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Sanchara, um…that's totally not why I don't like facebook…
I don't like facebook because I don't enjoy the idea of reducing our social interactions with other human beings down to the simple act of going onto one website and checking everyone's statuses. I don't like the idea that if you're "not on facebook" then you're barely considered worth contacting, and that's only if your friends have bothered to notice you're missing. I don't like the fact that we've distilled it down so far that people will not speak with others in person, but they will on facebook.
And I don't like the idea of a "Like" button because I don't think a complex opinion should be shortened down like that. Rather than "Yes, I completely agree, I think this statement is correct because…" we put it down to "like." It takes away accountability and interaction, and…well, that's why I'm here. I'm here to interact.
Hopefully that's understandable.
MemberFebruary 19, 2011 at 10:57 pm in reply to: Fan legs…is this a flexibility problem?Hey Eagle,
I was having issues with this move for a long while! I totally don't have flexibility in my hamstrings, so I feel ya there!
Are your hips in front of the pole? That was my issue. So, when you step into your move, stick your hips forward, so your upper body is wrapped around the pole (shoulders behind, hips in front) and then lift. Your hips should be on the same side of the pole as your legs, in other words. This allows you to properly engage your muscles for the lifting action!
Good luck!
I've had this kind of thing before…randomly, during the summer, for a few summers in a row…I couldn't stop eating for three days. If I stopped, within an hour I felt like I was starving, and I would be on the verge of passing out.
My doctor suggested Thyroid issues, but also said that any medication he would give me would take 3 months to take on. That seemed silly, because it was only a few days I would have the issue.
As long as you can rule out something like…erm, eating disorders (touchy subject, I know) I would suggest trying what I did:
Be really careful about how and when you eat. It's important to pay attention to it. Your senses are what alert your stomach to the act of eating, so look at your food (instead of the television or whatever), smell it, take your time with it. Set yourself a routine. Generally, it's better to eat several small meals throughout the day, rather than just three (it keeps your blood sugar at an even keel, so you don't get swings where you feel freakishly hungry). Try to eat some protein, too, as it will help your stomach to feel full for longer.
I have never had that issue with the birth control pill, and the only reason I stopped was for mental health reasons (they contributed to my depression). The pill should NOT be causing miscarriages, because the hormones in your body prevent the egg from releasing, from attaching to the uterus, and all of that stuff.
Possibly check with your doctor.
And stop counting calories. Just stop. It causes all kinds of guilt and shit, and you don't need that. You've got a high metabolism and an active lifestyle (I assume), so you don't need to do it.
Not to be a party pooper, but I would rather keep everything as far away from facecrack as I possibly can.
Peaceloveblonde, while I can appreciate the drive to put pole dancing in the olympics for some, and I think they are perfectly entitled to ask and and try to get it to happen. However, I agree with others above; we need to be recognized as a sport, we need more representation within the sports field.
And, besides that, while I have nothing against the writers of this petition, but I think something that was more professional would gain us ground. Multiple question marks (particularly at the end) and comparison to BMX biking is not entirely a good way of showing our community as professional and adult.
Forgive me if I'm harsh, it's just that…well, if we don't make a good first impression, how are we to redeem that?
MemberFebruary 18, 2011 at 2:09 am in reply to: For sale or trade: Art of Pole Volumes 1 & 2Yay! I got mine yesterday, and I've checked out the first one. It looks really good to me! I'm gonna keep exploring, though 🙂
I'm totally happy that you're happy!
Meow Burger?!?! That's AMAZING. Like, it's not terribly sexy and stuff…it's just…amazing because it is. Yes, I know, I'm weird.
The trick for names coming from book characters and whatnot is that I read a lot of fantasy, and most people wouldn't know what the hell I'm on about…AND most female main characters, for some reason, are more…um, "innocent" or "bitchy," rather than sexy or fun or whatever. OR, they are "unattainable," like the elves in Lord of the Rings or whatever…totally a different race, totally unattainable, and thus…not sexy. So there isn't much to get from them! It kinda sucks.
And then, well, romance books, they're all perfect and sexy and whatnot, and they aren't very unique. It's a thing with romance, trust me, I don't know why it works…it just does.
Strangely, I like the name of Felix, though obviously I wouldn't be using it. It's so…soft, and exotic and fun. The sound of it makes me interested, and you can do so much with it! I don't know why I get this stuff from names…I just do 😛
I love you guys…I didn't really expect to get such a response! I love names and the mythology behind them. Hell, I love mythology too 😉
I'll keep you all posted!
Oh goodness, have I ever had an issue with this one!
I can totally relate. I've been on-and-off dancing for about two and a half years, probably coming up on three this summer. I've not gotten very far, because I keep getting to a certain point and stopping, usually after a period of "getting serious" about it.
I think it has to do with the way I view creativity and my own hobbies, whether I feel I can do something or not, how it all works. I'm a writer, and I had an unfortunate hiatus period of about 3 years. That's a long time!
So, these things happen. Be gentle with yourself. You will lose some of your muscle and stuff if you take a break, that's natural. Let yourself take some time, but if you get back to the habit, you might find it's easier next time, or your breaks are shorter.
To be honest, I'm just coming out of an 8 month pause! It really bothered me! But, for me, it was all about intention…I tend to be very introspective, I look for the reasons for my own behaviour within myself, because I think there MUST be an explanation!
Do what you do, and everything will come to you 🙂
Just wanted to say…Minicooper, I know how you feel. My proper name is Jayde, and the Y throws everyone off. It's pronounced as if the Y isn't there, but all of my professors and school teachers (Okay, not ALL of them) are like "Jay-EE-Dee??"
I still stick with my choices; watching some of your videos, you're really graceful and strong! I love that 🙂
I forgot to mention!
If you're going to be taking your name "Public" and making it your stage name, it was recommended to me when I was getting into Burlesque that you search your chosen name on Google and such, and see if anyone else has it. You don't want to be mistaken for someone else, and many people use their names as their advertisement and thus their career, and they will get VERY pissy if you jack "their" name!
Kiki: My name, if we went with first pet and first street I lived on (lets say, first street I remember living on!) is Dusty Barclay. Personally, not really sexy, but kinda funny 😛
I REALLY like Sammy Sexton and Copper Willys! More for their comedic value, but still…you girls could pull them off!
Ollie: I've heard of a million names and they're all pretty similar. I had to come up with my own Burlesque name, and it took me FOREVER. I had to wade through all of those, because there are so many Roxy's, and Kitties, and all kinds of things!
I'm somewhat interested in the idea of taking two characters you're particularly drawn to and mushing them together. Gives one a good sense of what they're going for, considering the character traits are already there.
For reference, my Burlesque name is Patricia (from the song "Patricia the Stripper") Wiggles. My husband and I came up with it. I was wiggling for him.
Generally, though, I think my Burlesque self and my Pole self are different, they come from different parts of me. I'll have to consider!
I actually started a thread about names in the last couple days, too 😉
I have a horrible problem with coming up with names. It really gets in the way, considering I'm a writer…but it also seems WAY easier to come up with names for places and people I'm writing about, rather than myself. It's far more daunting to try to encompass the complex creature that is "self" than a character I've made up on my own.
That said, I like your first option of Monroe, because I think it sounds nice. It's a bit obvious, but do you really need it to be totally secret?
Scarlett Blue makes me first think of purple, and then suspect that perhaps that person is very…indecisive? I don't know. It makes me think of the duality aspect, and I don't know if you're looking for that.
Jane…sounds, forgive me, but kind of plain.
Saoirse sounds really good, but I will warn you: The pronunciation will catch people up really bad. Some of us totally don't understand Irish/Scottish language and pronunciation, so it can be complicated when, say, you're being introduced to a new audience by a new person and they do "Um, Sa-o-irsee?"
Please keep in mind that these are all my own reactions, and in no way reflect the general public 😉 Sometimes I'm a bit abnormal to how I react to things!
I love pole names, so let us know what you finally decide, and why! 🙂
I agree with Chem: If your hair is dry, it can tangle a lot more than normal. I've seen a lot of people argue that they have oily hair because it gets oily fast at the top, and not at the bottom…this is a big sign that you may be washing much too often, or that the products you're using is drying your hair out a lot.
With long hair, it can be hard to control…mine is curly, and I once had it down to hip-length, and the weight of it made it wavy, rather than curly. I had to gather it up and twist it around just to keep it from flying everywhere anytime I went on or off the ferry from home.
However, my biggest recommendation is to not wash it often. I know it sounds gross. Trust me! I recently cut pretty much all my hair off, and I've stopped washing it more than…er, once a month? It sounds awful, but my hair is so happy! I get it wet in the shower, run my fingers through it, and I'm done. No problem.
Washing too often can lead to issues, so try cutting back. If you wash every second day, try going for once a week. If it's once a week…well, perhaps that isn't your issue, but maybe cut back a little, even then!
I have to deal with a tight space, too, especially considering I've got very long legs! I find that, if you can generally get your own leg length amount of space all the way around the pole, you're doing great!
Also, you don't have to have it that way all the time. Say, you put your pole next to a coffee table…well, why not move the table when you want to dance? If things get cluttered, you can clean up before dancing? You could even incorporate this into a nice little warm up!
MemberFebruary 14, 2011 at 9:14 pm in reply to: …is it possible that i physically can’t do the front/back splits?Though I'm not very well versed in flexibility training or bone structure, I have heard many times that some people simply cannot do the front splits. It has to do with the construction of the hips, I assume.
Are you noticing that your hips are not squared when you stretch for the splits? Can you square them at ANY point while trying to achieve that position, even when knees are bent? And lastly, what kind of feeling did you have when your friend tried to correct you? Was it a pulling in either your bum or the front of your hip? Or did it feel like something inside was shoving against something else, but there was no pain?
I tried to google it, but all I got were "How to do the front splits" and a bunch of other stupid stuff, and it wasn't very helpful. Perhaps some other people would know a little better than I.