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  • Runemist34

    June 7, 2011 at 1:13 pm in reply to: Fallen off the wagon again…

    Chwenny, I will try that. Sounds a lot easier than trying to just jump right over!

    AerialMck, yees, a couple special somethings! Sometimes I open at work, and I have to be up for 8am (or sometimes even 7am), so going to bed at 4am just doesn't cut it! Also, my husband. He's the daytime songbird, so he likes me to be up when he's up…and since we both work, it's hard to see him anytime other than in the morning, and the evening.

    You make an interesting point…I have noticed that when I take breaks, when I come back, certain moves simply seem easier. I actually started hooping again, and before I couldn't get ANYTHING to work, and now I'm doing rather well! Seems to be a theme for me!

    And yes, I tried to make dancing my strength training…it worked for a bit, but I wanted to go a bit further with my lifts and trying to invert properly, so that's why I started the weights. Perhaps when I get into more of the inverted stuff and more strength-heavy things, I won't need them 😉

  • Runemist34

    June 6, 2011 at 10:43 am in reply to: Fallen off the wagon again…

    Hehe, Nymph, as much as the pill was effective in keeping me from having babies, I'm not on it…it was a contributor to my extreme hormonal changes, and my depression. 😉

    I don't know much about St Johns wort, so I may have to research it! I know about a lot of herbal remedies for things that I can't take, because they effect me too strongly. Such as Valerian root for sleeping…screws me up for like 24 hours, where with my husband or a friend of mine, they can take like twice the dose and be fine! I'm just weird like that.

    Bace16, I can see your point, but it's not often the frustration that causes me to get on with things. I was frustrated with being depressed, but that didn't stop me from doing it! I'm frustrated more because I can't figure out the cause for my swings in preference, as there doesn't seem to be a pattern, at least as far as I know. I'm also the heaviest I've ever been, but not the largest. And, besides that, saying that I'm the heaviest I've ever been isn't saying much! I was terribly thin all the way up till my puberty, and since then, I've been waiting for things to settle down!

    Miraine, yeah, we do sound alike! The lack of fun things, I noticed, in my dancing really gets me down. I don't really enjoy strength training or stretching (though I enjoy the effects!), but I enjoy the dancing itself, so I always try to put some dancing in there when I work out! And while I generally tend not to beat myself up too much on the single-day front, I do the opposite…"Oh, well, it's just one day, I'll be fine…" and then two days, three days, and before I know it, it's been a week or more!

    It's frustrating me more that I don't feel the passion for dancing all the tme. I'm not sure what makes that happen. I know that when I go back to it, I'm always very happy, excited to do it, even obsessed…I know I should stay away for at least a day to let my body rest, but I want to dance and be on that thing so much! And yet, now, I could care less. It doesn't make sense to me! I suppose I'll just have to power through it.

  • Runemist34

    June 5, 2011 at 4:42 pm in reply to: Fallen off the wagon again…

    Thanks JeHanne! You sound just like me on the eating thing. I forget, or I don't feel like it, or whatever…I tend to go "Oh, gee, you mean it's been THAT long since my last meal? How did that happen?" But these days, because my sleeping is back to being all silly, I end up just sleeping through what would be "breakfast" time, and most of lunch, and so I end up having one meal, and sometimes two.

    I try to have snacks around a lot, but I'm not terribly good at making them. I keep wanting to make salads and stuff to take to work, but end up not having the time to make them, or that kind of thing. Excuses, excuses, I suppose…salads aren't really that difficult.

    I know that for Pole, strength has been one of my bigger issues. I started taking up weights for much of my workout, and that seemed to be working well! My split grips were working out a lot better when I did that, too 😉

    That's why I get so frustrated…usually when I 'relapse' it's when I'm making some awesome progress, and then I have to work so hard to get back to it. I suppose 2 weeks isn't so bad, though…considering my last one was like 8 months!

  • Runemist34

    June 5, 2011 at 2:50 pm in reply to: Help with talk on Pole Dancing!

    Wow, sounds like a wonderful opportunity, and also very nerve-wracking!

    I would say that, if you're talking AT them, then go with the media-approach: Don't talk about the things that pole dancing ISN'T, but instead talk about what it IS. This might seem rather straightforward, but sometimes we like to make comparisons, such as "Well, you might think that this is only for strippers, but actually…" Unfortunately for most people, this still engages their imagination, and suddenly they're thinking about strippers, instead of what pole dance can be otherwise!

    If, however, you're doing more of a Q and A, then it's a bit more freeform; if they ask about the stripper thing, then answer it, straightforward and to the point.

    I don't really recommend just ignoring the fact that they WILL think of the sleazy, stripper-y aspect when they think of pole dancing…you can address it, either way. But I would just talk about it more matter-of-fact, like "Pole dancing has evolved in strip clubs, but it's now branched out, and become a form of fitness." Rather than trying to hide it.

    I'll point out here that I have the utmost respect for strippers, but I know that some people don't, so that's what I mean here.

    You could potentially talk about the empowerment aspect, how one can dance for oneself, instead of dancing for a partner or anyone else. It allows people to gain a sense of their body, what they may or may not be comfortable with, a sense of space and balance. It allows them to explore the subtle ideas of inner sexuality, rather than the ideas of sexuality as we see it between two people.

    And, I was going to say to do the dance at the end…but I kind of like doing it sort of in the middle! It lets them see how much strength it takes, and how beautiful you can be! 🙂

    Good luck with it! I hope it all goes well!

  • Horsecrazy, I've just heard about it being a factor in increasing the risk for problems. If you've been doing it for a while, and haven't had issues, I think you're probably fine! I know some ladies who, er, cannot clean theirs enough and don't shave, and the opposite, as in your case! I prefer a little…shrubbery in the lady garden, myself, and shave my legs. I shaved my arms only once in my life, and never did it again 😉

  • I don't know if this is relevant/already said, but I have heard that shaving or waxing the whole lady garden, so that there's no hair at all, can lead to many different health problems, including yeast infections. Unfortunately, that hair is down their for a really good reason!

    I've never had any problems with my lady business, besides HPV from my first (and only) ex boyfriend, who cheated on me. Yep. Got surgery and everything, and apparently I'm all cleared up 😉

    I hope you guys feel better soon!

  • I don't know if this is relevant/already said, but I have heard that shaving or waxing the whole lady garden, so that there's no hair at all, can lead to many different health problems, including yeast infections. Unfortunately, that hair is down their for a really good reason!

    I've never had any problems with my lady business, besides HPV from my first (and only) ex boyfriend, who cheated on me. Yep. Got surgery and everything, and apparently I'm all cleared up 😉

    I hope you guys feel better soon!

  • Runemist34

    May 24, 2011 at 9:03 pm in reply to: Finally doing a move but then can’t do it next time?

    Sometimes we tend to overanalyze our moves. When you're a beginner and haven't done it before, you sometimes just jump in to see what it was like, and often, you don't know what to expect, so you can't really analyze it. And then, once you've done it once, you try to "improve" forcefully, by thinking about your experience.

    My advice? Just try it again, without trying to improve, without the expectation, if you can manage it. Even if you don't quite get it, you will at least be closer!

    Also, if you feel comfortable doing it, we can always help you on video! Most of the people here are very visual, so if you put up a video, we'll give you a hand!

    Also, congrats on the pole sit! That was a big one for me! 🙂

  • Runemist34

    May 24, 2011 at 4:23 pm in reply to: Vote for Charley

    Voted! Yay!

  • Runemist34

    May 23, 2011 at 2:50 am in reply to: Free hand, what do you do?

    I tried some stuff with arm movement the other day, and found it rather fun! Also very involved, for me, but I'm sure it'll come in time! I am having some troubles with spins, though, as I tend to "be ready" just in case, if I'm doing a one-handed spin, or else I'm doing a two handed spin, and I'm not sure how to gracefully get into the spin with my hand.

    Also, how about arm movements with a bit more speed? I love the slow stuff, but I always wonder about different styles! Perhaps I'll have to check some out 😉

  • Runemist34

    May 19, 2011 at 8:20 pm in reply to: When You Video…

    I usually don't like to video myself (though I've been trying!) because I always think "Oh god I look huge!" And, in particular, my rear. It's not like "Dat ass!" kind of thing, it's a bit more like "Lookit it! It's HUGE!" And then I don't want to EVER wiggle myself or do anything else. Just try to minimize the look…though, I will admit, my rear is one of my husbands favourite parts of me 😛

    And, it's never going away. I have big hips, and thus big rear and thundering thighs, so…that's the way it is.

    Anyways, I also generally judge myself against other people, so I'm always looking at the flaws in my moves, the fact that there seems to be a long of hanging off the pole, not much for lifting or prettiness, in my mind. However, I do this with pretty much all my artistic endeavours, and end up disappointed every time…because I judge myself against the best, whether I am in their league or not. I'm aware of it now, so I'm just trying to judge myself against myself, instead.

    However, some things really surprise me for the better when I watch myself dance. It always surprises me how much fun I have, or how nice my feet look, or how much stronger I've gotten since the last time I watched my own dancing! I often like my little improvisations, and move combos that I suddenly come up with, too!

  • Runemist34

    May 19, 2011 at 3:36 pm in reply to: Vote for me in a pinup contest please!

    Hey YES! I LOVE pinup! I totally voted for you!

    And I would peruse the other pictures, but unfortunately facebook is having a hissy fit right now, so I'm gonna check 'em later!

  • Runemist34

    May 19, 2011 at 12:06 am in reply to: how long

    Heeey, this is kinda fun!

    So, I have a comment on the art of the Tease. Burlesque is ALL about the teasing! And also the funny, and the social commentary…but it starts and ends with the tease! How many ways can you tease with a corset on? 😉

    it's curious, I've heard stories of women who would tease everything off but their knee- or thigh-high socks, and every single person in the room, in the end, wanted to see those socks come off! It didn't matter what else happened…if those socks didn't come off, they'd have blue balls for those legs! It's all about how you work it!

    So, here's the thing…don't stick it in his face. Give it to him a little at a time. It's not like "Here's my chest!" *shove* but a little more like, "Oh, did you want that? Weeeelll…maybe, maybe not!"

    Good example…my first (and only) burlesque show, I had a corset on that was zippered in the front. I'd removed my gloves, and my skirt, and was down to corset, panties, shoes and thigh-high stockings. The corset was next, so what did I do? I unzipped it, just a few inches. I looked around the audience, and then quickly zipped it back up! I did a little strutting, and then tried them again. I got a bit more of a response this time, but still zipped it back up! You should have heard the disappointed sound 😛 And then, the third time, I unzipped, they went crazy, and I turned around to take it off! And then quickly covered myself with a boa. Lol, whether or not they were interested in seeing my boobs, by the end, I had them wanting to see!

    So, it's not really a stick-it-in-your-face thing, but more…mix it up, have fun with it, see if you can draw out some response. This sort of thing is supposed to be fun for both parties!

  • Runemist34

    May 18, 2011 at 11:31 pm in reply to: Free hand, what do you do?

    Ahh, Phoenix, you're so nice! I LOVED your video, by the way, it was beautiful! I really liked your thought on "your arms as an extension of your back." You're so expressive with your dancing, it was great to watch!

    And, if you want to put up more with spins and pirouettes, I'm all for that, too! 😀

  • Runemist34

    May 18, 2011 at 6:16 pm in reply to: losing weight and three meals a day

    Personally, I may not be the best to ask about "dieting," but I know this: More meals, smaller portions, more frequently keeps your stomach happy, and your moods stable. Seriously, it works.

    There's something my mom's done, as well as both my inlaws, and they all seem to think it's wonderful, and it's worked for all of them in the weight-loss arena. It's called the G.I. Diet, or the Glycemic Index diet. You don't necessarily need to avoid certain foods or take out the treats you love, but change when you eat and how you do it. There's a book on it, if you're interested!

    Otherwise, make sure you ARE eating, and drinking a lot of water. Our bodies often expect us to get a lot of water from the food we eat, such as from fruits and vegetables, and often, we don't. Many of us are far more dehydrated than we think! So, drink water. You could even see about drinking a big glass of water if you feel hungry, and waiting a little bit to see if the hunger leaves (which means you were actually thirsty), but if you're still hungry, then you eat!


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