Forum Replies Created

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  • Sabrina

    January 15, 2010 at 12:45 pm in reply to: Pink Glitter Ellies- 7" heel

    sold sold sold! I’m a size 7 and would love them, they are beautiful! I’m not sure I’m going to be able to be at the pole mixer this sat @ polepressure, going to try though. If you want to mail them, I’ll pay xtra for the shipping. Msg me if interested – they are seriously cute

  • Sabrina

    January 14, 2010 at 10:32 pm in reply to: Reverse Grab on Spining

    Thanks, Tamara!! I’m totally going to try this

  • Sabrina

    January 14, 2010 at 10:31 pm in reply to: Amsterdam

    We spent a couple of weeks in Amsterdam this past summer and it was AMAZING – didn’t do any poling three, but you will love LOVE it there – I am so jealous!! You have to let us know how it goes! You could always take your pole hehe

  • Sabrina

    January 13, 2010 at 9:17 pm in reply to: Power Moves????

    SM=Shoulder mount

  • Sabrina

    January 13, 2010 at 9:09 pm in reply to: Boyfriend does not like poledancing…?

    I see a big difference (and I’m sure others do, too) between BF not being interested b/c it’s a form of exercise vs being threatened by it.

    I know this is a generalization, but for BF/Husbands that feel threatened by the pole, I would take that as a pretty clear indicaiton of who he is as a person, at his core – and it most certainly translates into other areas of life – it’s all a matter of how you want to live your life and comes down to a simple question of "is he worth it?" I could not imagine being in a relationship like that; I would hate walking on eggshells and having it be my "job" to make him feel comfortable. I went through my fair share of that and the stress can shorten your life! Luckily (though it’s not all luck)I found a partner that is proud of me for who I am and encourages me to be who I am. Life is tough enough without having to worry about jealousy/insecurity.

  • Sabrina

    January 9, 2010 at 1:57 pm in reply to: big tricks vs. sexy moves

    What a great thread – it’s making me feel better – there are so many different things I think about the pole and then come here and someone else has been thinking about them, too! I don’t have any dance or gymnastics background (other than grammar school hehe) but I have naturally a good amount of upper body strength, so getting something like the butterfly isn’t difficult strength-wise, but more balance I’m going to try working on transitional moves and the advice to "just dance" with your pole for a couple of songs is so on point and really does work!! I might finally put up a video Thanks, ladies!

  • Sabrina

    January 4, 2010 at 4:55 pm in reply to: I miss you guys!

    You’re very very strong for enduring what you are, pushing through and not letting it get the best of you, even if it gets you down for a bit – GOOD ON YOU!!!! Do get back up on that pole – it’s the best.

    Come back for love and support – you never know who’s going to need you to cheer them up

  • Sabrina

    January 1, 2010 at 10:27 pm in reply to: Surgery complete!

    that’s great news!! speedy recovery!! When will we see the first one-footed cast and all Sissy video?

  • Sabrina

    December 18, 2009 at 5:00 pm in reply to: Final and Official Xmas Pole Jam Thread

    haha Am, you have DC’ers confused with the true Northeast – I’m DC born and bred, and a good driver, and I’m the first to admit that people in this area turn into boob-brains when there’s any type of weather – but, DC brain or not, a foot of snow is no joke! And I’m just concerned about DOT’s ability to keep roads clear. I’ve been SO looking forward to this, so it’s gonna be a game-time decision – we just have to hope for the best!!

  • Sabrina

    December 18, 2009 at 4:31 pm in reply to: Final and Official Xmas Pole Jam Thread

    I know – they’re calling for 3 inches by morning and a possible total of 12” by tomoorw afternoon. I’m a huge skeptic of the weather people in this area, they NEVER get it right, but htis one’s looking pretty serious – I’ll be really disappointed if we can’t do this, we’ll have to wait and see..

  • Sabrina

    December 16, 2009 at 8:07 pm in reply to: Final and Official Xmas Pole Jam Thread

    I’ve got a sexy santa costume, too! Can’t wait!

  • Sabrina

    December 4, 2009 at 9:56 pm in reply to: Joel is famous!!

    woo hoo!!! way to go Joel!!!

  • Sabrina

    November 23, 2009 at 5:00 pm in reply to: Hello from Norway — again!

    Welcome back! congrats on your sit!! That’s v impressive!!

  • Sabrina

    November 23, 2009 at 4:53 pm in reply to: I got a straight edge!


  • Sabrina

    November 23, 2009 at 4:08 pm in reply to: Final and Official Xmas Pole Jam Thread

    I totally forgot to put my friend’s name down!!! DUH! I am 99% sure she’s coming – but will confirm with her tonight, so please put her on the list, her name is Kristen!! Thanks!!

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