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  • Runemist34

    March 9, 2011 at 7:41 pm in reply to: Thigh Grip

    Sometimes it's as simple as squeezing harder with your legs, and trying to turn your knees in toward each other!

    Can you do a pole sit? A Cross ankle or Cross knee release? Sometimes these things will help teach you what you didn't know about thigh holds, too!

    Keep trying, and don't worry! We all have these kinds of issues!

  • Runemist34

    March 9, 2011 at 2:34 pm in reply to: Toes and feet

    @ Nymphdancer….I'm so jealous. I love horses, but around here, it's hard to get near them very much unless you're rich! Or have family with horses 😛

    Pointed feet are pretty natural to me, and I don't know why. I practically have ballet feet when I point. So, I try to point them when I dance, and I sometimes succeed, and sometimes I'm so distracted by the actual dancing that I forget!

    I think that this is just one of those things…some people get it naturally, some cannot, and some simply cannot achieve it at all, ever. 

    Like Veena said, as long as we're all enjoying ourselves, it doesn't matter that much. Some of us are here just for ourselves, and we post videos because we like to share sometimes. That doesn't mean we're dancing for everyone else, and as long as everyone is having fun and is happy, why not just let the feet go?

  • Runemist34

    March 7, 2011 at 8:11 pm in reply to: Remembering Floorwork??

    I find that it does take time to get used to, and integrate, new moves into your workout/routine. Given some time and some repetition, you'll find they come a little more naturally.

    I tend to have this issue when dealing with all moves, even pole moves, so I have to make up tricks for myself. Things like writing them down on something, and then going back to check it to make sure I've got all of my intended moves done before I cool down. Or, making up a routine would help…work into it slowly, check your notes often, and practice through over and over. You'll get it!

  • Runemist34

    March 7, 2011 at 7:32 pm in reply to: to firm the butt?

    There is no way to "spot reduce" fat on a certain area. You can do crunches all your life, and still have fat on your stomach…likewise, you want work that ass as much as you want, but may still have fat there, too!

    But, I agree with the ladies here. If you're looking to gain some harder muscle there, then all of these exercises would work, I'm sure. You could also try pole squats from Veena's lessons, as I find they work out my rear rather well!

  • Runemist34

    March 7, 2011 at 1:09 pm in reply to: Which arm/hand to use?

    I get that too, Nancypants! I do a split grip on my left hand from facing the pole, and it kinda hurt for a bit…I've had to pay attention and make very sure that I had everything in the right position. Even then, if your right is your dominant hand, I think it would naturally start out stronger than your left, so…give it time!

  • Runemist34

    March 7, 2011 at 1:19 am in reply to: Which arm/hand to use?

    Normally, I find that I start off on my dominant hand on top (which is also my right hand), and then practice with my left, in order to achieve balance.

    I've noticed that I overanalyze when I use my right hand, and the left side just seems to get it. I think I'm weird! 

    And I totally understand really analyzing moves, and possibly psyching yourself out…best way for me to stop is to try something else…something easier, or maybe a move I already know. Do a little freestyle dancing, relax, get back into what your body is doing, rather than what your head is doing!

    And have fun!

  • Runemist34

    March 6, 2011 at 2:19 pm in reply to: weird question…

    Well, being that it's the strip clubs that Pole originated, I would imagine that there are strippers out there that can do just as much as any of us, they just take their clothes off while they do it…and that's hard!

    I've seen a "pole dancing" contest here in my town, and it was for women who took their clothes off. I have nothing against nudity…I went, I had fun, it was loud and rowdy too. That was the first time I saw a woman walk upside down on the ceiling. She was amazing.

    So, yes, I'm positive that there are strippers that pole dance the way we think of pole dancing, and I also think there are some who just use the pole in lesser ways; a few spins, maybe just some body rolls and gyrations. That's why we have such things in non-strip pole dancing, too!

  • Runemist34

    March 6, 2011 at 1:42 pm in reply to: Good flexibility regime?

    Yay, shower stretchers!

    Hazeldej: I know how you feel. I tried doing a splits stretch once in the shower…I both didn't fit, and gave myself a cramp because my leg was like "wtf do you think you're doing?!" So, I understand! 

    I never thought of yoga poses in the shower, though! That would be cool. I'll have to go through my yoga book and pick some out…

  • Runemist34

    March 6, 2011 at 1:36 am in reply to: I have lost 7 inches with Pole!!!

    I'm so happy to hear that you're all happy with yourselves! It's quite an achievement! 

    I don't measure anything on my body unless I have to (such as my boobs!), so I don't really know if I've lost or gained weight or inches…I don't even own a scale

    However, I've noticed a lot more strength, and a LOT more flexibility, particularly in my legs! My hamstrings used to be SO TIGHT, and now…I can almost touch my toes! I've NEVER been able to do that!

  • Runemist34

    March 6, 2011 at 1:32 am in reply to: Who is your pole idol?

    I like watching amateurs! If I watch the "good ones" too much, I find it all seems to blend together…transitions and moves become less dynamic when the dancer is so good at them! So, amateurs really have to work to make their dance amazing, and they put a lot of creativity into it. Instead of having already developed both the strength and flexibility, people are showcasing what they've got going the best, and working around the rest of it!

    That said, I like Felix's performances. Her freestyle is good, too, but her performances seem to be where she shines best for me!

    Also, Gingercake, did you say guys are saying women with short hair "isn't a woman"?? What kinds of guys are these, and can I kick them in their nethers? Not a woman, indeed! I like my short hair!

  • Runemist34

    March 6, 2011 at 1:25 am in reply to: Good flexibility regime?

    Hey there girls 🙂 Yes, you do need to be warm to do stretching…muscles, as Veena said, are like cheese: they crumble easily when they're cold, and they stretch when they're warm! It's far easier to injure yourself from stretching when you are cold.

    You could take a nice hot shower, or whatever you like, as long as you feel nice and warm when you're stretching!

    As for things to do…while I love Yoga, and the idea of it, I don't really feel that I have the time. Perhaps one day I will work on it when I have a little better of an understanding about my time, but for now…I'm just plain old stretching when I work out!

    The most improvement I've seen is in my hamstrings, which I've been stretching almost every day, IN the shower. Put my leg up on the back part of the bathtub, and just lean over it, slowly. I'm warm from the shower, the tub wall is a good height for me, and…well, it just worked!

    Otherwise, you can look up all kinds of stretches online, and just work them into your normal routine. It doesn't have to be anything fancy…just something to get the job done, if that's what you want!

    Also, Veena has some stretches on here, and they seem good. 🙂

  • Runemist34

    March 5, 2011 at 11:31 pm in reply to: Cats and pole dancers….connection? hehe

    Haha, well, I can't say I'm any exception! I have a cat, he's…very active, and likes to try to ask me for attention while I dance. Perhaps he thinks I'm doing too much, and should instead be relaxing with him? lol! He doesn't try to climb the pole, but he likes to lay down on his side and stretch out like a dancer when I'm dancing.

  • Runemist34

    March 3, 2011 at 1:36 pm in reply to: looking after your pole

    I leave mine up. Rule is that no rings or metal bits are used with the pole (to the best of my ability, I keep that rule going…some people forget, or cannot take their rings off, and such), and I clean it with windex. I've heard Windex leaves residue, so water is cool, too, and just rubbing it down dry works. 

    I've got a stainless steel (I think!) Lil' Minx pole, so there are no spinning bits or whatever.

  • Runemist34

    March 2, 2011 at 9:08 pm in reply to: cellulite

    Veena, having watched LOTS of your lessons, I have to say…I never noticed any cellulite on you at all! Just beautiful, shapely legs and nice skin!

    I've always been an advocate of learning to love yourself just the way you are, instead of spending so much money and time on trying to change it. I'm still learning, but that's my goal!

  • Runemist34

    March 2, 2011 at 4:29 pm in reply to: 2011 March Challenge

    Finreah, I also just went through an old box…and found the oldest music I've ever seen! Oh goodness!

    All saints, Aqua, The Spice Girls, C&C Music factory, TLC, The Backstreet boys (Oh god, Ace of base…

    Was I an 80's child? I think I was…

    Gotta find something I can dance to!

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