think I should do more, stronger, better. I should work on it more often, I should this, I should that! But, the truth is, I'm getting there. It's a process, and sometimes you can do all those "shoulds," and sometimes you can't. I know that I often expect too much from myself…honestly, how can a person fit work, school, husband-time, writing, drawing, sewing, baking, pole, staff spinning, hooping, and making jewellery all into one's life? It's near-impossible, especially if you also consider sleeping, eating, and possible "down time" to allow the brain to relax! So, be gentle with yourself, and remember, you're doing great right now!
Cocoa0, I actually said "I hope" because I'm 25, and I want them to stop growing! Buying a bra every 3 months because they've gotten bigger is very expensive…especially when you've passed (and then completely left behind) the DD's.
To be fair I paid about $500 for mine, and it's absolutely plain as can be. Sometimes sellers like to jack up their prices…
But yes, $640 is pretty high for a lil' mynx. Does it spin or anything? Is it stainless steel or powder coated?
lol, Can I point out that boobs can also gain size up to (I'm hoping) the age of 25, and then they settle down! It's a hormonal thing. After I stopped taking the birth control pill, I gained 4 cup sizes in 2 years or so, and no other part of me really changed. I had to learn a lot about boobs, and bras, pretty quickly! I actually learned that I was smaller in the band size than what I was wearing.
But I agree, if you're gaining strength that you want, and you fit into all your clothes, and you feel good, then just…feel good! Seriously!
(I should take my own advice :P)
I used the same link as what Heathalynne put up- it's way up at the top there! It says I'm "average," at 26.8% body fat.
I find this curious, because I know that if I were to lose the weight I have (I would know, I lost all of it when I was starving for several months, several years ago), my hips go to about 40 inches (I'm currently at 41 inches), and my waist doesn't really change. I put most of my fat pretty evenly through my body, though there is something of a concentration in the thigh region 😉
So, how does this thing account for things like, genetically huge hips, like mine? They aren't really fat, it's all mostly bone! Or, what if you've got gigantic, muscly arms, where the wrists are significantly smaller than your big, sexy forearm muscles?
I'm always curious about this kind of stuff- as I said, I don't generally like to measure and weigh, but I'm curious because I like to know how things work!
Heathalynne, this intrigues me. Why does this calculator only require height and weight for men, but all of those other measurements for women? How does it calculate these things?
I was totally only teasing about the Roxy spin! You take care of that bionic leg, and before you know it, you'll be doing all those amazing moves again!
Good to hear you're doing well, too!
Generally, I'll start off with a bit of just dancing, to warm up. Nothing too strenuous, often not much more than one fireman spin. Just put on some really good music, and dance.
Then, once warmed, I'll work on moves I'd like to work on, so right now…some more advanced spins, and my climbing moves, like the basic plank and the CKR and now, the basic invert!
This all usually takes about a half an hour or so, and then I go on to do my weights and strength training, stretching to cool down, and I'm done! That's a whole hour workout…and it really doesn't feel like it!
I found I also usually got bored pretty easy. The dancing is kind of my "getting in the mood," it's my reward, sort of like having dessert first 😉 It tends to follow into the new-moves part, too, so I'm less bored (and tired!) by doing six spins in a row, then some climbing, and then done. Sounds boring and difficult to me!
Amy, I'm already married but…can I have your babies? 😉
This is exactly how I feel about it. I struggle often with the numbers society puts on me (particularly, the ones attached to clothing!) but it's been a long process of sloughing them off, and allowing myself to just…be myself! Even if I do still struggle, I know I'm getting there, and I'm far happier for it.