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MemberFebruary 24, 2011 at 3:04 pm in reply to: Do you have a move that you’ve had to just throw in the towel on?^
That's the only cradle I know of, too! And it drives me crraaaazzyyyy! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_eek.gif
Hey! That sounds like a cool idea, actually. I've got a Tumblr already, so it would be relatively easy to add another blog to it!
Here you go!
Currently, there isn't anything up…but there will be! I'll put up some snazzy pictures if I can get Husband to cooperate 😉
To be perfectly honest, I like both Jamilla and Polepeople. I find Jamilla really goes in depth into her moves, and I like that a lot, because sometimes that's what I need. However, I found her warm ups and cool downs to be brutal! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_rambo.gif I was halfway sick and shaking bad by the time I was done! I'm totally not ready for that kind of hardcore!
However, I really did like the Polepeople DVD's for their warm ups, and such. They're easier and fun, so I felt happier and well warmed by the end of it. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif
I say to each their own https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_wink.gif
Hey there!
While I may not be a parent, I have a few thoughts on this, and I figured I would share.First of all, for your young children, I don't really think it will be much of an issue. While they grow up, our industry is gaining more and more recognition as a fitness endeavour and a sport, so you'll seem suddenly progressive and cool. If they want to do spins on the jungle gyms at school, I'm betting a bunch of other kids will want to know how!
Secondly, I'll tell you this: I have a friend, who is a mom, and a big star for Burlesque here on the island. She gets almost naked on stage. She dances with a ton of makup on, with boas and that honky horn music on the stereo, ALL THE TIME. This is her career. She has a teenaged son.
Her son, as far as I am aware, has no issue with her dancing. In fact, he gets a lot of people's (read, Girls) attention at school for the fact that he can spin tassels on his nipples with the best of us. He went on video once pretending to be his mom…and it was awesome, and hilarious! He's a great guy, and I think that, if he gets any flack for what his mom does, he just brushes it off…and the ladies like him, so I think that helps ;P
There are lots of pole dance moms on here, including Veena herself! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_flower.gif
MemberFebruary 22, 2011 at 8:33 pm in reply to: Do you have a move that you’ve had to just throw in the towel on?I have this issue all the time! I have to make a really specific point to just dance and have fun every time I get down to having a pole session, because if I didn't, all I would do was strength training, stretching, and a teeny bit of cardio! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_confused.gif
My bane-of-my-dancing move? The cradle spin. Augh! I've worked on this spin for SO LONG, but of course, every time I take a break, that means I've lost a lot of muscle, and I can't even achieve the lift to do it. So, now I'm working on it again…and I anticipate that it will take me a long time. But, I'm okay with that, because I still get to have fun!https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif
Awesome! I remember how wonderful it was to be able to say "I finished my class! And I learned lots!" https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_flower.gif
Now, on to the next one, eh? https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_rambo.gif As long as you're always having fun!
MemberFebruary 22, 2011 at 2:57 pm in reply to: Pole instructor audition…at a strip club??????I totally agree with the above…if it doesn't feel right, then do everything you can to make it feel better! We don't want anything happening to you!
I would call (or e-mail) her back and ask why she's holding those kinds of things at a strip club, and perhaps discuss the logistics of what they want. Do they want someone who can get that kind of crowd going? Do they want someone who can teach pole? Do they just not have their poles up and found a place that would allow them to "rent" for free?
See if you can deal with this with a level head (although I know this is freaky!) and see if you can be optimistic…maybe it's something totally innocent. And, maybe the bar won't even be open while you're dancing? https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_safesex.gif Take care, and let us know what happens, eh?
Chem…really? Are you SURE she's not some kind of 6foot tall woman? She sure seems like it!https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_surprised.gif Perhaps it's just her posture and body proportions that threw me, then https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_confused.gif
Oooh, Pavi, your name is awesome! If you go with "Captain Jarosh!" Sure, it might sound a bit like a guy…but having a Captain in there, that's just…just…umm, the bees knees! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_confused.gif I can't come up with a way of describing how great that was. Hehe.
Perhaps I shall find as many name-maker-upper's as possible, and put them here…we can all give 'em a go!https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_flower.gif
MemberFebruary 21, 2011 at 1:49 am in reply to: O.K. so I got my new pole, but mow I’m nervous about it.Hey hon, what kind of pole is it?
I can totally understand being nervous! I've actually felt that way a lot, even now, and it's a couple years later! Sometimes you just walk up to the pole and give it the sideways eye like "Are you sure?"
You will get used to it. Baby steps, and be kind to yourself. I may not be quite "plus size," but I'm larger than the social norm…and if you see a little jiggle in places, don't be scared! I tell ya…the guys love it https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif
I understand your curiosity, and your possible frustration…how can she do that? How does someone build up that kind of strength? Why can't I do that?
I've spent a long time looking up to people like this, so I'll warn you now: Set achievable goals for yourself, and don't just say "I want to be just like _____!" Because it may not be possible for you. On the flipside, you might be WAY better at something else that they aren't good at!
As for that video in particular, keep in mind she's a very tall person; she's got long arms and a long torso, so there may be some optical illusion there! She might look a lot farther away for someone with shorter arms, but for the way she's built, that might just be normal!
As for the one armed thing…just working on what you've got going on now. As Kobajo84 said, some of these people have been dancing for their whole lives (various kinds of dance, too) so they may already have the strength to build upon, whereas we may not.
Keep doing what you're doing now. If you feel you are progressing At All, then you are going toward that mark. Having a large repertoire will allow you to have an even and balanced set of muscles to keep yourself going, and to achieve what you want to. 🙂
MemberFebruary 20, 2011 at 10:02 pm in reply to: Do you tell other people that you pole dance?Everyone in my life knows. Hell, I brag about it all the time! I've had classmates go "YOU do WHAT?" as if I'm some kind of innocent. I've been married for two years! Goodness Oo;
Most people around here, surprisingly, don't really equate pole dance and stripping. It's funny, because I always say my town is full of truck-driving MANLY MEN, and their wives. It's a very…interesting topic for me. I love having people over and saying "Yep, that's my pole!"
I don't care if people refer to it as Pole dancing, or hearing "stripper pole," because that's what people understand these things as. However, they also understand that I'm not gettin' naked, and even if I was, it doesn't matter! I'm not showing them, I'm not in a club, and my husband is the only one that gets to see…and very rarely, I might add.
On the flip side, it's not that I don't understand. I rarely talk about my burlesque adventures. I'm very…cautious about who gets to know about that stuff. Burlesque actually involves gettin' naked in front of people, and a lot of people have some CRAZAY ideas as to what it is, so I'm loathe to think what others might think of me because of that.
As for your situation, Hollysatine, I think perhaps you could talk to your mum about it? Tell her how it makes you feel to be keeping this from your dad, and perhaps talk about what she's afraid of. It seems to be important to both of you, so I think it would probably be beneficial.https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif
That's amazing! I don't mind being pickled a little bit when I dance…Vinegar doesn't smell bad for me, it just tastes funny!
I'll have to try this out! I don't have a super harsh time with sweaty hands…but summer is coming up!
Peaceloveblonde, I apologize if I made you uncomfortable. I don't enjoy the idea of people assuming, so I got a little…upset. This is a big thing in my circle of friends, and so it kind of became a big thing in my life.
I suppose I just fear that it'd be the same as…well, most things I see on the internet. I'm fine with a little bit of one word answers, you know…"Awesome!" when people get a move, or whatever, but I would rather get that than "Like!" However, as I can see with most of the other forums I visit, the art sites, and even my online University Poetry class is just "Like!" and that's all I get.
I may have overreacted, so I'm sorry.