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  • Runemist34

    July 20, 2011 at 12:36 pm in reply to: Vote for STEVEN RETCHLESS on America’s Got Talent!

    Awe guys, I totally would have voted if I was in America 😉

    He was AMAZING, some really impressive stuff on that pole! It's a shame they can't give the performers more time, though.

    I also liked the "You're bleeding," response: "Am I really?" *looks around*

  • Runemist34

    July 20, 2011 at 12:29 pm in reply to: Weight – why?…

    Cocoa0 has the right idea!

    Heathalynne – BMI is an inaccurate way of determining weight and health. It wasn't created with such a measurement in mind, nor was it created by someone who was any kind of health practitioner at all! If you want a great example…my husband is "Underweight" according to BMI, and yet he is in great shape. I, of course, am "overweight" on the BMI, and I have never, ever been in this good a shape in my life. I feel wonderful.

    But I liked your sentiment at the end: Love your body no matter what.

  • Runemist34

    July 19, 2011 at 11:35 pm in reply to: Canadian competitions?

    Well aside from the MPDC, I think what you guys are talking about here is conventions- we want our conventions, just the same as the Burlesque dancers have Miss Exotic World, as well as many others, and the anime fans have theirs, too!

    A convention his a HUGE undertaking, and I know from those who put them on that sometimes…sometimes they wonder if it's all worth it. Sometimes it's so stressful that they can't enjoy it while at the event. Sometimes they have to deal with horrible things, like their Guest of Honour has come down with something and can't do their act, or possibly the lighting and sound is shot, or there's no booze, or…whatever! Even the press can be horrible for stress on a convention!

    If you love it that much, you can do it, but it's one of those things that you really have to love, or it's not worth it.

  • Runemist34

    July 19, 2011 at 12:46 am in reply to: Weight – why?…

    My thought would be this: Have you actually gone up a dress size, or needed to buy new pants? Because, if no, then it's totally muscle, and you should feel proud!

    I rarely, if ever, look at a scale, because I know they can kind of lie to you. You aren't necessarily healthier because you weigh less! You DO need fat on your body to be healthy!

    And I am also a university student! Congrats on embarking on yet more education! I have heard that we tend to put on more weight, but if you're poling and dancing and stuff, you're counteracting all that sitting in class…as well as helping your brain to work better!

  • Runemist34

    July 19, 2011 at 12:40 am in reply to: I INVERTED!!!!

    Awesome! Sounds like you had the same morbid curiosity into elation as I did! But it sounds like you're a bit further than I am!

    Congrats! It's a wonderful feeling!

  • Runemist34

    July 19, 2011 at 12:36 am in reply to: Hardcore Pole Problem 🙁

    Hey hon, is "Hardcore" a brand name? I've never heard of this one, so I can't say if they're reputable or not! Do they have a website?

  • Runemist34

    July 18, 2011 at 3:26 pm in reply to: What’s on your pole playlist?

    I figured I would explain- Grooveshark is a website that you can use almost like a music player- you search up some music, and if they have it (which usually they do) you can add it to your playlist, listen to it, and share said list with other people.

    My thought was that, instead of downloading all of these songs, we could go on Grooveshark and listen to them all, and if we really like certain songs, we could download them, but the rest we could just play right off the website and not have to worry about computer space and such.

    It likely wouldn't work for those with very slow internet connections, or very old computers, but for those of us who can upload videos and compress them, I'm sure we'll do fine! 😉

  • Runemist34

    July 18, 2011 at 2:46 pm in reply to: What’s on your pole playlist?

    I had a thought…what if we had a Grooveshark playlist?

  • Runemist34

    July 18, 2011 at 12:31 pm in reply to: what to do for the august 2011 challenge?

    I've actually seen a few newer movies out about dancing, too! They have some good music in them.

    I could try the radio one…though I don't think I actually have a radio in my house 😛 I can see, though, if the stereo does radio!

    If not, maybe I'll just go to work and pick one 😉

  • Runemist34

    July 17, 2011 at 7:54 pm in reply to: She’s back…

    HI ROXY!!

    I was wondering what had happened to you! I came back a little while ago, too. I was off the pole for 8 months, just…because I didn't want to dance for a while. But now I'm back to it and doing well 😉

    I still need a tutorial for the Roxy spin! It still eludes me Oo;

    Glad to hear the surgery went well, and that you're recovering well!

  • Runemist34

    July 14, 2011 at 5:11 pm in reply to: Eyeliner Tips

    Interestingly, I'm actually allergic to eyeliner- it gives me horrible migraines, and trust me, I've tried every type and brand out there.

    So, I figured I'd tell you how I get the look without making myself feel like I'm gonna die!

    I use an angle brush, which is a wee little brush, and it's flat, and the end is cut at an angle! I get that wet, and get some black eyeshadow on it. It doesn't have to be too wet, or even wet at all, but I find I get a better line when I do it this way.

    Starting at the inside corner of my eye, I work my way out on the top. I usually can do half my eye without re-dipping my brush. I don't really line the bottom of my eyelid, because someone once told me it drew attention to the dark circles under my eyes! I never noticed, but I guess she could.

    Anyways, I've practiced this a long time, and sometimes still get it wrong! However, I find it goes on easier than using a pencil (the few times I've tried), and it's a bit easier to deal with than the liquid liner. Also, if you screw up, just use another brush and smudge till it's gone! Or, you could use remover or whatever.

    Good luck darling!

  • Runemist34

    July 14, 2011 at 3:46 pm in reply to: Lil Mynx X-Pole

    I really like my Lil minx pole. It doesn't spin or anything, it's just a plain stainless steel one, but it's been the only pole I've ever needed! Never had an issue with it coming down, or bending, or anything. Everything I could want in a pole (other than spinny- I didn't know that existed when I got my pole!), and nothing I don't!

  • Runemist34

    July 14, 2011 at 9:58 am in reply to: Improving a Basic Invert

    Thank you Dustbunny, and Vamp! I was excited to get it…and to be able to keep getting it a couple days after, because sometimes I lose things after I get them the first time! hehe.

    Also, Vamp…that sounds like QUITE the workout! I could see that helping control the inverts, certainly, as long as you don't strain too hard! I will give it a go, though. You never know, I might be stronger than I think I am! 😉

  • Runemist34

    July 13, 2011 at 9:16 pm in reply to: Being Beautiful on a Budget?

    I find that a lot to do with looking good is feeling good! If you’re confident, have good posture and take care of yourself, it does so much more than any makeup or manicure can give.
    That said, there are some things I skimp on, and others I don’t. I don’t on makeup; I love MAC, especially because my skin is so very sensitive. I rarely wear makeup, but when I do, that’s the stuff. Although, I’m allergic to expensive mascara (don’t as me why!) So I go cheap on that, and I can’t wear eyeliner, so I use eyeshadow and do it that way.
    I don’t buy very expensive body wash. I like stuff with shea butter in it, but I can pick up a bottle for $5. I don’t often wash my face with more than water, because it can get dry or worse.
    Diet is a big one. I’m having issues right now because I’ve been having too much milk, and I’m a little lactose intolerant. Drinking more water really helps!
    And, lastly, I don’t accept clothing that doesn’t fit me. As difficult as it may be, I insist on fit. Too small and youu look like a sausage, and too big and you look abnormally small. It should flatter your figure and be ina colour that looks good with your skin tone.
    Otherwise…I don’t do a lot! I do my own nails, get my hair cut every six months or so…and don’t overdo it! 🙂

  • Runemist34

    July 13, 2011 at 1:16 pm in reply to: bachelorette party help

    I'd say probably try to keep your feet on the ground- for a bachellorette party, you want to keep things simple! So, MAYBE the fireman spin, and stick with just some fun moves to do around the pole otherwise. You can also do a half-spin, because that one is fun and less frightening!

    So, focus on walking, leg hook moves, that kind of thing.

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