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CrazyKosters, I was thinking of "I Touch Myself" as one of my choices. Sooo cliche'!! It is actually Divinyls, though and not Blondie…I thought I was losing my mind for a minute. 🙂
MemberSeptember 2, 2013 at 1:53 pm in reply to: Has anyone had problems installing X-pole on 9′ ceileing?More than likely, your ceiling might be a smidge over 9'. That was the case with mine. I was not comfortable having the pole at it's maximum like that. I was also afraid it would cause warping after a while. I order the 500mm extension and used it in place of the 250mm that came with it.. It was perfect!! The 500mm extension is not at all expensive.
I think I have one!!
Count me in! I had my left leg front split last year. Maybe I'll get the right side!
It does. Amy is just a stickler and said that when we are far enough away from the pole, we are basically doing a free-stand forearm stand, which is what it should be. I would feel like I'm going to miss the pole too, but I didn't. I balanced and then leaned back into the pole. Of course, I don't have much of an ass, so I'm not so far away from the pole, haha! So, in other words, you should always be away from the pole, so your ass shouldn't get in the way. It's just what she said, but I've seen other pros grab the pole…It is impressive enough doing one free-stand!! xo
Feb, one tip that Poledanceromance gave me is to think about pulling you shoulders towards your ears. It helps with the shoulder alignment and keeps a lot of the pressure off of your mid-back.
As a middle aged woman, there could be lots of body hang-ups! I am proud of my shape, but there are a few things I wouldn't mind being different. I fell off my bicycle 2 years ago and I have a dent on the outside of my left thigh. Right smack dab in the middle. It always looks like a bruise in videos and pics. My elbows turn inward in a "Y" shape. They never, ever look straight and can be an issue with lots of tricks, as far as stability. I have the tummy rolls that come with age. No matter how much I weigh, they will be my constant companion. I work hard and eat as well as I can. I can accept these little things because I know I'm not sitting around on my ass!
Thanks, AF! I think going over is definitely one of my fears as well. A couple of things she passed on (probably nothing new, but they helped). First was not to put your hands around the base of the pole. You should be about 6-8 inches away. This is so you can get your hips stacked properly. Second, she had us pike up, and then just lift one knee up. Not extended or straddled, just a bent leg. Once we felt secure, we brought the other knee up. So you are in an upside down squat. This is easier to get into and helps you find your balance before straddling or straightening. I did start to tip back once, but I was close enough to the pole that it just kept me from going over. I plan on using this method to condition myself so I can go right into it eventually, and then hopefully to a free standing one! I did get my legs straight, and it was such an awesome feeling!
I always say that at least my obsession is with something that is keeping me healthy and happy. This is never bad. Be proud. Be very proud.
Yay, Danielle! I will be there all weekend as well! See you there. I'll be wearing my StudioVeena pin!
I also have VIP tickets! I'll keep an eye out for you!
What Chemmie said. Plus, it finally clicked for me when I concentrated on making sure I was REALLY leaned over to the side. Make sure your hips are turned towards the crossed leg. So, it's almost like your entire body is turned to the side, not just upper body. Also, really squeeze those thighs together. When you twist your body like this, you should be able to get your hand under you low enough, like Chem mentioned. Good luck and keep trying!
Welcome! You will love it here!