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  • Runemist34

    March 18, 2011 at 11:11 pm in reply to: Complements and Confidence

    Thanks ladies 🙂 I appreciate the support!

    Dustbunny, how does one think so well of oneself, without…um…appearing to judge others? To say "Yeah, I'm great!" and not make others think that you think you're better? I know that seems a little weird…

    How do you not get bogged down with all the "shoulds" and "should nots" of society and people, and yourself? These things usually drag me down pretty hard, too. If I don't "meet standards" in something, then obviously I'm not that good, right? How do you separate these kinds of things?

  • Runemist34

    March 17, 2011 at 10:02 pm in reply to: Whooaa Crazy!!

    Wow, some impressive stuff! I think some of us (who have that level of strength!) could learn a little bit from the chinese pole artists 😉

  • Runemist34

    March 15, 2011 at 11:59 am in reply to: Weird grip question!

    Cinara: Thanks Sometimes I wonder if this is supposed to be hard, or if I'm just doing it wrong!

    Pink Bubbles: It's actually funny, it's more when I'm facing the pole that I go really slow, but with something like the chair spin, I go fast enough! 

    Usually when I'm doing the split grip, I'm not quite strong enough to totally pull with my top arm. It is entirely possible that I'm just not strong enough, but…well, I don't know how to GET strong enough without doing it! I try to pull, yes, but…it's often that my hands slide a LOT. I always feel like if I didn't slide, I'd be able to do the hold for at least a few seconds! I'm not a sweaty person, I keep everything clean…so, that's kind of the issue 🙁

  • Runemist34

    March 14, 2011 at 2:49 pm in reply to: burlesque name

    Jenny, I totally understand where you're coming from! Husband and I are both students, and BC has some…issues…around post secondary education. Currently, the faculty (as in, the academic teachers) union is on strike, because the school won't tell anyone why they're cutting so many classes, and cutting in certain areas. *sigh* So, that makes me a poor student without any school to go to!

    Some of my very favourite burlesque stars to watch (if you're interested): Michelle Lamour, Dirty Martini, Renea La Roux, and if you're into Boylesque, Tigger! (with the exclamation point, too!)

    Hopefully you can get those classes come fall! They're super lots of fun!

    OOhh, and also, there's a book out by Jo Weldon (her burlesque name is Jo Boobs) called "The Burlesque Handbook," and it's got SO MUCH good stuff in it! Boa tricks, how to spin your tassels, feather fans, taking off a few articles of clothing…it's great. Mostly it's the stuff she teaches her classes in person, and with so many people on stage by the time they're done, they can't really move around the stage, so most of the stuff in the book is "stationery," as in she doesn't tell you to walk around or anything…but you can! It even talks about costuming!

    Good luck!

  • Runemist34

    March 13, 2011 at 11:25 pm in reply to: burlesque name

    Hehe, Reenie, that's super duper nice of you to offer, but I don't think we can do it for this one 😉 Money is REALLY tight right now…we're moving to Vic, and Husband's work sort of cut his hours…a lot! But, I'll let him know that your offer is there, and see what he thinks!

    I've got a friend who did a performance at one of the Kitty nights a bit ago, I think I told you about that 😉

  • Runemist34

    March 13, 2011 at 11:00 pm in reply to: burlesque name

    Nope, it was normal burlesque…just plus a drag queen, doin' his/her thang.

    As I said, they were all very catty, and really, I don't talk to them anymore. If they can't be polite to people like their pickup girl, then I don't want to associate with them anymore! 😛

    Oh man, I would love to see some more burlesque, though! I'm hoping once I move, I'll get to see more!

  • Runemist34

    March 13, 2011 at 8:15 pm in reply to: burlesque name

    Haha, Reenie, that's totally true. At least at my debut show, we didn't have any cattyness! I did pickup for one show…oh man. Drag queens AND burlesque dancers? Not a good mix, let me tell you!


  • Runemist34

    March 13, 2011 at 5:33 pm in reply to: burlesque name

    I actually found my burlesque name after a very long time. I'm very pick with names, and for a little while, I was Vivienne DeMilo, but I didn't like it. Too long, and it made me think of someone prissy and stuck up (though, apparently, that's just me!) And, well, I had no idea how to make that name work for burlesque!

    So, after much searching, discussions with the husband, and some silliness, I came up with Patricia Wiggles. Patricia, from the song "Patricia the Stripper," and Wiggles, because…that's what I do

    I think that, if someone has the same name and is a dancer of some kind, probably best to stay away from it. 

    The trick I was told was to come up with a character, the person you will be on stage: Is she from a certain era? Is she silly, sexy, cute, or something else? Are you meaning to "say something" with your burlesque, such as cultural commentary (which is very popular, and a big reason why burlesque exists), or would you prefer to be a straight up dancer of the style? I've seen ladies of both styles, and they are wonderful!

    You could even go with a theme, if you want to. Such as, you mentioned you have green eyes: why not, if you want to play it up, find a tonne of synonyms for "green"? Or if you wanted to go the jewel route, I'm sure you could find thousands of beautiful gemstones to use! 

    Personally, I'm a big fan of the cheesier names, such as the big star here on the island, Miss Rosie Bitts. She wears a lot of roses and such, she's so cute, and at the same time, definitely knows what she's doing!

    Good luck!

  • Runemist34

    March 13, 2011 at 2:59 pm in reply to: Got one of my dream moves!

    Awesome! I love hearing about people get their dreams! Yours looks strong and perfect!

  • Runemist34

    March 11, 2011 at 12:59 pm in reply to: NuvaRing

    Chem: If my cramps increase any more, I might die Sometimes they get so bad I can't even move. My doctor's just like "Not much we can do *shrug*"

    Also, my mom had an IUD a long time ago (before me, obviously) and she had bad times with it. It moved…twice! And, well, those things make me a little leery

    But thank you for telling me! I might check it out

  • Runemist34

    March 11, 2011 at 2:35 am in reply to: Help me in so many ways? lol


    Trust me, all of these things are normal when you're just starting out!

    Since you've been at this for a month…are you taking lessons of any kind, or just working on your own from what you see online? Either way, you can get some decent dancing going (though it tends to be somewhat safer to have some sort of lesson).

    The sweat issue can be resolved a few ways. I know that there have been a few dancers here that have had this issue, and we've talked about a lot of things. I remember one saying that distilled white vinegar (I believe??) diluted with water really helps both with the pole and your hands. Personally, I wash or keep a damp cloth around, but I don't get THAT sweaty! 

    Shoes I think is a matter of personal preference. If you're wearing really tall platform heels with open toes, you don't have to go as far as putting your toes to the ground to slide, you can always just slide the tip of your shoes instead. Otherwise, I find many of us dance barefoot for some time, then get shoes and practice in those…but I've heard it all go either way. Like I said, personal preference: You like wearing the shoes and feel safe in them, go for it! If not, then barefoot, and practice with the shoes a bit till you're ready to dance!

    Thighs: I have me some thicker thighs, too. Most of my body fat is around the middle (boobs notwithstanding!) so I have far more fat on my thighs than most other places. I find that, actually, this helps me, as long as I get everything placed correctly! It's gonna hurt, trust me! Just remember to try to turn your knees in toward the pole…sitting, legs straight, anytime! And, you can even tilt your hips when in a pole sit, and it'll give you extra anchorage!

    Otherwise, don't try to rush things. Take it slow, and make sure you're comfortable with everything you try to do, rather than taking the risk and injuring yourself!

  • Runemist34

    March 11, 2011 at 2:24 am in reply to: NuvaRing

    I forgot to add something!

    Generally, as far as I know, any BC says "you could gain weight!" as a side effect. 

    And, um, when I came off the BC, I had been taking it for about 5ish years. I gained weight AFTER coming off it…and, well, it was all in my bra. Yay.

  • Runemist34

    March 11, 2011 at 2:20 am in reply to: NuvaRing

    I got off BC because it was a huge factor in making me depressed, and I must say…I'm much happier without it. Yes, I have to find other methods of BC other than hormonal, but I think it's worth it in the long run.

    I would try the Nuvaring…but…well, I have this issue with my fingers not being able to…get to the end of the "tunnel"? This is also why I can't use things like sponges, cervical caps and so forth! It's really frustrating.

    One fun fact: I've known someone who went on the Nuvaring, and if you'll forgive my being very frank, she wasn't able to have an orgasm as well. You see, the biological point to female orgasm is to drop the cervix down lower (as far as I know!) and allow it to receive better. Thus, if there's something in the way, I would logically surmise that it would decrease your ability to orgasm. 

    However, this is just what I heard from a friend and her experience! I've not had it myself (for aforementioned issues!). It's interesting to hear everyone's reviews on it!

  • Runemist34

    March 10, 2011 at 2:19 pm in reply to: twitter? post yours

    I'm at!/Runemist34

    I don't usually use Twitter, but I'm trying. Generally my thing is Facecrack. 😛

  • Runemist34

    March 9, 2011 at 7:48 pm in reply to: is there something wrong with me?

    Oh goodness, there is NOTHING wrong with you!

    As you can see here, there are LOTS of people who started out just the same!

    Don't get discouraged because you see so many people doing aerial tricks and spins…there is so much more to work on than that. Heck, I just had a great dance session yesterday…I was feeling lazy, so I did probably about three spins in the whole time? I did everything else I could think of! It was a lot of fun, and is STILL considered pole dancing

    Everyone has their own journey to go through, and we all start at different levels with different challenges. One of my biggest ones is being upside down; it terrifies me! But, I've been working on it a while…just inching my shoulders up to the pole and putting my legs on it does help.

    My recommendation for working into spins: Try the half spin first. Veena has a great lesson for it, and lots of other dancers make this move beautiful, too! 

    Otherwise, just be patient. You don't have to spin yet. Work on other stuff you like, and even stuff you may not like as much! Relax, and have fun! That's what it's all about!

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